Abhi Barthakur's

Truth Machine !

Am I in an ILLUSION, that AEIOUmmmm ? Or You ALL are that, You are NOT !

Old MK Posted Stories

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by: mkadmin
2017-03-04 16:53:46 The REAL Jyoti Prasad Agarwala and his motive to Make FIRST assamese MOVIE JUST to destruct spirituality of hoja Asomiya People

   Jyoti prasad WAS on of the MOST SATANIC DEMONIC MINION destroying Assamese Spirituality, and we are NOW SUFFERING ...

Demonic Jyoti - the Lucifer...
by: mkadmin
2016-05-24 16:22:19 Kio Baru ? Kio baru, teoloke amak misa kotha koise ?

PDF is available, which I finished typing this afternoon - https://is.gd/ikEsA7

by: mkadmin
2016-04-12 18:20:54 Vedic Assamese School and Translation Service at Hillsborough Offering 2 times a week on Njforklift.com 's training location --- for adults and Childrens ( NOT kids) ...

   Guru Dakshina (Fee) could be very nominal or VERY HIGH, depending on student's interview.


We do not accept "KIDS" to our class room
- sorry satanist !

Class meets 2 times a week, morning and evening, weekdays and weekends !
by: mkadmin
2015-12-24 09:56:50 You are LIVING a LIE ! Everything is a LIE ! Your Banking system is a FRAUD, do you know what a "FRACTIONAL RESERVE" banking means ?
ALL WORLD Government do NOT WORK for you, THEY WORK FOR SATANIST BUSINESS PHONY ENTITIES , CHILD SACRIFICING ANDHAK ( DID YOU SEE IN Mahadev , WHO WAS Andhak ? ). GOVERNMENT ONLY put leash on your neck and drag you TO the enslavement camp of MATERIAL WORLD and they SHOW YOU the BLUE movies and NAKED WOMEN to KEEP YOU IN THE LIFE AND DEATH CYCLE, so that YOU get NO MOKSHA EVER AGAIN and BE A SLAVE to Mr. Andhak ( GO DO a research on Andhak - the son of Shiva born out of his sweat ) !

   HERE COMES YOUR BIGGEST LIE that Copernicus ( Open Circus ?) tricked you and NASA perfected it - that world is spinning ball.

You Have been LIED to for 500 YEARS - EARTH IS FLAT !!

Notice When we fly from NY/NJ TO LONDON, we NEVER FLY EAST, but instead WE ALWAYS FLY NORTH, OVER BOSTON, OVER HALIFAX, Newfoundland CANADA.

Also watch another SOLID PROOF from Eric Dubey http://youtu.be/h5i_iDyUTCg
FLY from Perth ( PER), australia to Johensberg, South Africa (JNB) UNDER 15 HOURS !! and come back to me that you made the flight under 15 hours --- AGAIN your ONE WAY ticket is PER- JNB or JNB - PER. See if you can complete on a commercial airline Non stop as shown in google :: https://www.google.com/flights/#search;f=JNB;t=PER;q=jnb+perth;d=2015-12-22;r=2015-12-26 as shown in google:

DID YOU GET YOUR NRC dog tag yet ?? you GADHOO, Dingit Pogha Pindhiline Goru ?

by: mkadmin
2015-06-18 19:28:34 SATANIC ENGLISH LANGUAGE




   Look for Tony, a midwestern white boy working in a grocery store -- AMERISHIMA2012 on youtube channel Learn your alphabets ...

WAKE UP ! http://barthakur.com
by: mkadmin
2015-05-09 17:45:37 Book Tour National Park in North east,india -Kalita Tours & Travels National Park in North east,india Kaziranga National Park:- The venerable Park in Assam which is known as Kaziranga National Park recline moderately in Golagaht district and moderatlely In the Nagaon district of Assam. It covers an area of 430 sq k.m.The topography of Kaziranga is of sheer forest, that elephant grass,rugged reeds,masshes and shallow pools.Kaziranga has been announced as National park in 1974,it is popular for One –Horned Rhinoceras. Wildlife to be glimpse:-

    Rhinoceros, elephant ,indian Bison,Buffalo, swamp Deer, Sloth Bear,Tiger,Leopard,Heron,Fishing Eagle, Hornbills, ect, A large number of migratory Birds are seen here in winter season. Activity :- Elephant Safari , Jeep Safari , Glimpsing birds. How to Reach There:- Kaziranga is 217 k.m from Guwahati and 96 k.m from Jorhat by road.The nearest airport is Jorhat, Tourist can fly to jorhat or cand go by 4 wheelers vehiclas to Kaziranga from Guwahati. Best Visit Time :- November to April. Book Tour Packege :- Manas National Park:- The park is ensure from the Manas river meticulous in the Himalayan foothill Bhabar tract in the western Assam, a world hereditament site is in one of the indian;s spectacular national park.It is the unique Tiger campaign in Assam, the anas National park was broadcast nature reserve on 1 octobor,in 1928 with an area of 519.77 sq k.m and Tiger reserve was launched in 1947.It is popular as one of the patrimony sites having its lone combination of scenic beauty and rare species of Manas are Hispid Hare, Pigmy,Hog and golden Langur,wild Buffalo,Rhinocers, Deer, Elephant and Tiger also , etc. Activity :- Elephant Safari , Jeep Safari , River Rafating, Visit Local Tribal village and Tea gardens. How To Reach:- LGBI Guwahati Airport is 150 k.m and Barpeta Road Railway Station is 22 kms away. Best Time to Visit :- November to May. Book Tour Packege :- Nameri National Park:- The feathered friend park is about 200 sq kms,Known as Nameri National Park .Placed in the Sonitpur district of Assam,enclosing Arunachal Pradesh and it is also the bosom area of Nameri Tiger Reserave (344sq k.m).One can enjoy rafting in the Gia Bhoroli river in the frontier. Mammals like Tiger, leopard Clouded leopard, Elephant Barking deer etc, Birds like White winged wood duck,Palla;s fish –eagle,Wreathed Hornbill etc and Reptiles like Assam roofed title,indian soft shell turtle,Indian cobra ,Python etc are Glimpse here. Activites:- Bird watching and River Rafting. How to Reach :- The gap from Nameri National park to the nearest Salonibari Airport (Tezpur )is 34 k.m and Tezpur and Guwahati is 220 k.m ,Jorhat is 215 kms, Nowgoing is 115 kms and Kaziranga is 125 kms away. Best Time to Visit :- November to April. Book Tour Packege :- Dibru Saikhowa National Park :- A well hnown semi evergreen woodland park is situted in Assam, it was overspread 340 sq k.m in Tinsukia District .This park leap is by the Brahmaputra and Lohit rivers in the north and Dibru river in the south .It is the largest salix marshland forest in North east,india, Mammals like Tiger, Elephant, Leopard ,Jungle cat, Bears , Capped Langur, Gangetic Dolpin ,Barking Deer and wild Pigs etc, Birds it an main important Sector Having more than 382 species of birds like Greater Crested Grebe, large cormorant ,Open bill stork,Black necked stork, large whistling Teal , Grey headed Fishing Eagle, spot billed Pelican, Great pied Hornbill ,winged wood , Duck etc. Activites :- Bird watching, Jungle Safari. How to Reach :- The park can be visiting by staying at Tinsukia Town, nearest Dibrugarh Airport it is about 40 k.m.The distence between Guwahati and Tinsukia is 500k.m. Best Time to visit :- November to April. Book Tour Packege :- Orang National Park:- The park was accepted as a wildlife Nature Reserve in 1985, placed in the state of Assam, a North bank Brahmaputra river with area 78.81 sq k.m betwixt Darrang and Sonitpur district .It is also glorious as the portable Kaziranga National park.The park is Populate great indian One horned Rhinoceros.The park has a huge Flora and Fauna, and important mating ground for vintage of fishes including in this park, Mammals like Rhino, Tiger, Hog Derrr ,wild pig,civet cat etc.Birds of 220 spices have so far case history. Some of spot billed, Greater Adjutant Stork,Brahming Duck,pintali Duck and Bengal Florican .Reptiles like are indian Rock python, Cobra , King Cobra etc. Activites :- Bird Watching, Jungle Safari. How to Reach :- The nearest Airport Tezpur is 89 k.m and LGBI Guwahati Airport to 152 k.m. Best Time to visit :- November to April. Book Tour Packege :- Pobitora Wildlife Sanctury :- A wildlife Nature Reserve it is placed in the state of Assam in Marigaon district,it enclose 38.30sq k.m.The Sanctuary dockyard the world;s highest mars of One Horned Rhinoceros.This is a bird morecover an important area.At total of 81 Rhinoceros were sight during the estimation in April 2006 and others Mammals are found Leopard ,Leopard cat ,Buffalo ,Chinese pangolins etc.Birds are 375 species of both moving and Citizen birds of 45 househeld have been register hiterto. Activites :- Jungle safari , Bird watching . How to Reach :- From Guwahati Airport to 45 k.m. Best Time to visit :- November to march. Book Tour Packege :- Borali Wildlife Sanctuary :- A wildlife surround an evirment 326.24 sq k.m, situated in Cachar and N.c hill district of Assam.Borali Reserve forest as sweltering moist evergreen and semi evergreen forest.Mammals like Chinese Pangolins, himalayan Black Deer, Leopard cat, wild pig ,Barking deer, capped langur etc. Birds are like white backed vurture,Mountain Bamboo partridge, Grey peacock-pheasant ,Great pied Hornbill etc. How to Reach :- The nearest silchar Airport 40 kms away and Guwahati to silchar Road distence 345k.m. Best time to Visit :- November to March. Book Tour Packege :-

Kalita Tours and Travels, Assam http://www.kalitatourtravels.com http://www.facebook.com/kalita.tourtravels booking@kalitatourtravels.com +91 -9085652332, 9706796139
by: mkadmin
2015-05-09 17:44:30 USA - IS THE MOST CRIMINAL ENTITY OF THE WORLD - WAKE UP ! The Vatican-Led Illuminati Matrix and U.S. Constitution

The hidden truth behind the formation of America -- WAKE UP YOU GADHO

The following article was written by a former judge. He doesn’t reveal his full name, but the information contained within the writing is well-worth reading and digesting anyway. It is worth reading because it should stimulate your pursuit to understand the truth behind the formation of America.

This is important since Americans have long been deceived by the likes of men who followed in the footsteps of despicable characters like Ben Franklin, men who have hidden their Illuminati and Vatican connections behind a false veil of freedom and Christianity.

If anyone doubts what the judge has researched, just ask yourself why America has crumbled into fascism after only a little more than 200 years of so-called “freedom”.


By: no name (hidden for his safety)


During my twelve years service as a Judge, I always insisted on the truth and placed justice above law and order! I could have prepared this article indicia of a research paper however; people tend to lose interest when articles of this nature become too technical. Science has taught us that, “For every action there is a positive reaction!” If your life on earth resembles a Matrix, it is because you’re seeing things for the first time, with eyes wide open, but you feel confused! That feeling of confusion is appropriate because the information you are now digesting, contradicts much of the information you have been spoon fed throughout your life! I named this paper after the movie “The Matrix,” written by the Wachowsi brothers. After reading this, watch the movie and you will notice many similarities.

In 2002, my brother ran into a problem with the IRS and to help him out, I began to research the Tax Code. One thing led to another and suddenly I was uncovering information about our government, which was directly in conflict with the U. S. Constitution and what I have been led to believe throughout my life. In time I began to interface with people from every state in the Republic, who was doing the same thing I was doing; some for the same reason and others for different reasons. We began to trade our research and the facts I uncovered was totally in contradiction to the history of America, which had been taught to us in public school and the principals of law, I had absorbed during my service as a Judge. I began to assist people to prepare and file suits in the courts and I filed several of my own. At one point, because of the information I’m about to provide to you; I became extremely depressed. After about three months, I eventually shook it off and continued on with my research.

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsMy hope in writing this is to help you, the reader, make sense of it all, which will require you to wash your mind clean of the brainwashing you were subjected to by our government, our government controlled public schools and church’s and re-educate yourself. When you understand the actions, the reactions will make sense, and it should anger you! Eventually, you will have a choice to make; a choice that will define: “How to survive life in, The Matrix?” In ‘The Matrix’ nothing is real however, your mind has been conditioned to believe it is real! The Matrix is far too big to defeat; no one can escape it, and we haven’t the means or intelligence to beat those in control! Through my research, I discovered that America is a society of functional illiterates! I remind you that this is not my opinion, I’m just the messenger!

The people in charge of the Matrix represent the most powerful and intelligent humans on earth. When gifted children appear in the public schools of the world, they are courted with scholarships, money and eventually memberships into secret societies! They will be introduced to very persuasive intellectuals, who will convince these young gifted people, that it is their place and duty to be a part of the elite who rule the worlds population, because the rest of the worlds population are too stupid to make decisions for themselves (their comment – not mine)! When the “New World Order” is officially and openly in control, only the extremely intelligent will be allowed to propagate. Everyone else will be sterilized or murdered through staged pandemics, used to eliminate excessive populations! Every Foreign Revolution, the World Wars, the Depression, Prohibition, Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East conflict and the Influenza Epidemic during World War I; was planned and orchestrated by these people!

Many early writers researched much of this history and were forced to fund their own publication and the distribution of their work. Most never received the acclaim they deserved, and never knew our government was responsible for their failures! I am prepared to supply anyone interested with mounds of research in support of what I have written herein!

When I’ve conveyed parts of this information in court do*****ents, the opposition’s lawyer, responds to their clients that, “I’m just crazy,” and if the judge is within ear-shot of that comment, he will nod his head in judicial agreement! Well, I guess that caps it! If a lawyer and a lawyer judge, both contend that I am crazy, then I must be crazy! They wouldn’t lie to you! ………. or would they?

THE motive of our Founding Fathers was totally self-centered. It was their personal greed that inspired them to accept the task of writing the Constitution of the United States and not patriotism! In actuality, the United States is not a land or a place: ‘It is a corporation, a legal fiction that existed well before the Revolutionary War.’ [See: Republica v. Sween, 1 Dallas 43 and 28 U. S. C. 3002 (15)].

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsThe Constitution of the United States was written in secret by the Founding Fathers and was never presented to the Colonists for a vote. Surely, any do*****ent as important as this demanded the approval of the people it governed! Well, it wasn’t presented for a vote because the Constitution wasn’t created for “We the People,” it was created by and for the Founding Fathers, their family, heirs and their posterity! The Constitution is a business plan and any reference contained within it that appears to be the safeguard of a ‘Right’ is there because none of the Founding Fathers trusted each other. The safeguards were intended to prevent any one or group of them from cutting out the others! Proving that; “There’s no honor among thieves!”

Americans are not unlike all other humans who inhabit the earth. All human beings possess malleable minds, which are minds that can be shaped and controlled; and when government shapes and controls a mind, it’s called “brainwashing.” Brainwashing causes the subject to become ‘functionally illiterate.’ In America, our functional ignorance excels in the areas of history, government and law, which really are one in the same. Ninety-eight percent of the officials in public office are lawyers and these so-called representatives set policy and created the laws that govern this society. Their use of Greek and Latin terms in law and the habit of changing definitions and usage of common words is intentional. The intent is to confound and confuse the general public; and to hide the treason they are implementing; and so that members of the public are forced or decide to hire a lawyer out of frustration, rather than try to represent themselves in our, ‘fictional courts of law.’ As you read on I’ll explain to you why and how, our courts and laws are fictional!

There has never been a law on the books created by the Congress, which made it illegal for a common man to practice law. Every Judge of a District, Circuit or Appeal Court, except Justices and Magistrates, is a lawyer and a member of the Bar. These Judges have the authority to establish local rules of court and those mentioned, have created a local rule that prevents common people from representing any other person in their court or ‘to practice law without a license!’ A license requires that you produce your Bar Association number. For those who don’t know, the Bar Association is simply a ‘Lawyers Union,’ and when lawyers are accepted into the Bar, they are required to swear allegiance to a foreign power! The American Bar Association is a branch of a national organization titled; “The National Lawyers Guild Communist Party” and can be found recorded in the United States Code at: [28 U. S. C. 3002, section 15a]. They have become so big and entrenched that they no longer fear reprisal!

Whenever I tell people that there is no actual law that makes it a crime to represent another person in court, their reaction is, “liar!” I remind them that Abraham Lincoln and Clarence Darrow never went to law school or passed the Bar, but their reaction is understandable because the Bar is a very powerful organization and its members have infiltrated every nitch of American life and business. How many times in your life have you heard, “You can’t practice law without a license?” I’ve heard it said in numerous movies spanning one hundred years; in my mother’s soaps and by comedians in jokes and in theatrical skits. I’ve seen the phrase in print in newspaper articles, magazines and heard it on the radio! Before I learned the truth about this fact, even my personal lawyer made that comment to me! We all have been brainwashed to believe a lie and because we’ve heard it so often from people we trust, and who are supposed to have our best interest at heart; we all just assume it must be true! How many other lies have you assumed, “it must be true?”

Our America society has been lied to by their government and lawyers more times than you will sign your name in your lifetime, and we have been indoctrinated “brainwashed” to believe that the Constitution was created for “We the People.” The purpose behind these lies is to make you believe that you are free, safe, protected and secure, and it is all an hallucination! How many of you have studied each line of the Constitution; the Statutes at Large and the Articles of Confederation, armed with a reputable dictionary or a law dictionary from that era?

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsIf you take the time to do this, you will soon discover that the true purpose of the Constitution was to create a business plan and to establish a Military Government, for the protection of the Founding Fathers, the Kings commerce, protection of his Agents and the future control of his subject Slaves! Even the preamble of the U. S. Constitution is a clue to the lie and which states, “…to ourselves and our posterity!” If you never saw the title, “The Constitution,” and you were never told what this do*****ent was about; what do you think would be your first impression upon hearing or reading: “…to ourselves and our posterity!” The CONSTITUTION is not for “We the People” and AMERICA is a Matrix of misinformation. In the eyes of those in control; America is nothing more than a large Plantation and “We the People” are the Slaves. In many U. S. and World Treaties, the term “high contracting powers” is used to define your Masters! Everyone else is considered by them to be their Slaves!

All of the Founding Fathers had two things in common. They all shared the gift of a good education or were gifted individuals, and they all came from families of business and or substance. These men all suffered from, “visions of grandeur!” They viewed America as their one opportunity to make them powerful and wealthy “……….to ourselves and our posterity!” Initially, their plan was to steal America away from the King; despite the fact that King George funded the exploration of the New World, which legally gave him first claim to all new continents discovered.

The seizure of the Americas by the Kings explorers was not as it has been depicted in our history books, presented to us by our government, in our government controlled public schools. Native Americans (the Indians) were murdered, their villages burned, many were enslaved, infected by diseases brought from England and their lands taken by force and the threat of force, by these early explorers! The Indians were labeled savages by these immigrant explorers from England, but the true savages were our English ancestors!

One thing the Founding Fathers did not know, was that all of the Kings lands and all future acquisitions such as the AMERICAS, had been given and pledged by King John to Pope Innocent III and the Holy Roman Church, by the Treaty of 1213. After that fact was proven to the Founding Fathers; King George and representatives from the Vatican; decided to use the Constitutional draft created by the Founding Fathers, to further their plan to control the Colonists! Control attained by bringing the Colonists to their knees in debt! Any way you read it, the Constitution was never written with the intent of benefiting the American people!

Did you know that 98% of the Law Schools in America and England do not include Constitutional Law as a part of their law curriculum? The reason for this phenomenon is because Constitutional Law does not apply to or affect the enforcement of statutes, codes or administrative regulations, which have replaced constitutional law, the common law, public law and penal law and which have been designed to control you; [e.g.] Constitutional Law is taught as an elective at Harvard, Yale and Cambridge, and only for students of law who are planning a future career in government. This should make sense to you as you read on.

In the true History of America, neither side WON the Revolutionary War! At first, the appearance of English troops in the Colonies; was simply a show of force by King George, intended to intimidate the Colonists and force them to pay him taxes. Factually, back in England; English soldiers refused to take up arms against the Colonists because they were English citizens and relatives.

Mr. Mayer Amschel Bauer, founder of the Rothschild Banking Empire; by this time, owned the King! Mr. Bauer had extended unlimited credit to the King and arranged contracts with him, which permitted the Rothschild Tax Collectors to represent and collect the Kings Tax from the Kings subjects. [This is the origin of the concept behind the establishment of the IRS]. It was Bauer who suggested to King George that he enforce a Tax against the Colonists in the New World, since the tax being collected in England was barely enough to pay the interest on the Kings loans. When English soldiers refused to fight; Mr. Bauer negotiated a contract with unemployed Russian/Germanic soldiers, to fight for King George, at a cost of 50¢ a day. Bauer then informed King George that he had hired these soldiers in the Kings name but at a cost of $1.00 a day!

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsKing George utilized these soldiers; dressed them in English soldier uniforms and ordered his career Officers to command them. When his show of force in the Colony’s failed; Mr. Bauer suggested that King George finance the Colonists in their War efforts against him, and bring the Colonists to their knees in debt! The King succeeded in accomplishing this through his appointed civilian figurehead’s in charge of his government of France. Mr. Bauer wanted to expand his Banking Empire into the Colonies. He discovered that the Colonist didn’t trade in gold or silver but used script as the basis of their economy! The script money used, were promissory notes printed by the Colonists. All the Colonists agreed that they would consider these notes, the lawful currency of the colonies. Mr. Bauer wanted gold or silver and induced the King to demand that his Tax in the Colonies be paid in gold or silver! It was that condition, “that broke the camels back” and caused the “Boston Tea Party!” “Whoever controls the money – controls the country!” [Rothschild]

Surreptitiously, King George infiltrated the Colonies and their feudal attempt to form a new government, using spy’s’ composed of English lawyers and English aristocrats, loyal to him. The spy’s assignment was to infiltrate the new government; carry out the plan to defeat the Colonists through debt and establish regular reports to the King! The Church also had their appointed representative in place to protect and insure that their interest is being observed. Much of the loans received from the French, went into the pockets of the Founding Fathers!

The Founding Fathers eventually conceded to King George and the Holy Roman Church’s demands, by and through the intervention and persuasiveness of the Kings spy’s. Ironically, the common denominator or glue that eventually bound King George, the Founding Fathers, the English lawyers and English aristocrats together was a secret society called the “Illuminati.” Even Paul Revere and Benjamin Franklin, were members of the Illuminati! This secret society had a criminal and deadly past in Europe and in America they were eventually renamed, “The Free and Accepted Masons.” The majority of the regular membership of the Free and Accepted Masons; do not know about the “Illuminati influence” within their rank and file! The Illuminati members operate out of special secret societies separate from the regular Masonic membership and are found in every branch of the Free and Accepted Masons of the World!

Think about the Colonists who we have been taught to revere by our public school system! All of these individuals were members of this secret society and all were Traitors. Our history books also instruct us to apotheosize the Founding Fathers, but don’t hold them in reverence, hold them in contempt! By and through their intervention, “Slaves you are and Slaves you will ever be!” An example of a man in history we have been taught to revere is Benjamin Franklin. Would it shock you to learn that he was on the Kings payroll and his many trips to England, was actually to report on the colonial government to King George?

The Declaration of Independence is another story omitted from our American history books. Of the fifty-one men involved in the creation of the Declaration of Independence, twenty-one were actually (traitors) and on the Kings payroll. During the Revolutionary War; English Officers were provided the names, addresses and family members of these thirty (loyalists) involved in the creation and signing of the Declaration of Independence. The English soldiers had been ordered to hunt down and murder all thirty (loyalists), their wives, children and all relatives, with further instructions to burn their bodies inside their homes. The soldiers were to leave no trace of these men and their families; to wipe out their existence for an eternity! The history of civilizations has taught us all that martyrs are dangerous to men of power and King George didn’t want to leave any martyrs! It is pretty obvious who provided the detailed information about the thirty (loyalists), their family and addresses!

At first glance, it appeared that Guy Madison of Virginia; was so concerned about lawyers holding any position in American government, that he championed the 13th Amendment, which barred lawyers from holding any public office in government! The 13th Amendment was ratified, but never made it into print in our government controlled school books and public classrooms. The Amendment was surreptitiously removed and replaced by the 14th Amendment. The 15th Amendment became the 14th and so on. Madison’s efforts appear admirable but his later actions, as a member of the 1st Congress; suggests that his only real concern was to block lawyers from undermining the theft that he and his compatriots’ had planned for America!

Once the cost of the Revolutionary War sufficiently placed the Colonists in debt; the English soldiers were ordered to dispense with their efforts, recover their arms and within the next eight years they eventually returned to England. The Colonists were so glad to see the fighting stop; that they allowed the soldiers to retreat and exit America peacefully. There is an old legal Maxim that states: “The first to leave the field of battle – loses.” Pursuant to this Maxim, the Founding Fathers proclaimed the Colonists the victors! A Maxim is a legal truth that is time honored and incorruptible.

In reality, the War was just a diversion! The Colonists had no chance of succeeding in their efforts. Examine the facts for yourself! During this era; England had the largest Army and Navy in the World. King George owned England, Ireland and France, having a combined population of about 60 million subjects. The Colonists were poorly educated, poorly armed and composed of farmers, tradesmen, bonded slaves, women and children and boasted a total population of only 3 million subjects. And considering the undermining that was occurring to their nation by the Kings spy’s and the Founding Fathers; the Colonists didn’t have a prayer of defeating the English!

Americans have been indoctrinated by our federal and state governments and through government controlled public schools and literature; government controlled media and government controlled churches [YES, EVEN THE CHURCHES]; to believe that America defeated the English! We celebrate that victory and our so-called Independence each year on the 4th of July, and it is all a bunch of propaganda; a carrot to lead the horse and keep this society stupid and passive! We boast today that our country represents the finest schools in the world, but in reality, we’re no smarter than the first Colonists! We only know more about other things because of new technology developments during the last 250 years and yet the average IQ of America is 70.

Do*****ented proof that the Constitution was not for us can be found at: Padelford, Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah, [14 Georgia 438, 520]. This was a Court case wherein the Plaintiffs sued the City of Savannah, for violating what they believed were their constitutionally protected rights! The decision of the Judge says it all: “But indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in Court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution, the Constitution, it is true, is a compact but he [the private person] is not a party to it!” [Emphasis added]

The United States Constitution was converted into a (Trust) and the legal definition of a Trust is: “A legal obligation with respect to property given by one person (donor), to another (trustee), to the advantage of a beneficiary (Americans).” The property in this Trust includes all land, your personal possessions that you believe you own and your physical body. The donor of the Trust is the King of England and the Holy Roman Church. The Trustee’s are all federal and state public officials, which means that they truly are Agents of a foreign power; the King and the Vatican.

The reason the Constitution was converted into a Trust is because, as a non-trust business plan; The Constitution completely bound the hands of our government officials! By their converting it into a Trust, our public officials; were then free to make any changes they desired to this government, without their constituents knowledge! The rules of a Trust are secret and no trustee can be compelled to divulge those rules, and the rules can be changed by the trustees without notice to the beneficiary!

The one pitfall confronting them and their plan was the fact that by converting the Constitution into a Trust, our public officials had to legally assign a beneficiary; and the beneficiary chosen could not offend or be in contrast to the numerous International Treaties that were in force. Our public officials wanted to stay in control of the Trust as the trustees; however a trustee cannot also be a beneficiary! So even though the Constitution was never designed or written for the Sovereign American people; they unknowingly became the beneficiary of this secret Trust and hence, the creation of the “propaganda” regarding our Constitutional Rights!

All high ranking public officials, lawyers and judges; laugh at the ignorance of people who claim that their Constitutional Rights have been violated! Lawyers are actually taught to treat the members of the general public as inferior individuals! This also explains the ‘air of arrogance’ that most lawyers convey in their demeanor and speech!

The more powerful Agents of the states and the federal government however, have been stealing the benefits from the Trust through numerous maneuvers that have the appearance of being lawful. In their defense; many former public officials (Agents) were not corrupt to begin with but, by accepting bribes or as the result of enjoying an arranged extramarital relationship; they became the victim of an extortion plot and suc*****bed to the threat to expose the bribe or their elicit affair, to their constituents! By becoming an (Agent), all was forgiven and forgotten! The people, who arranged the bribes, also arranged the situations, and applied the pressure to force honest men to become dishonest! [An example of this could be a sudden demand by a Bank to pay off a loan, based upon a hidden clause in the loan contract and which could result in a foreclosure, bankruptcy and scandal]!

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsThere are no remaining public federal employees in America! All employees who you believe to be a part of America’s government, are actually agents of a foreign government and this definition includes the [President].

The federal elections are a joke on us! All of the candidates have been (jointly preselected and prescreened) by the National Boards of the Republican and Democratic Parties, well before the Election process. All of our federally elected officials, appointed administrators, federal police and Judges; receive their paychecks through the Office of Personnel Management. OPM is a division of the International Monetary Fund, which is owned by the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and their Banking Empires, which operates in tandem with the United Nations. The IRS and Interpol; are owned by the International Monetary Fund, which has been identified in an earlier version of the U. S. Army Manual, as a Communist Organization!

Those Americans, who do not know how to assert their beneficiary status; are treated by the government and their courts, as a corporate fiction! The corporate governments and their courts, only have jurisdiction over corporations. Corporations have no rights or jurisdiction over living people and are only provided considerations, which have been pre-negotiated in contracts by their directors. Otherwise, they’re governed totally by commercial law, and so are you!

In part two, the former judge will address the “corporate fiction” called the United States.

In this second part of a three part series, called the Vatican-led Illuminati Matrix, the retired judge who wrote the article explores the corporate fiction we call America.

He also explores how the ‘Great Depression’ was orchestrated and how President Roosevelt illegally confiscated America’s gold, selling it to the Vatican by way of China.

Here are a few quotes from the judge, who remains anonymous for what he claims are safety reasons:

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d news“First you must know that the federal government took America off the gold standard in1933, during a staged bankruptcy called the “Great Depression” and replaced the gold with an economic principle known as, “Negotiable Debt Instruments.” [YES, THE GREAT DEPRESSION WAS STAGED!] The government needed to create a catastrophe to implement standards that were designed to steal your possessions and God-given rights!

“The process of creating a catastrophe was discovered by behaviorists! Take away a persons food, comfort and safety long enough and they won’t care or question the illusion provided, as long as their stomach is full, they have shelter, a comfortable bed and the means (real or imagined) to keep or continue their comfort!

“President Roosevelt unconstitutionally collected America’s gold by Executive Order and sold it to the Vatican by way of China, to conceal its true ownership. The gold in Fort Knox belongs to the Vatican and not the United States! Absent a gold base, Commerce now essentially trades in “debts.” So if you borrowed money for a Mortgage and there’s no gold or real value to support the paper called U. S. Currency; what did you actually borrow?”

Here is the second part of the three part series:

At this point, I believe I should address a “corporate fiction” for you by creating a situation you can relate to.

SITUATION: [You’ve decided to go into business for yourself and you thought up a clever name for your business. Everything you’ve read and the advice received from a lawyer or friend; suggests that you should incorporate your business! To incorporate is to create a business on paper. It isn’t real; it is a business in theory, which makes it a fiction! The lawyer or accountant you hired to prepare your corporation; records your business with the state as a state corporation and identifies you as president of the board of directors, not the owner. Your business is now “a corporate fiction” and by recording the business as a state corporation; you no longer own it, the state owns it! You just gave your business away and made yourself an employee]!

Our presumed government representatives have done the same thing to each of us. They changed each of us from “a sovereign” into “a corporate fiction.” Your corporate name is easily identifiable, in that it is expressed in all capital letters on all your do*****ents and all communications received from every government agency!

The reason for converting every Sovereign American into a corporate fiction dates back to the Principal of Law under the King! The King is a Sovereign Monarch and dictator, who by his authority, creates the laws that govern his subjects. He is the Source of Law and therefore the law cannot be enforced against him! In America, the Source of Law is the Sovereign People and therefore no laws can be enforced against the Source, except for those specifically agreed to or defined by the original Constitution. Those laws are defined as Theft, Assault and Criminal Mischief; but since the Colonists never voted on the Constitution, none of these offenses are enforceable against a living Sovereign! They are enforceable however against a corporation or corporate fiction!

In theory and according to the common law; before any Sovereign can be arrested for one of these crimes; a complaint must be filed with the elected Sheriff. The Sheriff, by his own authority, assembles (a common law jury) of the accused Sovereigns immediate neighbors, called a Grand Jury. The neighbors hear the complaint and evidence presented to them by the complainant. They are permitted to ask questions of any witness and can subpoena anyone else who can shed light on the allegations. A majority must then decide if the accused Sovereign is to be tried by a court. All of this is done without [a judge or prosecutor in attendance]! This is a real Grand Jury proceeding, which is far removed from the joke perpetrated by our corporate government and courts today!

What happened to our Grand Jury rights of old? The Bar Association has successfully stolen that right away from the Sovereign people, little by little, through rewrites of the Judiciary Act, so that now the American public believes that the Grand Jury is an instrument subject to the jurisdiction, right and whim of the prosecuting attorney! The prosecuting attorney controls the entire proceeding and who testifies. The judge then tells the jury what the law is and the members of the panel are always denied the opportunity to view the written law!

All of our governments are corporations and are responsible for the creation of about 800 thousand laws called statutes, which are designed to control the Sovereign people of America. Just like the King; these statutes cannot be enforced against the Source of Law, which are the living, breathing, flesh and blood Sovereign people.

All of the Agents in power beginning with the King, the Vatican, the Founding Fathers and now our presumed public officials, wanted to obtain power and control over America and the Constitution pretty much prohibited them from achieving those ends! So they began to devise ways to change the Sovereign Americans into [a corporate fiction]. These Agents also decided and reasoned that they cannot educate the masses, without exposing their treachery, and so our private and public education must be controlled!

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsWithout any real Constitutional basis, the U. S. Department of Education was created. The Constitution made it the responsibility of each state to educate their people and several states challenged the Congress in the courts. The matter was eventually heard by the U. S. Supreme Court, which has never been a Constitutional Article III Court from its inception, which I will explain. The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government was entitled to oversee the educational requirements of “United States Citizens” by virtue of their Constitutional powers to regulate Commerce! Bad law is bad law, no matter how you turn the paper and that ruling gave the federal government the green light to initiate its “brainwashing” process of the American public.

Let me explain how the Court arrived at its ruling because these are not ignorant men! On every form you file to receive “government benefits” and even the “voter registration form,” there is a question that asks: Are you a United States Citizen? YES / NO and everyone circles the YES answer. Didn’t you? Now look up the definition of a “United States Citizen,” in a reputable law dictionary. You will discover that a United States Citizen is a phrase designed to identify a “corporate fiction!” Clever, isn’t it? You and every other American had no idea that you were admitting you were a corporate fiction when you circled that YES answer, and you did it under penalty of perjury!

The sovereign states had been abolished in 1790 by the adoption of Article 1 of the Statutes at Large, which converted all the sovereign states into federal districts and gave the federal government lawful jurisdiction everywhere. In consideration of the fact that the federal government is a corporation and that corporations can lawfully own other corporations; and all the American subjects to be educated have admitted under penalty of perjury that they are corporations; the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the corporate federal government. [See how sneaky and tricky lawyers can be? And all the more reason why lawyers should never be allowed to serve in government or in judgment of us]!

Under our corporate governments, no Sovereign can lawfully be tried or convicted of any statutory crime!
How to avoid prosecution under the Trust, when a Sovereign is taken before a corporate prosecuting Attorney or a Judge:

First: “the Sovereign must inquire if we are on the record, and if not, insist upon it! Say nothing, sign nothing and answer no questions until you are convinced that the proceedings are being recorded!”

Secondly: all a Sovereign has to say for the record is: “I am a beneficiary of the Trust, and I am appointing you as my Trustee!”

Thirdly: the Sovereign then directs his Trustee to do his bidding! “As my Trustee, I want you to discharge this matter I am accused of and eliminate the record!”

Fourthly: if the Sovereign suffered any damages as a result of his arrest, he can direct that the Trust compensate him from the proceeds of the Court by saying; “I wish to be compensated for [X] dollars, in redemption.”

This statement is sufficient to remove the authority and jurisdiction from any prosecuting attorney or judge. The accused will be immediately released from custody, with a check, license or claim he identifies as a damage. It doesn’t matter what the action involves or how it is classified by the corporate law as a civil or criminal action! It works every time!

All of the Codes, Statutes and Regulations throughout the United States are a Will from the Masters to their Slaves. A Will is defined as, “An express command used in a dispositive nature.” When individuals in America are charged with a crime and warehoused in a jail; it is because they went against the Will of the Masters, and not because they harmed another person! Remember that: The Will demands from us, all that we are; keeps us in check and promises us nothing!

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsThe police officer, who arrested you, has been “brainwashed” into believing that he is doing the right thing, when in fact he is nothing more than an “armed slave acting as a henchman” and hired to bully and intimidate all other Slaves into submission of the Masters Will! This statement will probably offend most police officers but this is fact and it is not their fault! Most police officers believe they are performing a public service and doing the right thing in the performance of duty. They have been lied to by the government and in most cases police officers are pumped full of lies more so than anybody else!

Recently, the Police have all been ordered to complete (paramilitary training) and were told that this is essential because of the new threat of Terrorism! The people responsible for this training and brainwashing are the same people and foreign Agents who have been controlling all of us since our birth! NOTE: I’ll bet that nobody told these police officers that these suspected Terrorists may come at them from their very own government officials!

So now our government officials have our police officers training to act as a military unit. [e.g.] Follow our orders and don’t think! They have succeeded in placing these officers on edge, so that their every reaction; will be an over-reaction to the situation, just like Hitler’s Gestapo! Near the end of this paper, I will disclose to the reader about a situation that has been planned by our government officials and is soon to unfold! The police paramilitary training and their extensive brainwashing has been implemented specifically for this event!

It is expected that police officers will over-react and begin killing innocent Americans, and once they are no longer of use, the officers and their families will all be ordered to receive vaccinations that will kill all of them! My guess is that after this planned mass genocide has occurred, the Russian and Chinese military will replace them in the field.

Part of the Fraud perpetrated against “We the People” by this Will, is the fact that there are actually no criminal laws in America. The Rules of Procedure used by every Local, State and Federal Court are Civil Rules, not Criminal! Court officials simply substitute the word criminal for civil, depending upon the case at hand. Rule 1 of the Rules of Civil Procedure Reads: “There shall be but one form of action, a civil action.” This means that the Criminal laws promulgated and enforced by the police and our corporate governments are all civil and are being fraudulently enforced against our “corporate fictions” as criminal. When anyone goes to jail, it is for a civil infraction of the Masters Will. That makes all of our jails, debtors prisons! “Does that Ring a Constitutional Bell?”

Title 18, Federal Crimes and Offenses: was never voted on by the Congress, which means that these federal laws are NOT positive law in America! Now, if you were a part of a government conspiracy to destroy America and soon to commit a mass genocide of its population; would you really want to vote Title 18 into positive law? My belief is that the Congress intentionally omitted its passage, so that members of Congress could use that as a defense, should they be caught and tried for Treason!

Do you believe the lawyers hired or appointed to represent all the individuals accused of federal crimes, knew about this fact?

You bet they know!

Armed with this fact: Now look at the number of convicted people sitting in federal prisons, who believe they have been lawfully convicted of violating a federal crime! How many do you imagine have been put to death? How many were shot and killed during the arrest? How many were killed attempting to escape from their illegal confinement?

The Internal Revenue Code relies upon Title 18 to convict people of Tax Evasion, which (only applies to corporations). Look at all the people sitting in federal prisons who were convicted of this so-called crime? What makes it worse is the fact that the Queen of England, entered into a Treaty with the federal government for the taxing of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes sold in America. The Treaty is called The Stamp Act and in this Act, the Queen ordained that her subjects, the American people, are exonerated of all other federal taxes! So the federal income tax and the state incomes taxes levied against all American’s is contrary to an International Treaty and against the Sovereign Orders of the Queen! Like it or not, the Queen is our Monarch and Master! The Tax is illegal and still people have been prosecuted and imprisoned, contrary to law!

One hundred percent (100%) of the people sentenced and held in all American Jails have either been convicted of crimes that are not positive law or were convicted of civil crimes, and are being detained there by their consent! That’s Right! The lawyers and judges representing our legislature and judicial system; created maneuvers to insure that anyone who is accused of a so-called crime and posts bail, (signs a contract to appear and consents by that contract to the proceedings scheduled). Anyone who applies for a public defender, signs the same contract without knowing it and anyone who privately hires a lawyer to represent them in a Court proceeding, consents to the same contract upon the lawyer filing a “Notice of Appearance!” When you hire a lawyer, you signed a Power of Attorney. He is required to file his Notice of Appearance in that case and that Notice of Appearance offers your consent and binds your appearance to the proceedings!

Absent these aforementioned contracts; the Court cannot proceed against you! When that occurs; the Judge and the Prosecutor, attempt to trick and intimidate you into giving your consent! If you don’t know how to invoke your Sovereignty, and you take what they throw at you, and stand your ground; they will be forced to release you after 72 hours has elapsed!

I’m not a bleeding heart liberal who believes that we should open up the jails and let everyone out! There are people in our jails who need to be there, despite the fact that they have been incarcerated illegally! My vote is to leave that hornets nest alone!

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsWe American’s are so proud of the fact that we live in a Democracy! Now look up the word “Democracy,” in a reputable Law Dictionary and see the legal meaning. Democracy is defined as: “A Socialist form of government and another form of Communism.” Do you remember the lies that President Reagan, the Congress and the Media told America? The lie was that, “The Iron Curtain fell without a shot being fired!” The truth is that the Iron Curtain came down because Communist Europe found an ally in the West and there was no longer a need for walls! PS/ Your Federal Taxes constructed the Worlds largest automated vehicle and munitions plant for the Soviet Union, during the dismantling of the Berlin Wall! PPS/ The attempt to assassinate President Reagan occurred because he had disclosed to the American people that: “None of the federal income tax paid by the American people is ever deposited into the United States Treasury and is being deposited into the Federal Reserve Bank for its use and benefit!” Shortly after making that statement, Reagan was shot by John Hinkley, who was quickly declared insane, so that there never would be a public trial! If you recall, President Reagan was never the same after that incident! The Masters don’t play around – they eliminate problems or radically curve attitudes!

On September 17, 1787, twelve State delegates of the Thirteen State Colony’s approved the United States Constitution, not the Colonists, and by their doing so, the States became “constitutors.” A “constitutor” is defined under civil law as, “One who by simple agreement becomes responsible for the payment of another’s debt.” [See: Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Edition].

Many early immigrants to the United States arrived here as Bonded Slaves. A person of wealth or substance became the [payor] by offering to pay or promising to pay or [bond] the debts of another person, and usually paid the cost of his or her voyage to America. This made the payor a [constitutor] and gave him title as [master] over the debtor [slave] by written contract. A “Bonded Slave” is a corporate fiction. The payor’s new title and power as the “Bond Master” of the debtor, causes the immigrant to become “a Bond Slave” and the property of the Master until such time he is paid back his investment by the Bond Slave or by someone else. This means that the Bond Master can buy and sell these contracts!

If a Bonded Slave was mistreated by his Bond Master; the law did not represent him because the Bond Slave (a corporate fiction) had no human rights afforded to him by any law! Corporate fictions have no rights. If the Bonded Slave desired rights, he was obligated to negotiate them in his contract with the Bond Master before accepting the contract. If the Bonded Slave runs away from his abusive Bond Master; the law in place however, attached a bounty, hunted him down and returned him to the Bond Master. Remember also that the first Slaves in America were (Indian) and then Caucasian, of English, French, Irish and German ancestry.
The Constitution is not for “We the People:”

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsAs mentioned before, the Colonists were never presented the Constitution to vote on its passage and approval because the Constitution was never written for them and has been rewritten two more times since then, but only our government officials know about that! And now, so do you!

1) Article ONE of the Constitution allows the Congress to borrow against the full faith and credit of the American people without end. It keeps us eternally in debt and makes all loans the government received from the King or any other entity, valid and enforceable against “We the People!” How is that good for us?

2) Article ONE, Section EIGHT, Clause (15) of the Constitution reads that it is the Militias job to execute the laws of the Union. The Militia is a military unit something like the Police or National Guard, and is composed of members of our local community. The new State Constitutions however, make Militias illegal except in time of war and authorizes the Police to arrest the members of a Militia, should they attempt to reform their ranks! How is that good for us?

3) Article ONE; Section EIGHT of the Constitution gives the Congress complete power over the Military. What do we do when it’s the Congress, who we need to have arrested for Treason and Peonage? How is that good for us?

President Obama has changed the Military Oath. Soldiers no longer swear to support or defend the Constitution but rather to support and defend the President! Now, isn’t that convenient?

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d news4) Article SIX, Section ONE of the Constitution is the law that makes American Citizens responsible to file income tax returns and not because of Title 26 of the United States Code. Parts of our flawed history, taught to you by our government controlled school system, accurately described that the English people had been taxed into a state of poverty by King George and was one of the reasons the Colonists fled Europe for the New World. So how is this good for us?

The IRS is not a U. S. Government Agency, they are Agents of a Foreign Power, operating under a private contract and your obligation to pay and file federal taxes is a scam! Only federal employees and persons born in Washington, DC and the federal territories were ever obligated to pay and file, prior to The Stamp Act but we were never informed of that fact!

Our government has brainwashed us into believing that the National Debt is all our responsibility, and a patriotic responsibility to pay our fair share! Here’s the Truth about that subject!

The National Debt is a Federal Debt, and always has been! The name change was the clever use of “propaganda” intended to invoke our civil patriotic pride! The foreign Agents in charge of our government; have been borrowing funds to line their pockets with, to buy influence, make business deals and seal Treaties with communist Third World Countries and Dictators, which will never benefit “We the People.” They have lied to us, enslaved us, imprisoned us and sold our gold to the Vatican in 1933 and invested the proceeds for their selves! The money they have been borrowing since 1933; is not real money but, “negotiable debt instruments,” which is the same thing as monopoly money! This means that in order to pay off the Federal/National Debt; all they ever had to do was print a money order, without any account numbers on it, for the entire debt, sign it and present it to the lender [The Federal Reserve Bank] and the debt is paid in full!

The foreign agents who purport to be our public officials; are responsible for eliminating the strength of the American Labor Unions, the elimination of our jobs, the erosion of our inalienable rights, and have instigated every war or conflict we have ever become involved with in history and (they convinced us that it was the other guys fault)! They have converted us into corporate fictions, and sold us as securities to foreign corporate investors, and have denied us our heritage! Everything they have been doing is designed to undermine our freedom, liberty and representative form of government! Their goal and final blow against, “We the People,” is our mass genocide and the total conversion of our government to communism!

5) The SIXTEENTH AMENDMENT to the Constitution, regardless of the dispute of how it was adopted; permits the Federal Government to assess and collect a direct tax against “We the People.” Most Americans do not know that the Federal Government is and always has been financially self sufficient, the result of tariff’s imposed upon imports, exports and commerce. Not one penny of the Direct Federal Income Tax, paid through the IRS, is ever for or deposited into the United States Treasury. Those Taxes are deposited into the Federal Reserve Bank for the Masters use. So how is this direct tax good for us?

You may be wondering about now, how the United States government can collect taxes from, “We the People,” when we are Slaves, own nothing and are not a party to the Constitution? Despite its legality, it is done under a process known as “debt collection” through private contractors [the IRS] and through a private contract, the United States Constitution. The IRS belongs to the International Monetary Fund, who also owns the Federal Reserve Bank. The IMF holds the controlling interest in all the banks in America! The IMF is the Rockefeller and Rothschild Empires, along with the eleven wealthiest families in the World. When you see or hear of a Bank closing – it is a diversion and is intended to injure and panic the public! The condition of the economy in the World today is being manipulated by these people! Their schedule for the adoption of the New World Order is close at hand and these public Agents need to scare us into believing that this new form of government is our salvation! Factually, it will only be good for them and it will be our ruin!

6) Article 12 of the Articles of Confederation promises the full faith and credit of the American people to repay all loans made by the United States government. The money borrowed by the United States to finance the Revolutionary War came from France. Who owned France? (King George!) Who was the opposition in the Revolutionary War? (England.) Our Founding Fathers promised our labor, equity, full faith and credit, to repay those debts that will, in theory, never come to an end! So how is that good for us?

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d news7) The Bill of Rights was not for your protection. They’re laws that represent one mans ability, with the assistance of the State, to control another mans actions, and since they’re included under the U. S. Constitution, they’re not for you! So how is that good for us?

8) The Thirteenth Amendment barred lawyers from ever holding a seat in public office. The Amendment was ratified however, during the second secret writing of the Constitution, this Amendment was dropped and replaced by the 14th Amendment and the 14th Amendment was replaced by the 15th Amendment and so on. The replacement wasn’t done by a Constitutional Convention, it was simply omitted! The original Constitution is the Law of the Land and was designed to regulate our government! The 13th Amendment still is positive law but now about 98% of our public officials are lawyers; so if we filed motions to remove them from office, who would sign them? Wasn’t that convenient for them?

9) On August 4, 1790; Article ONE of the U. S. Statutes at Large, pages 138 – 178, abolished the States of the Republic and created Federal Districts! In the same year the former States of the Republic reorganized as Corporations and their legislatures wrote new State Constitutions, absent defined boundaries, which they presented to the people of each State for a vote! Why this time? Because the new State Constitutions fraudulently made the people “Citizens” of the new Corporate States.

A Citizen is also defined by law as a “corporate fiction.” The people were bound to the Corporate State and the States were bound to the Corporate United States and fraudulently obligated all of us to pay the debts of the Federal Government owed to the King! This was necessary because the United States was officially bankrupt on January 1, 1788 and the politician’s (our Founding Fathers) who benefited the most by these Revolutionary loans, required a guarantee to present to the King! Absent that guarantee, they were personally obligated to repay the debts!

The state constitutions were rewritten again during the Clinton Administration, except now they are called the Constitutions of Interdependence! These Constitutions read just like the Declaration of Independence, except that “We the People” have been eliminated. This is the Magna Carta of the public officials, to protect them under The New World Order Communist Government! The public was never informed of this, like everything else and the media never reported any of the Fraud being perpetrated against America by their public officials!

I could go on and on, discussing Articles and Amendments of the Constitution but suffice it to say that the ‘benefits’ the government dangled in front of our “naive noses,” has been used as an inducement for us to volunteer; and that all of these ‘benefits’ are received by us at a terrible cost! When we apply for government benefits, the foreign government in charge; converts our living sovereign person into a corporation and then records our person as, “government asset property”! The States use to provide protection, stability and security for the people but over time the focus of their attention has changed to the control of our minds, bodies, spirit and assets. To take a loyalty oath to support, defend and obey the Constitution; now is to swear an oath to your Masters to be ever loyal to them! “Slaves you are and slaves you will ever be!”
More evidence of our Slavery is as follows:

a) The primary control and custody of infants is with the corporate state government through the filing of government issued Birth Certificates, which are held in a State Trust and therein each applicant is recorded under the Department of Transportation as a State owned Vessel and financial asset. A government issued Birth Certificate was never needed as proof of birth because a baptismal record or a family bible entry of birth, was and is an exception to hearsay and constitutes legal proof of birth! Had your parents never applied for a government issued Birth Certificate, none of the Federal or State Statutes, Codes or Regulations in place, would be enforceable against you, and no government official or agency could ever tell you how to raise your children; declare you an unfit parent, or take your children away from you!

We all made fun of the Amish of Pennsylvania and yet the government cannot touch them because they do not participate in anything these corporate governments have to offer. The title to their land is recorded as an Ecclesiastical Trust. The Vatican (the Holy Roman Church) actually owns all the land, territories and insular possessions called America and as long as the Amish remain an Ecclesiastical Trust and remain a passive Christian Society, the Vatican will protect them. The Holy Roman Church possesses the power to protect or crush anyone and anything! [See: Tillman v. Roberts, 108 So. 62 [and] Title 26 U. S. C. 7701 [and] 18 U. S. C. Section 8].

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsSocial Security is not a Trust or Insurance policy or Insurance against disability. The U. S. Supreme Court has ruled that Social Security is a government giveaway program funded by a government Tax; which is why and how the Congress can periodically dip into the assets of the fund anytime they want and never have to pay it back! The back of the Social Security card states that the card is the property of the government and not you!

Your birth name appears on the front of that card and has been modified, the same way as your birth certificate; from upper and lower case letters to all capital letters, pursuant to the U. S. Government Printing Manual, which instructs government agencies on how to subtly convert a living man into a corporation. The actual Director of our Social Security Fund and Administration is the Queen of England and from which she is paid a generous salary. Your Social Security Card is issued by the United Nations through the International Monetary Fund and your Social Security Number is actually your International Slave Number! On the reverse side of that card is an “E” letter followed by eight numbers. That is a “cusip” number, which is required on all securities! Yes! You have been converted into a marketable security, like a bond, and your person was offered for sale and sold to domestic and foreign corporate investors!

c) A Marriage License Application is a request to your “Masters” for permission to marry. If you ever had any claim of sovereignty before that date; you lost it completely when you applied for and married under a marriage license. Sovereignty means: “To assert ones independence and to claim to be self-governing.” The license isn’t necessary and never has been because a marriage has always been just a contract, witnessed by God, between a man and a woman! Who told you that you must apply for a license? It is the official you chose to conduct your ceremony? The official just happens to be a licensed government official and his license prevents him from conducting marriage ceremonies without the issuance of a marriage license. Did Moses or Jesus ever say or profess that a marriage is not recognized by God, without a license?
Here’s the Fraud behind the License:

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsThose who apply for and marry pursuant to a marriage license have now added a third party to their marriage contract! The third party is the Master, by and through his Agent, the Corporate State. The marriage license bestows the State with the legal right to decide the fate of the husband, wife and the possessions they procured during their marriage, should the marriage fail. Their divorce must now be decided by and through the States Corporate Court by a Corporate Judge, and the Judges first and foremost concern is the “interest of the State.” The interest of the bride and groom is now secondary.

[See: VanKosten v. VanKosten, 154 N.E. 146]. A comment by the Judge deciding this divorce says it all! “The ultimate ownership of all property is the State: individual so-called ownership is only by virtue of government, [i.e.] laws amounting to mere use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the state.” [Also See: Senate Do*****ent No. 43 of the 73rd Congress, 1st Session] and [Brown v. Welch, U. S. Superior Court].

d) The term “license” is defined in law as, “A permit to do something illegal.” [See: Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th or 7th Edition]. Therefore, all licenses are permits to violate the only real law! Inalienable rights are the rights bestowed upon all living men, by God at birth! All other laws are subordinate to God’s law. The controlling government wants us to rely on their laws, so they demand that we apply for a license!

Another example is a “Drivers License.” It is your God given right to travel the roadways of this nation and no government has any right to restrict, tax or license your pursuit of happiness! The only exception is a Driver of a Commercial Vehicle. The governments have a right to regulate Commerce, which means trade. Anyone operating a vehicle in Commerce must be licensed but all others are absolutely free to travel without one! The foreign Agents in power; have changed the common meanings of words to encapsulate and control every Sovereign. They succeed in this intimidation through the corporate courts and police enforcement by officers who have been brainwashed and reinforced by mandatory training programs.

e) The use of “Trusts” by the Masters and their Agents; is for a good reason! A Trust by law is secret and neither the Masters nor their agents [the Corporate Government and Courts] can be compelled to expose the rules or regulations of the Trust and those regulations can change with the wind, without notice to the participants! [See: The Law of Trusts].

f) Slaves cannot own property. Look at the Deed to your home. You are identified as the [Tenant] of the property and never the Owner and your Local and State land tax is actually a “rent or use fee” assessed by the State for the lease on the land. You gave them the land after closing via your Lawyer. Did he ever tell you that?

After closing, your Lawyer recorded the deed with the Court. The law only suggests recording the deed, it doesn’t mandate it! Upon recording, you gave the land back to the State, who then leases it back to you for as long as you live there! Isn’t that where you have constructed your home, your castle? I’m paying for it, doesn’t that make the land mine, you ask?

If you fail to pay the States assessed “rent or use fee,” which has been cleverly disguised as a direct state tax; you will be evicted from your castle and land, and the state will take title and sell your home under commercial law. Commercial Law ordains that, “Anything permanently attached, is retained by the owner!” Who is the owner of the land? Why the State because you so graciously don



1. What is WATER
by: mkadmin
2014-12-25 17:49:42 Do you Remember Manor Akromon - who did that ? Ask Any assamese - what is like to be in Manor akromon ... Learn the HARD TRUTH behind it ..


visit http://barthakur.com to REALLY WAKE UP !
by: mkadmin
2014-12-14 16:30:31 Kaziranga National Park - Assam Tour Packeges welcome to KALITA TOURS AND TRAVELS ,is a leading inbounds Tour packege service provider of Assam, since 2012 in Rangia,Assam.we are provide best Budget Tour Packege and Travel services. we are operate Adventure Tour,wildlife Tour, Group Tour, Jungle Safari,Temple and Culture Tour, Historycial Tour ,Eco Tour. we are Approved of Eco Tourism North east,india.our main Tour operate Destination places Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland

   if any Tour packege quiary ple visit our site http://www.ecotourassam.in http://www.toursassam.com http://www.kalitatourstravel.com http://www.facebook.com/kalita.tourtravels

by: mkadmin
2013-08-30 15:09:47 Please Educate yourself.. Hello People,

We just wanted to advise all, please store at least 6 month of food item IMMEDIATELY. it is not going to cost you a lot of money, but it may save your and your children's life.

Thank you for reading.

please visit this site for regular economic collapse fo regular update
by: mkadmin
2013-08-07 19:14:05 Assamese Web Master - Beware of Costly Litigation. It has come to our attention, various website from various part of the world started copying our "Gamosa" template. Markin Kalpataru is in business since 1997 and all of our work IS original.
It DOESN'T matter, if a gamosa is and assmese icon or a bhut jolokia is called a bhut jolokia because of its hotness. BUT, when it comes to US patent and original work, we take it very seriously.

   So, if you are copying our template just like enajori, baghejori, hatimura, kekurakhuwa, konamusori website, you will landed up in court. Just an warning. If you want to call us a "!@!##@$" pick up the phone and call 908-9-MARKIN.

We spent a Good amount of US dollars on this entity. so we know how to keep it safe from hyenas.

MK admin

by: mkadmin
2013-06-11 07:42:04 For those who stood and who did not ....


by: mkadmin
2013-05-13 08:40:13 Again --- that surd ....


by: mkadmin
2013-05-10 18:34:09 Monmohan Singh - Sucker !!!

   You read already !

by: mkadmin
2013-01-27 16:12:18 MK is on Roku --- just a try with 40 min coding.. Markin Kalpataru is starting an experimental Roku private channel. The channel Code is MKVID

This channel includes few ON demand assamese movies, armature video, few live TV feed from guwahati, and two live audio channel.


screen shot

by: mkadmin
2012-09-22 10:27:26 NATIONAL DETECTIVE BUREAU COMPLETES A SUCESSFUL YEAR National Detective Bureau is among one of India s top premier investigation agency, providing a flexible and comprehensive investigative & intelligence service in the areas of personal ,civil and criminal investigation .

It completed a year with services that includes Personal investigation,pre-post matrimonial investigation, adultery/infidelity/cheating investigation, Corporate investigation, financial investigation, legal/litigation support, pre-post employment verification, insurance frauds ,finding missing persons,forensic investigation .They have launched round the clock sevice and can be contacted over phone no 9678005215 or www.ndbureau.com

by: mkadmin
2012-07-21 00:00:00 NabaUsha icon Naba Kumar Barthakur passed away

Naba Kumar Barthakur - an inspiration, for starting Markin Kalpataru back in 1997, bearing his name on the iconic portal of NabaUsha.com, has passed away on July 21st, 2012 at Hillsborough, NJ


His funeral services were held at Bongiovi Funeral home, in raritan NJ, and cremation was performed at Somerset Hills Memorial Park in Bernards, NJ on July 23rd, 2012

His Adya-Shardhya is scheduled for July 31, and Naam / Bhoj / Dinner will be held on Aug 5th at 3PM
Attached is the invitation letter, for all whom we could not send due to time constraints. Please RSVP by Aug, 3rd.
Click to Open Invitation

thank you,
Barthakur Family
Hillsborough, NJ

RSVP - phone 908-369-1099 (by aug 3rd, 2012)
by: mkadmin
2012-01-14 03:27:51 A new website about Srimanta Sankaradeva launched Guwahati, January 1, 2012 : Society for Srimanta Sankaradeva, an
international community engaged in spreading Srimanta Sankaradeva's
humanitarian ideology across the globe has launched its official
website www.sankaradeva.com in a colourful function on January 1, 2012
at District Library, Guwahati. The function was attended by the
leading people of Assam associated with Sankaradeva movement. Dr
Sanjib Kumar Borkakoti, President of Society for Srimanta Sankaradeva
launched the website by pressing the mouse and explained the features
of the site. He also dwelt on the pan-Indian works of the great saint
in medieval era and reiterated the resolve of the society to take the
message of the saint all over the globe.

   Guwahati, January 1, 2012 : Society for Srimanta Sankaradeva, an
international community engaged in spreading Srimanta Sankaradeva's
humanitarian ideology across the globe has launched its official
website www.sankaradeva.com in a colourful function on January 1, 2012
at District Library, Guwahati. The function was attended by the
leading people of Assam associated with Sankaradeva movement. Dr
Sanjib Kumar Borkakoti, President of Society for Srimanta Sankaradeva
launched the website by pressing the mouse and explained the features
of the site. He also dwelt on the pan-Indian works of the great saint
in medieval era and reiterated the resolve of the society to take the
message of the saint all over the globe.

The inaugural function was graced by Sri Rajanikanta Dutta,
Padadhikar, Srimanta Sankaradeva Sangha, Sri Dayal Krishna Bora,
Acharya, Eka Sharana Bhagavati Samaj and Sri Bhadra Krishna Goswami,
former President, Asom Sattra Mahasabha as honourable guests. They
highlighted the legacy bequeathed by the saint for the posterity. Hari
Prasad Hazarika, General Secretary of Srimanta Sankaradeva Sangha and
Jibeswar Goswami, General Secretary of Asom Sattra Mahasabha also were
present as special guests. Gili Navon, a researcher from Hibrew
University of Jerusalem spoke highly of Sankari culture.

There were presentation of selected cultural items pertaining to
Sankari culture in the event. There were Bargeet by Hiru Prasad
Mahanta and his group from Bagharganya Sattra, Gayan Bayan by Hari
Saikia Borbayan and his team from Bhogpur Sattra, Sattriya Nritya by
Meenakshi Medhi and Bhortal Nritya by Ramdhenu group of Manab Kalita
from Barpeta.

The newly launched site www.sankaradeva.com has features of users
creating their own do*****ents, photos, videos, audio music and some
other facilities. It is planned as an encyclopaedic source for
information about Srimanta Sankaradeva. Users can upload materials in
the site. It has social networking facility. It also has live webcast
facility. The entire website launch event was webcast live all over
the world by the site. This unique website has been designed by New
Delhi-based web-designer Ashim Dutta. However he could not attend the
function due to indisposition. Pradip Hazarika explained the purpose
of the event at the outset and Dr Mallika Kandali offered vote of

by: mkadmin2
2011-11-05 19:37:21 death of a legend Hi everyone,

Its a sad day for people of assam as we have lost a legend , Dr Bhupen Hazarika. he was a noted music director, playwright, actor, journalist, author, lyricist, politician and film-maker of the highest repute .

May his soul rest in peace........


by: mkadmin2
2011-09-24 22:34:02 Asomiya Software Prakalpa Asomiya bhasa k Adhunik Projuktire Biswamukhi korar binamra proyash..............

10 items in 1 Software.......
Assamese Dictionary,Encyclopedia,Picture,Phrases& Idioms,Homophones, Abbreviations, WRONG& CORRECT WORDS,synonyms, Opposite words, Phrases, Mini DTP.

More details.... plz contact me at: ppsaikiastatsmtech@gmail.com or +91 9707362135


by: mkadmin
2011-06-22 11:00:23 New Assamese Music Album-'Xuwoni Tora' '''Xuwoni Tora''' is an Assamese music album (audio CD), released at Guwahati Press Club on 11 June 2011 by distinguished Sangeet Natak Akademi award winner Sudakhina Sarma, noted singer Lakhyahira Das and Professor, former Vice-Chancellor of Gauhati University Dr Amarjyoti Choudhury.

   This album is a collection of songs and poems by the great writer, literratue, critic, author, educator and poet Dimbeswar Neog.

The album has 12 (twelve) songs by popular singers like Pulak Banerjee, Tarali Sarma, Debajit Choudhury, Zublee Baruah, Aparna Dutta Choudhury, Rajeeb Bhattacharjee, Pranjal Parash and other arists like Mayur Bora, Dikshita Bhattacharjee and Enisha Choudhury. It has 2 (two) recitation by Anupjyoti Choudhury. Apart from the above numbers, this album includes 2 (two) bonus tracks.

Music Direction by Debajit Choudhury and Music Arrangement by Mausom Bora

'''Xuwoni Tora''' has garnered rave reviews from all leading regional newspapers of Assam. This is an effort to keep the works of this great writer alive.Known as the Indradhanu Poet, Dimbeswar Neog made a distinct mark in almost all the branches of literary forms. He proved by far that he was a literary genius of extraordinary gifts and accomplishments. His contribution to the various fields of Assamese literature is unique and needs special mention.
Here are some of the pictures of album release.

Video:@utube.com More pictures : @ picasaweb.google.com
by: mkadmin2
2011-03-27 14:15:23 Rebirth of Dr.Bhupen Hazarika's song in Sinaki Xuodi Xoor A new album 'Sinaki Xuodi Xoor' of Rabin Goswami have been released in Assam as well as in USA with eight melodious songs of Dr. Hazarika in the month of January this year

   The song selection and the music are awesome. If you are a fan of Dr.Hazarika please do not miss this opportunity to listen this album. Bhupen da’s songs are our language; we can make out each and every little mistakes if not sung properly. Here Robin Goswami from MD,USA, put all these songs together with his melodious voice and with the help of other melodious singers like Tarali Sharma, Shashwati Phukan, Santa Uzir and Arundhotee Goswami. I can tell, you will definitely feel happy and satisfied after listening this album. Specially the songs like; Shirojugamiya dhou tuli, Akaxi janere, Preme preme buli and Milonore aai xubhokhyon are awesome. You can get this album by asking in the following address.

The price of this CD is $12US ($10 + $2 S&H)

18918 Saint Albert Dr
Brookeville MD 20833 USA
Ph. 301-260-2733 (h)
Here are some links of album launch days






by: mkadmin2
2011-03-10 21:22:41 XOBDO.ORG Press Release - 2011 XOBDO.ORG Press Release - 2011

With great pleasure, we would like to announce that XOBDO.ORG has successfully completed 5 years of existence on 10-March-2011.

XOBDO is a group of people living across the globe to collectively do something good for the region. Now, it is an NGO registered under "Registration of Societies Act XXI of 1860" with a registration number of RS/KAM(M)/240/A-24/352 of 2010-2011 with an office at House No-20, Ashok Path Beltola, Guwahati.

The love for their mother tongue has generated more than 1600 selfless volunteers who are working day and night from different parts of the world to create this unique project – a multi-directional, multi-lingual, multi-media embedded, online dictionary of the languages of the North-East India. Apart from achieving 35000 Assamese words, it is already galloping ahead with a large corpus of Karbi, Dimasa, Mising, Meeteilon, Hindi and Bengali words. Efforts are on to attract volunteers to provide a constant addition of words in the other 23 languages adopted in the project.

Apart from creating the online dictionary, XOBDO is also involved in an ambitious project to digitize and archive many old and new Assamese texts in collaboration with www.xophura.org

XOBDO.ORG has also prepared course materials to teach Assamese to the children of the non-residents Assamese people living in different parts of the world. Using these materials two class room sessions are going on - one in Abu Dhabi, UAE and another in Bay Area of California. The materials are freely available from http://learn.xobdo.org

Like last year, this year also XOBDO.ORG would like to recognize 8 person who selflessly contributed directly to these efforts. We would also like to recognize other 3 people and 4 organizations or entities who contributed significantly towards advancement of Assamese in the internet.

Those who directly contributed toXOBDO.ORG:
1. Dr. Probodh Borah - More than 6000 Assamese words contributions in XOBDO.ORG. We also appreciate his popular Assamese blogs with special emphasis to science and travelogues.
2. Sushanta Kar - Northeastern Bengali words contributions in XOBDO.ORG . We also congratulate him for Assamese to Bengali translations of various novels, stories, poems etc.
3. Arnab Phonglosa - Dimasa words contributions in XOBDO.ORG
4. Caroline Kropi - Karbi words contributions in XOBDO.ORG
5. Philippe Ramirez -Tiwa words contributions in XOBDO.ORG
6. Dr. Barnali Deuri Bora - Deuri words contributions in XOBDO.ORG
7. Abdul Hamid - Meeteilon words contributions in XOBDO.ORG
8. Bornaly Hazarika - Hindi words contributions in XOBDO.ORG

Those who are not directly involved in XOBDO.ORG
1. Dr. Banajit Pathak: for working day and night selflessly for spreading and popularizing Assamese in the internet. We also appreciate him for designing the first Unicode font customized for Assamese. It can be found at www.kuhipat.org
2. Himjyoti Talukdar: for all the online and offline publicity he gathered for various projects related to the use of Assamese over the internet.
3. Uddip Talukdar - for English-Assamese translations ( especially of
Sherlock Holmes stories)
4. Oxomiya Kotha Botora : A Facebook group started by Mr. Pankaj Borah, who is currently pursuing Ph D Norway. The group initiating a kind of language revolution (ভাষা আন্দোলন) in the internet. Due to the pressure from this group a number of national and multinational companies were forced to apologize and correct their advertisement published in distorted Assamese.
5. enajori.com : for spreading and popularizing Assamese in the internet.
6. The Sunday India (Assamese version)
http://www.thesundayindian.com/index.php?lang=as: For being the first
full-fledged Assamese Unicode online magazine.
7. e-Jonaki Jug Initiatives (http://sites.google.com/site/ejonakijug/): A initiative started and lead by Mr. Wahid Saleh, born in Jorhat and now a prominent citizen of The Netherlands. The initiative helped to increate online Assamese contents.

Last year XOBDO conducted a series of essay compettetion to encourage students to write in Assamese. The results are as follows:

Essay Competition-1:
1. Group A First Prize : Hrithik Gogoi, Class IV, Hajji Asimuddin Mission School, Sonari (Cash Prize Rs 1000)
2. Group B First Prize : Daisy Gogoi, Class VIII, Hajji Asimuddin Mission School, Sonari (Cash Prize Rs 2000)
3. Group B Second Prize : Jairaj Kalita, Class VII, Faculty School,Geetanagar, Guwahati
Essay (Cash Prize Rs 1000)

4. Consolatory participation prize to Ms. Monalisa Borah, Class X,
Assam Jatiya Bidyalaya, Noonmati, Guwahati. (Cash Prize Rs 1000)

XOBDO.ORG decided to continue conducting all Assam essay competition in the future as well.

XOBDO has a number of other dedicated volunteers whom we could not include this year. Without their selfless dedication, it would have not been possible for XOBDO to reach where it stands now.


Buljit Buragohain
Publicity Team

by: mkadmin2
2011-02-05 14:23:52 Yellow Pages- Higher Studies World Yellow Pages for Higher Studies. Find University, Institute, Colleges world wide & talk business. Free Listing www.kezkostudy.com


by: mkadmin
2011-01-23 19:53:10 A popular ringtone - for assamese in 2011 Attached is a ringtone, in mp3 format, which I believe will be the most popular in 2011

Swadhinota 2011

   Extract of an audio clip from Magh bihu celebration at the ulfa camp. If anyone could name the person who lead the call, please opine. I believe only two person after yandaboo act that REALLY loved assam ...

1. Late Gopinath Bordoloi (Saved Assam from being part of East Pakistan)
2. Col. Paresh Barua ( He will die stomping few square yards of grounds on some far eastern corner of assam close to Burmese border, before his death)

Hats off to Col. Barua - stay alive and make us feel whatever little Lachit you have in your bone ....
by: mkadmin
2010-11-06 19:40:49 MK Pirate radio in Assam I just learned that Markin Kalpataru will be broadcasting on FM pirate radio for 50 days in few towns of assam. if they can !!

Check back here for the FM frequency ( 98.1 FM

   You will be hearing non stop Assamese and English oldies.

Markin Kalpataru will broadcast a cell phone number to call in for request. They will be broadcasting from a few unknown location across the state. They also said that they will use solar power for their broadcast.

check 98.1 FM in guwahati
by: mkadmin2
2010-10-19 08:09:08 A new Assam operated Social Community Assam operated Fast growing social community www.onmybloq.com has launched its russian version after achieving top 500 rank in central asia.Currently covering 90 countries and still growing . Looking forward to intigrate assamese language in near future.


Globodyne Technology
Assam, India

Martin-Global Inc


by: mkadmin2
2010-10-06 21:52:28 Assam Convention USA 2011 Assam Convention North America would be held in Chicago in the first weekend of July, 2011. Venue is not yet decided.


by: mkadmin2
2010-09-20 21:24:27 Jana Gana Mana UNESCO Announces Indian National Anthem ‘Jana Gana Mana’ as the Best National Anthem

   Indian National Anthem ‘Jana Gana Mana’ written and composed by Rabindra Nath Tagore has been chosen as the world’s best nation anthem by UNESCO.

Jana Gana Mana written in Sanskritised Bengali, it is the first of five stanzas if Brahmo hymn composed and scored by Nobel laureate Rabindra Nath Tagore.

It was first sung at the Calcutta session of the Indian national congress, on 27 December 1911. Jana Gana Mana was officially adopted by the constituent assembly as the Indian National Anthem on January 24, 1950. The music for the ‘current version’ is said to be derived from a composition for the song by Ram Singh Thakur, although some dispute this.

A formal rendition of the nation anthem takes about forty-eight to fifty-two seconds.

by: mkadmin
2010-08-26 11:50:06 Namghar in Houston


by: mkadmin2
2010-08-05 05:32:28 pure assamese t shirt brand A new brand named LUIT has been launched in Guwahati. This brand will present various Assamese topics in a fashionable way and will be printed on t-shirts. Luit will try to make various Assamese facts acceptable by teenagers who are fond of fashion. The whole motto of the brand will be to promote Assam in an globally acceptable fashionable manner. please write to luit.assam@yahoo.com for further information.or you can call the in the following numbers- +918876747175,+9854080170


by: mkadmin2
2010-06-25 08:23:48 DR. BHABENDRA NATH SAIKIA MEMORIAL ESSAY COMPETITION The first Bi-lingual online journal of Assam enajori.com, in collaboration with E-Aspire, IT, LLC has organized an essay competition Reflexion 2010, to commemorate the death anniversary of the renowned Assamese littrateur and film director Dr. Bhabendra Nath Saikia. The competition has been organized at the International level under two age groups, the junior group is from 13 to 18 and the senior age group is from 19 to 28.

Everybody dreams of a beautiful Assam; but can that be materialized? How does todays young generation wish to see a beautiful Assam? Can such a dream be made possible? In pursuing such a thought the theme for the junior section has been finalized as Assam of my Dream. On the other hand there is no dearth of problems faced by the government as well as the common people of Assam. Taking this cue, the theme for the senior section has been fixed as In my view, three fundamental problems of Assam and their practical solutions. The participants can address any three fundamental problems faced by Assam along with their solutions which are constructive and effective. The participants can participate from all over the world and the prize for the first, second and third ranks in the Junior section has been fixed as Rs. 5000/-, 3500/- and 2000/- along with a certificate. For the senior section the prize for the first three ranks are &7500/-. 5000/- and 3000/- along with a certificate. The competition will take place in both Assamese and English language and the last date of submission of the essays is 25th July, 2010. The essays can be sent either by post or email. The participants from the junior section have to send a proof from the Head of their Institution as their age proof. For the senior section, the participants will have to submit a photocopy of any government ot legal do*****ent as age proof. For the entries sent by email, a scanned copy of the age proof has to be sent.

The essays have to be sent in the following address:

Enajori.com, c/o Srishti, First Floor, G R Kalita Commercial Complex,Skylab Building, Opposite to SBI, South Guwahati Branch, Ulubari, Guwahati-7

Address for the Email entries: reflexion.essay2010@gmail.com and info@enajori.com

The details of the competition are available at www.enajori.com.

For further enquiry contact 9954873868, 9706033594, 9854190190.

The selected essays will be published in renowned Assamese and English dailies. The prize distribution will take place in a programme in commemorating the death anniversary of Dr Bhabendra Nath Saikia. The details of this programme will be intimated later

by: mkadmin
2010-06-11 12:01:02 RARE ASSAMESE SONGS ON THE NET Songs, they say are food of love. For others, it is a panacea for all diseases, manna of heaven. But the cruel hands of Time and Oblivion devour the gemlike songs of yesteryears that causes acute pain for those who strive to restore those from the cave of oblivion.


Well, it is such an effort, a mission to bring back to your home a handful of Assamese songs that truly spread the fragrance of Assam of the early fifties and before. Some rare compositions, including the Assamese song recorded in the first gramophone record, are being revived from obscurity by an amateur music lover. Some rare gems are being released on the Internet that would help not only easy access to the addicts of immortal Assamese compositions, but also download the same round the clock paying nothing. This also means the selected songs will be preserved in the music archive of Internet Archive and will be available for all days to come, that too with the press of a button.
This has been possible through the venture of Sri Umananda Duwerah of Moranhat, Santipur (Assam, India), the Curator and Founder of Gramophone Record Museum, with the help of an upcoming singer Dipalima Dowarah Chaliha.

Umananda Dowerah, a 48-year-old cultural activist known for his rare collection of antique record players and records, who has a museum-*****-library of his own at his residence in Moranhat. An accomplished artist by profession, Dowerah has been collecting old records which have now crossed the thousand mark. He also has 14 gramophone record players of various shapes and types each in good condition. Amongst the 1,600 gramophone records he had collected, 400 of them were Assamese. His collection also included the original voices of Jyotiprasad Agarwalla, Bishnu Prasad Rabha and Phani Sarma, besides the original record of the first gramophone record of Assamese song (1924) and the famous Lakhinath Bezbarua's song ''O Mor Apoonar Desh'', the patriotic song which came close to becoming the anthem of Assam.
To popularize these evergreen old Assamese songs recorded in gramophone records (from 1924 onwards) and to materialize the mission of Umananda Dowerah, his nephew Dipalima Dowarah Chaliha helps by mastering most of these gems of bygone era of Assamese Music in their original tune. Both of them have been conducting workshops on these rare Assamese songs, in many places of Assam and have already compiled a book of these songs with notations as recorded in the original gramophone records.
Dipalima Dowarah Chaliha, is an approved artist of Assamese modern song in All India Radio. She was awarded the Best singer award of Xur Xandhan, a mega Assamese modern song competition, held in 2007. She was accredited as the best singer of Cotton College in the year 1998-99. Several songs are recorded in her voice in audio cassettes and CDs from her early age and her sweet and melodious voice has already captured the heart beat of many fans.
In the first phase of the mission to revive these songs for the new generation, a few songs have been rerecorded keeping the original tune and lyrics as on the gramophone records and Dipalima has lent her voice to all these songs.
To download these songs, simply search for "Evergreen Assamese Songs Recorded In Gramophone Records".

Note from MK Admin: Those of who wishes to view and sample Mr. Dowarah's 400 assamese gramophone records collection, you can visit his museum at the following GPS location.
27° 11'03.04" N    94° 55'04.80" E
by: mkadmin
2010-06-11 11:55:43 NE Career Guidance Launched their Services in Assam and Sikkim Gurgaon, Haryana, India; June 06, 2010 NE Career Guidance announces that they have launched their training and skill development services in Assam and Sikkim on 23rd May 2010 and 30th May 2010 respectively in a event organized at Guwahati Press Club and Press club of Sikkim.

   NE Career Guidance would be conducting Training and Skill Development Programmes for the audience targeted by NE Career Guidance to match the necessary skills sought by employers in general and support placement of attendees.

NE Career Guidance is now moving ahead deploying Knowledge Hubs in Assam to deliver job oriented trainings & skill development Programmes which comes with 100% employment assistance and we would work dedicatedly to eradicate unemployment and help unemployed youths in the state of Assam & Sikkim where we have already launched our service.

NE Career Guidance aims to address the current skill gaps in students across 8 North Eastern States. We through our various short-term training and skill development Programmes for the students hailing from North Eastern states, would bridge the gap between industries skill demand and supply of trained resources. Our Programmes are designed to deliver quality training and certification Programmes in Telecom, IT, Banking & Finance, Insurance, BPO, Retail and other vocational trainings to cater to all industry sector needs. NE Career Guidance plans to create ready-to-induct employable resources and will address unemployment in the entire Region and address the needs of students across 8 states.

by: mkadmin
2010-05-28 09:46:19 Hard working kids brings smile to parents ...


by: mkadmin
2010-05-18 11:04:34 Cooler head prevails ...


by: mkadmin
2010-05-17 08:25:32 Mahananda Majindar Barua in GNRC


by: mkadmin
2010-05-10 10:00:52 Hard work paid off ...


by: mkadmin
2010-04-21 12:14:40 Dont need to look for hell, its right there ...


by: mkadmin
2010-04-12 10:27:40 Axom Smoxan Nohe Kune Koi ?


by: mkadmin2
2010-04-12 08:24:38 NE Career Guidance to launch its on ground services soon Source: NE Career Guidance Friday, April 09, 2010, 11:30 Hrs. IST Gurgaon, Haryana, India; April 09, 2010 NE Career Guidance announces that they are going to launch their on ground services soon. NE Career Guidance is in the process of further enhancing their services and solutions portfolio to increase value proposition in the Education consulting sector in North East India. NE Career Guidance is slated to provide within North East India all services and solutions related to career management and having many partners on their side and experts having several years of experience in their respective areas.

NE Career Guidance which was founded in December 2009, provides various services & solutions for Education and career guidance for the students in North East India, is now bringing its expertise in this area in a more extensive way through various Education and Career events.

"NE Career Guidance is only one its kind initiative in North East India which is a one stop solution for career guidance & counseling when we refer it as End-to-End solution. We are committed to the students community in North East and geared up to work on ground with the motto, help-guide-inform-motivate said Prashant Barooah, Founder and CEO of NE Career Guidance.

He also added, We would help our students explore options for the future and make them rise to world standard. Students will be provided with huge information database on academic, technical, college and institutes, and information on future job requirements. Students are informed and guided and can explore wide range of careers which they can pursue and develop needed skills for the changing world. Our aim is-to reach to remotest areas in the North East to create awareness and provide access to information. Apart from our awareness programs through events and seminars on Education & Career, we also organize training & certification programme in all fields so as to generate ready-to-induct professionals mainly through Skill enhancement trainings. We also assist, help, prepare and guide students finding a right job, work, employment.

Apart from onsite guidance and counseling all these services are also brought through NE Career Guidances online portal www.necareerguidance.com where students in the Region having access to Internet can use our information database as self-help tool. The portal would be maintained with most up-to-date and enormous information related to Education and Career.

Sangeeta Borthakur, Director, Public Relations
NE Career Guidance
Mailto: info@necareerguidance.com

by: mkadmin
2010-03-27 10:14:32 Assamese woman makes computer easy for illiterates
Indrani MedhiGUWAHATI, March 26 A young woman from Assam has achieved honours in the challenging realm of computer literacy. What is more she, along with two co-workers, have earned a patent from the US Patent and Trademark Office last year.


Indrani Medhi, an associate researcher with Microsoft, has developed text-free user interfaces designed to help illiterate and semi-literate users for whom the computer appears as an alien tool. Her design, according to experts, would allow any first-time illiterate personto immediately realise useful interaction with minimal or no assistance.

The achievement was important enough to gain attention of the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and she was featured in the Technology Review, the institutes magazine on innovation. In the March 2010 edition, Medhis work has been described in some detail.

The magazines TR 35 list, in which she is mentioned, recognises just 20 individuals under the age of 35, whose work shows exceptional brilliance in fields such as biotech, materials, computer hardware, energy, transportation and the internet. Medhis contribution is in the area of computer and electronics hardware.

Significantly, Medhis work was exemplary in its land-to-lab linkages. An architect trained in NIT Nagpur and Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Medhi spent long periods in the slums of India, Philippines, and South Africa understanding the genuine needs of the under privileged communities.

According to the Technology Review, during her research Medhi discovered that illiterate people with no experience with computing were intimidated by technology. The young innovator surmounted the problem by preparing full context videos with a storyline that made the technology easily comprehensible to the user.

Speaking to The Assam Tribune, Indranis mother, Meera Medhi, said that her daughter was always keen to develop something that would benefit the poor and marginalised. Now her innovation has made her realise a dream, the proud mother remarked. She said that the creative imagination that enabled Indrani to develop the new product could have its roots in her childhood spent in drawing and reading.

Indranis father, Bimal Medhi, revealed that despite a busy schedule, she offers voluntary service in a Bengaluru-based animal welfare facility.

It is worth mentioning that the TR 35 list was prepared by a distinguished panel, which included K Vijay Raghavan, Director, National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, PK Sinha, Chief Co-ordinator, CDAC, and Viswanath Poosala, Head of Bell Labs India, among others.

by: mkadmin2
2010-03-12 07:50:23 NE Career Guidance - Shaping the Future of Students of North East India NE Career Guidance - Shaping the Future of Students of North East India About NE Career Guidance - Our Mission Help-Guide-Inform-Motivate We, North East Educational Services (NE Career Guidance) have joined hands with various experts, institutes, counselors, professionals and companies in various fields with the aim to expose students from North Eastern states of India to the world of opportunities. Its an initiative that provides interaction between the academic and affective needs of students. This is an End-to End Career Guidance initiative for the Students hailing from the North Eastern States of India including teachers, parents, guardians, schools, colleges and various professional institutions. Our aim is-to reach to remotest areas in the North East to create awareness and provide access to information.

   It is a venture by Top Institutes alumnus, professionals and with help of researching academician and PhD Scholars from reputed universities, collaborative partnership of counselors, administrators, teachers, technocrats, school psychologists, social workers, students, families, and community members. Venture is a result of extensive research of education systems. This endeavor is our humble MISSION to help our North Eastern Students to help and guide them investigate a wide range of career choices and provide them with information on how and where to pursue their dreams. The goal is to make it easier for our North East students to understand the relevance of their required courses and help them select their courses more wisely with tools and also with expert panels help. Our initiative is to provide detailed information to students who are unaware of various career options available other than Conventional ones, within North East, within the country and worldwide. We would help who are puzzled and unable to take right decision on their career moves in a particular field of interests and relevance. They will be provided with right career choices considering future job scenarios based on practical research. With the help of this venture it will help parents reassure that their children will be well guided and prepared for right professional college/institutes and workplace with right understanding and relevance of their skills and abilities. Educators can use our enormous information built after several years of research to gauge how well they are meeting the academic and career needs of all students in todays dynamic world. Also as a curriculum framework that can be adapted to meet students development needs in terms of right career progression. We would help our students explore options for the future and make them rise to world standard. Students are provided with huge information database on academic, technical, college and institutes, and information on future job requirements. Students are informed and guided and can explore wide range of careers which they can pursue and develop needed skills for the changing world. Parents can learn what academic and technical courses their children need in variety of career fields keeping in mind future job scenarios. Apart from onsite guidance and counseling all these services are also brought through our online portal (www.necareerguidance.com) where students in the Region having access to Internet can use our information database as self-help tool. Portal would be maintained with most up-to-date and enormous information related to Education and Career. NE Career Guidance key features: - Guide and counsel in the career decision making process. - Self help tools in decision making. - The single most source for unlimited information. - End-to-End guidance and counseling from secondary education, post-secondary education, and/or employment. - Career profiling through Psychometric tests carried by experts. - Generate ready-to-induct professionals through Skill enhancement trainings. - Job preparation assistance. - Assist, help and guide finding a right job, work, employment. On-site Service - What we offer? - One-on-One Career Guidance and Counseling for Students and Parents. - Conducts Events and Seminars on Career Guidance and Counseling. - Organize Career and Job Fares. - Organize Training/Certification programme in all fields. - Organize skill enhancement training programme. Let us together build the foundation more strong and help make NE Region a knowledge sharing hub rather than knowledge gaining hub. Team - NE Career Guidance www.necareerguidance.com

by: mkadmin2
2010-02-25 17:00:32 Xomidhan We are a group of enthusiasts from Assam who have joined hands and heads to contribute to the development of our homeland.

   Career interests have dispersed most of us across the globe, but no matter where we are the need to 'give back' to Assam surfaces every now and then. So we want to apply our knowledge and expertise, in a concerted way, to the various sectors that impact the development of that region. Based on this premise, Xomidhan formally kick started on the first day of 2010.

Xomidhan is thus, a launch pad, and our first initiative is Career Counselling.

What we do :

Xomidhan (as per the Assamese dictionary) means uttar, an answer, a reply. As such, our mission is to provide a solution to the issues at hand. It could be a very small step towards solving the bigger problems that plague our state. But we want to make an effort, begin somewhere.

A cursory view of our charter:

* One step at a time: We have come to a consensus to flag off Xomidhan with Career Counselling (please scroll down for details).

* You have a plan? Let's make it happen! While, we will focus on Careers as of now, we will remain open to proposals to join/initiate other ventures as long as it they are plausible (considering our geographical/time limitations).

* It isn't about a community: When we refer to Assam or the Assamese, please remember it essentially includes all residents of that state and not the Assamese community in particular [as a matter of fact, the idea for our Org, was seeded by a Bengali resident of Nagaon]. So all are invited to send in your queries or join our panel of Career Counsellors (as applicable). Even non-residents of Assam, willing to extend a helping hand to our cause, are most welcome.

* Be one of us: Do you have a good understanding of your career domain?good enough to provide professional guidance to aspirants? If yes, why don't you register yourself as a Career Counsellor with us? Only when Xomidhan receives a query related to your specific area of expertise, you will be required to respond. You can even don the role of a Mentor and guide a Mentee in his/her career.

If you do not want to become either of the two, you can still join us by simply being a part of our think tank or help us with your time or resources.

* Not brain-drain, but brain-chain: Our network of Career Counsellors from different parts of the world, can provide authentic, even first-hand information, for students and careerists. But that should not be misinterpreted as promoting brain-drain. We only want to help people realize their true potential.

Here is more about our first initiative
Career Counselling

* Confused regarding which course to opt for or which institute to head to?
* Want to explore career options in various sectors in Assam or out of Assam?
* Require a mentor in your field to guide you to become more successful in life?

The above are only a few instances and every person has his/her unique issue. Share your career related problems with us, and we will give you the best solution we can. For example, if someone wants to crack the IIMs or the IITs, the most obvious suggestion he might get is that "Sit for CAT/JEE, perform well and that will be your ticket to those institutes". While that is not incorrect, what the aspirant also needs to be tipped about is "go back to primary school, pick up the Tables (Neota). Pick the art of mental calculations from the vendors in the market. Read and speak in English as much as possible (must for CAT exam)" and so on.

Who will Counsel?

We have a team of counsellors empanelled with us-Subject Matter Experts from multidisciplinary streams like engineering, design, media, economics, public relations, medicine et al. They constitute professionals from prestigious organizations, successful entrepreneurs, academicians doing noteworthy research, to name a few.

Apart from this, we also publish career related articles, from across the globe, like examination dates and preparation materials etc.
We're just a form away...

If you want our help or guidance,please feel free to share the correct details, so that we can revert back (within five working days at the max) with a solution customised to suit your case.

Please visit our website to know more: http://www.xomidhan.org/

by: mkadmin
2010-02-02 10:05:37 Bina Das Manna no more


by: mkadmin
2010-01-05 11:43:24 Manisha - A hard working girl ... Such an exemplary story - felt like sharing with you all ...


by: mkadmin
2010-01-05 11:20:36 Invitation to North East India International Meet (NEIIM) North East India International Meet (NEIIM-2010)

11-12 January 2010

Pragjyoti ITA Centre for Performing Arts, Machkhowa, Guwahati

For registration Email : neiim@yahoo.com
Website : www.neiim2010.com

Organised by FASS in association with Govt.of Assam

Chief Patron of the Organising Committee : Honble Chief Minister, Assam

Patron of the Organising Committee : Honble Chief Minister, Mizoram


(a) All Non-Residents of North-East India (NR-NEIs) presently residing in different parts of the globe

(b) All Non-Residents of North-East India presently residing in Delhi , Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad and other parts of India

(c) Residents of North-East India (R-NEIs)

(d) All who may not be of North-East India origin but served/worked in tea-estates of Assam , defence forces, oil sector, Govt. departments etc. etc.

(e) All well-wishers of North-East India

About NEIIM:

The North East India International Meet-2010 (NEIIM-2010) is an effort by the Friends of Assam & Seven Sisters (FASS) to bring together on a common platform the rich Diaspora of the North East : its people, its well wishers, its various stakeholders and all those who may have had in the past or even now have emotional, social, commercial, or official bondage with the region. NEIIM is basically a meeting ground for all those who wish the region and its people well. This Diaspora is to be found not only outside the North East throughout the length and breadth of the Indian subcontinent, but also in various parts of the globe. NEIIM is a humble effort to assemble the vast capital of goodwill and human resource in a common crucible dedicated to harmony, growth and betterment of humanity as a whole.

When India became independent in 1947, the partition of the sub-continent geographically isolated the North Eastern region, inhibiting its growth and development. The region had a traditional and conventional industrial base which was to a large extent dependent on the abundant natural and geographical resources of the region. Post independence, the market access of the products from these traditional and conventional industries got hampered due to the immensity of the logistical problems. Recurrent environmental disasters like floods, earthquakes etc. also added to the woes of the region. Multi ethnicity, cultural diversity, geographical heterogeneity have resulted in a socio-political complexity from which the region has to emerge expeditiously. Otherwise, it would fail to keep in step with the growth, development, progress the world is witnessing in general.

Resilience is the hallmark of the people of this region. They have never allowed the turn of events to overwhelm them. Inspite of the plethora of problems that seem to beset the people almost on a continuous basis, the hardy North Easterners have carried on stoically. They have immense faith in themselves and never lose hope that growth and development would come their way, sometime or other. The region may suffer from the usual pangs of development, which are associated with any land-locked nation or region, but the North East region of India have potential. The feeling among all those who wish well of the region is that the time has come to think out of the box, harness whatever resources the region may have and move forward with resolution and drive.

The real resource that abounds in the North East is its human resource. The region is supposedly rich in natural resources. These natural resources can be harnessed appropriately only through basic human capital resources. And it is not that the basic human resource is locally absent. The resource is spread amongst all those who feel for the region, who are or were part of the region socially, ethnically, emotionally or professionally. They may be spread all over the globe and may be found in almost every nook and corner of India. They all love the region, have immense goodwill towards it. If this latent but powerful human capital can be harnessed, if this emotional bond can be appropriately leveraged, the region would definitely develop. The NEIIM is an effort in this direction.

NEIIM is not a platform to talk about the deprivations the region suffers from. This is not the forum to talk about the immense possibilities and potential of the region that have been discussed ad infinitum. The forum would be a humble attempt to bring the rich North East Diaspora together, to pool their minds and explore ways and means of leveraging the rich but widely dispersed human capital base of this region to work towards the development of the region. The forum will explore ways by which the immense goodwill that the various stakeholders have can be channelized in a direction that would give opportunities and direction to the youths of the region, the coming generations. It would try to network with the countless people who, in their own ways, may help the growth and development of the region. There are many pearls in the region that need to be picked, many uncut diamonds that need to be polished, many opportunities that need to be exploited, many problems that need to be solved and many raised hands that need to be held and guided forward. There are many in the Diaspora who want to help, who want to contribute, who want to catalyse the growth of the region, but do not know how. NEIIM would provide a platform to all those who want to do something.

NEIIM 2010 is expected to be just the beginning, a small step. However, a small step in the beginning may often end up in something that may be revolutionary. We hope that maximum number of the North Eastern Diaspora, spread all over the globe, will take this opportunity to visit their roots, their place of work, where they may have had the most sublime pleasures of their lives to come and interact with those who are still there and who feel that in todays world, networking and leveraging relationships is the key to the future of the region. Most important, we hope that all those who would come from outside the region would go back not only with pleasant memories, but would also act in future as the cultural, commercial, knowledge and social ambassadors of the region to the outside world. Such an outcome would contribute immensely in projecting a positive image of the region to the outside world and make the world realize what a resource-rich region the North East part of India is.

A one-and-half day programme has been drawn up and a large attendance from local officials, entrepreneurs, professionals, educationists, social workers and various organizations from the North East is expected at the Meet. We also propose to put up stalls exhibiting the rich diversity and potential of the region for all those who wish to exploit the same. We assure an experience that would be enriching to all those who would join us in our efforts.

Programme Outline

Day 1 : 11 January 2010

09.30 am 10.30 am Inaugural Session

10.30 am 10.50 am Tea Break

10.50 am 12.50 pm Plenary Session I : Economy

10.50 am 12.45 pm Plenary Session II : Youth Forum

12.45 pm 02.00 pm Networking Lunch

02.00 pm 03.55 pm Plenary Session I : Flood and Erosion problem of the river Brahmaputra

02.00 pm 03.55 pm Plenary Session II : Tourism

06.00 pm 09.00 pm Cultural Evening / Networking Dinner (Venue : Greenwood Resort)

Day 2 : 12 January 2010

09.00 am 11.00 am Plenary Session I : Rural Health Care in North East India

09.00 am 11.00 am Plenary Session II : Rural Development

11.00 am 11.15 am Tea Break

11.15 am 12.50 pm Plenary Session I : Education in North East India

11.15 am 12.50 pm Plenary Session II : Session name will be announced shortly

11.15 am 12.50 pm Plenary Session III : North East India Petroleum Association

12.50 pm 01.00 pm Tea Break

01.00 pm 02.00 pm Valedictory Session

02.00 pm 03.00 pm Networking Lunch

by: mkadmin
2010-01-05 11:17:06 Serial Killer back again on Guwahati Street
Remember last winter ? Streets of Guwahati became a killing filed - the victims were poor homeless beggars. The serial killer kills each victim either but strangulation or by hitting with large stone. The police failed to apprehend the killer and now he is back at it again.

This is a serious matter and police detective should work on it more diligently. As you can see the killer doesn't strike during summer time.

It may be because, in the summer time, those homeless people do not get in to deep sleep because of hot weather. But in the winter time, the sleep tends to be more deeper.

It is high time that surveillances camera with low lux should be put in to place to arrest this culprit.


by: mkadmin
2010-01-01 06:55:06 Little Assamese girl played draw with Viswanath Anand A 5th standard assamese girl from teok, surprised everybody as she played chess with renown world chess figure, Viswanathan Anand and able to draw 2 matches.


by: mkadmin2
2009-12-18 19:22:53 Guwahati Doordarshan Kendra brought fame to Assam There is hardly any good news in Assamese newspapers to read. When we open a newspaper it is common that people are killing people for power.

    There are always protesters from some groups to give trouble. It is really very difficult to count how many groups are there fighting for Assam today though actually Assamese people wants peace very badly.
In the midst of bad news we are lucky to see good news about Assamese culture. The news is about three producers who won National Awards in 2009 for Guwahati Doordarshan Kendra. In the womens category Ajanta Das received the best producer for the drama Ekajoli Rod and environmental category Hareswar Laskar and Bibhu Dutta together received best producers for the do*****entary Assam, the treasure trove of nature. Some of the famous shows and telefilms which Ajanta Das produced in the past are Jiban Malita -a health magazine, Teton Tamuli-a telefilm and Manashi- a womens magazine.
Three of them accepted the awards in a grand function in Hydarabad on 30th November 2009. There were many famous persons and actors like Purukhsit Sahani, Bhumika Chaula and Chief minister Mr. K.Rosaiah presented there. Congratulations and Best wishes to three of you from bottom of our heart!
-Markin Kalpataru

by: mkadmin2
2009-12-10 08:39:55 The quest for leadership-by Patricia Mukhim The recent furore over the public support shown to ULFA Chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa and his comrades when they were produced at a court in Guwahati deserves careful scrutiny.

   Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi is rightly embarrassed. But ULFA Commander in Chief, Paresh Barua who is probably monitoring the events from wherever he is located immediately jumped to the conclusion that the ULFA still enjoys considerable public support. Is this a correct assessment of the situation or a foolhardy rhetoric aimed at pepping up the comrades who have come over-ground?

We dont need to be psychologists to understand herd mentality. This is a high profile case and such cases always draw crowds. Many who gathered at theCourt might have been curious spectators, prompted by a keen desire to see Arabinda Rajkhowa in person. Impressionable adolescents who were born after the genesis of the ULFA and have only heard and read of Arabinda Rajkhowa are another group of spectators. And there could possibly be a third group comprising family members, close relative and friends of the ULFA supremo. This third category, would, I believe, be most inclined to be the slogan shouting lot. Any leader of a mass movement will tell us that once an impassioned slogan is launched it becomes an emotional roller coaster. People could have joined in the chorus for reasons that cannot be easily construed. Mob mentality, in any case, is fickle and driven by momentary emotional upsurge.

However, another very plausible reason why Rajkhowa and his co-workers are still seen as leaders is because of the sheer vacuum of leadership in Assam and the North East. Today the only people many of us readily consider as leaders are politicians. No matter how shallow and inconsequential their views, we tend to look up to them because they have the resources to make our lives better. That they finally do not deliver and leave us high and dry is of course a different story. Politicians have lost their credibility because they promise the moon and deliver peanuts. Most are busy regulating their own businesses and attending corporate boardroom meets. Politics has entitled them to appropriate public resources for personal gains.

The problem today is that there are only two types of leaders. One is the politician and the other is the rebel. There is nothing in between. We talk of business leaders like Narayanamoorthy of Infosys fame but do not have one such in this region. There are leaders in the academia and social fields but they do not make news because they are not custodians of public resources as politicians are. Rebel leaders make news and claim leadership on the basis of successful bomb blasts and the human toll of such blasts. Politicians claim to be leaders but have to spend huge amounts to buy votes. Do leaders need to spend money to win an election if they are really committed to serving the people? These are the dichotomies that confound us. People are today virtually leaderless and are willing to invest even in those that Arun Shourie calls the false gods.

John Haggai in his book Lead On says Leadership is the discipline of deliberately exerting special influence within a group to move it towards goals of beneficial permanence that fulfil the groups real needs. Haggai amplifies the definition sayingthat the word discipline was chosen to indicate that leaders are made, not born. He says that the words exerting special influence means that that influence is not forced on others. Today many who call themselves leaders are actually power holders- exerting their will on others. People follow them or listen to their dictates out of fear. Is this not what the ULFA has done since it started its venture for sovereignty? Assam has lived in the shadow of fear for over two decades. Others in the region have similarly had to kowtow to the diktat of sundry rebel groups whose ideologies are amorphous and self-serving. The political scenario is no different. With each passing year politics has degenerated into a sort of dirty business.

I have always been baffled by the fact that MK Subba, the lottery baron who is allegedly a Nepali citizen and whose antecedents are as colourful as that of a mafia don, could win the Lok Sabha election repeatedly. He lost this time, perhaps because he did not perform. But it is a terrible insult to our democratic system that such perfidious characters can cosily slip in and by sheer weight of moneypower become our law maker. Did the founding fathers of our Constitution ever envisage that scoundrels and scalawags like Madhu Koda, who in the guise of being a tribal leader, has pounced on their resources to enrich himself, thus leaving the tribes poorer than ever today? Is thisleadership ? Despite all these gross anomalies those in charge of the electoral system feign helplessness to check the pernicious effects of moneypower during elections.

A leader has some basic qualities which separate him from the self-proclaimed ones. Leaders touch base with their followers all the time. A leader leads but not before consulting his followers and getting their informed opinion. After all the leader is only the first among equals and as accountable as anyone is to the people. A leader cannot be living in luxury while his followers are in penury. They do not enrich themselves at the expense of the followers. Above all leaders do not conspire to blow their own people to pieces, innocent children included (remember the Dhemaji blasts). Leaders do not put their people on the firing line while they are themselves are safely ensconced in alien sanctuaries. Above all, a leader walks the talk. Our politicians have made a mockery of this adage. So have those who claim to lead revolutionary movements.

Leadership is neither easy nor comfortable. One who calls himself/herself a leader should engage in some serious introspection. Until such time politicians and people like Arabinda Rajkhowa, Paresh Barua and the like will continue to preen their feathers and call themselves leaders even though they have long lost since lost the legitimacy to do so. Leaders are not meant to mislead but to lead. A rebel outfit to my mind is an aberration of democracy. That such groups surface from time to time shows up the defects in our democracy or in the way governments as delivery agents are being run. If governments did their jobs as they are supposed to do would there be as much discontent across the nation as is palpable today?

We have bad governments because we have bad leaders. The only way out is to look for alternative leadership. We need in this region a number of institutions that will help build young political leaders. Above all we need to rise above cynicism because that kills all initiatives to a better future. Look at Akhil Gogoi. He is a ray of hope for all of us. This young man has turned the RTI into an empowering tool and we should be imbibing lessons from this courageous social leader. If we have many more Akhil Gogois we can yet hope to cleanse up the Augean stables of politics. However, as electors, let us ask ourselves why we choose the corrupt over the principled? If we are vigilant citizens we can stop the flow of public money to the private coffers of politicians. The RTI is an enabling factor. Once that happens others who are not flushed with funds can also hope to contest elections. Then, no candidate will have unfair advantage over others.

Does this sound like utopia? Well, at least it is better than the distant dream of sovereignty.

Courtesy- The Assam Tribune

by: mkadmin
2009-12-02 13:52:09 ULFA chief Arabinda held in Bangladesh
GUWAHATI, Dec 2 The United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) has received its worst ever setback with the detention of its Chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa in Bangladesh, while, intelligence inputs also indicated detention of the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the outfit Raju Baruah by the security agencies of the neighbouring country. Both the ULFA leaders are likely to be handed over to India shortly, highly placed official sources said.

Meanwhile, the security forces of Bangladesh today handed over two dreaded Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) militants to India.

Highly placed official sources told The Assam Tribune that Rajkhowa, whose movements were under scanner of the security forces of Bangladesh since September this year, was picked up yesterday from a house in the suburbs of Dhaka city along with a few of his associates. Sources said that the Government of Bangladesh already intimated India about the detention of Rajkhowa and he is likely to be handed over to India within the next few days. Bangladesh has not registered any case against Rajkhowa and he will be handed over to India as a part of the assurance to hand over militant leaders of India taking shelter in Bangladesh for years.

Sources revealed that the security agencies of Bangladesh started keeping a close watch on the movement of the militant leaders since September and Rajkhowa was kept confined in his house for 24 hours on September 29, which forced him to send his family members to the Chittagong area. But after keeping his movements under scanner for nearly two months, the security forces of Bangladesh finally detained him.

Official sources said that intelligence inputs indicated detention of the Deputy C-in-C of the ULFA Raju Baruah in Bangladesh. The Government of Bangladesh is yet to confirm the detention of Raju Baruah. The Government of Bangladesh only informed India that the ULFA Chairman and a few others were detained. But Indian intelligence agencies managed to obtain reports confirming the detention of Raju Baruah, sources added.

Sources said that the formalities for handing over the detained ULFA men are being worked out and they are likely to be handed over shortly. The handing over can take place any day now, sources added.

It may be mentioned here that the improvement of relations between India and Bangladesh has put the ULFA in a fix as early this month, two senior members of the ULFA Foreign Secretary Sasha Choudhury and Finance Secretary Chitraban Hazarika were picked up by the security forces of Bangladesh and they were handed over to the Border Security Force (BSF) in Tripura.

Rajkhowa alias Rajiv Rajkonwar, the number one man in the hierarchy of the ULFA, was born in Sivasagar district in 1956. According to information provided on the Assam Police website, he visited

different countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Pakistan, Thailand etc with forged documents and he had received initial training with the KIA in Myanmar.

LeT handover: Official sources said that two hardcore LeT militants, wanted for the blasts in Bangalore in 2007, were handed over to BSF this afternoon and they have been handed over to the police.

However, the official version released by the BSF said that the militants, identified as Nashir and Samsuddin, also worked for the Indian Mujahideen. BSF sources said that the militants were arrested near the border pillar number 1276 near Dowki along Meghalaya-Bangladesh border.

Meanwhile, the family members of Arabinda Rajkhowa said that the Government should start meaningful discussion with the ULFA for a permanent solution to the problems.

When contacted, the ULFA Chairmans brother Ajoy Rajkonwar said that the people of Assam are in favour of peace and instead of trying to divide the organization, the Government should start the process of talks for permanent political settlement of the problems.

Rajkhowas sister-in-law Bharati Rajkuwori said that they had no contact with Aribinda for decades. She also hoped that the family members would soon be able to meet Arabinda after years.

Meanwhile, anti-talks NDFB Chairman Ranjan Daimari is believed to be detained in his house in a suburb of Dhaka by security forces, according to intelligence inputs gathered here. Details are awaited.

by: mkadmin2
2009-11-04 08:05:55 32nd Death Anniversary of Jayanta Hazarita A Musical program was held on the occasion of

   Jayanta Hazarika's 32nd Death anniversary at Chandmari, Guwahati with performances from singers old and new, male and female alike, led by the old brigade such as Kula Baruah and Tarun Das followed by the younger generation such as Hemanta Nath, Nikunja Medhi, Ashim Jyoti Baruah, Hiren Sarmah, Nibedita Sarma Borah, Meera Das Saharia, master Rishi Abhinava and many more. Actor Biju Phukan graced the occasion and crooned 'Tomar Morome Mor' in memory of the singer/dear friend who gave many hits for his movie roles.

by: mkadmin
2009-10-26 12:13:56 Srimati Abala Gohain, the first lady to bring Montessori method in Assam Srimati Abala Gohain is a known name in Assam for establishing Balya Bhaban in 1950, one of the best Assamese language school in Assam also the first woman to preside Jorhat Sahitya Sabha. I feel lucky to be part of that school and finished childhood education under her. I wish her a very long and healthy life on her 85th Birthday. Here is an article of Mr. Ananata Narayan Barthakur from Ajir Dainik Batori.


by: mkadmin
2009-10-22 13:16:42 Loss of one bright businessman of our time.. Ranjan Das was a very energetic young man, who came to our home in Edison, NJ back in 1996 with his wife Rupa. Rupa was a regular member of Markin Kalpataru. Ranjan opened Patkai Networks in California. He was only 42, when he passed away after a massive heart attack in Mumbai. Our condolences to Rupa and two very young boys he left behind. World assamese community lost a brilliant business leader.

   Ranjan Das, president, SAP India, died of a heart attack on Wednesday. He was 42. Das had been with SAP for over eight years and moved to Mumbai [ Images ] in 2007 after taking over as Head of SAP India.

Born and raised in India, Das received a scholarship to study at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering. He then went on to attain an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Das was a seasoned entrepreneurial technology executive with over 15 years of experience in both global and start-up software companies. Das was among the few who were responsible for making India one of the company's fastest growing regions. Last year the firm announced that SAP India was the jewel in the crown of SAP worldwide.

Das also co-founded SAP xApps and established it into one of the fastest growing businesses for the company. He also assumed the lead role in integrating the sales model and resources from acquired companies, including Virsa, Lighthammer and Frictionless Commerce, into SAP.

The Indian sub continent is one of SAP's fastest growing markets worldwide. With over 1,800 customers (400+ in 2007, 498 in 2006) and a stated target of scaling that to 15,000 by 2010, the region is key to SAP's worldwide growth.

In an official statement the company said: "SAP is deeply saddened by the news that our colleague Ranjan Das has passed away suddenly today. This comes as a great shock to all of us within the SAP family and is felt most profoundly by every one of us. We will be sharing more information once we have had the opportunity to further understand the family's wishes."

Last VIDEO from NDTV - 23 min
by: mkadmin
2009-10-17 09:09:38 Graceful Display Rabindra Bhawan in Guwahati on October 12 was agog with activities as 29 up and coming Bharatnatyam artistes performed their arangetram before a packed audience. The evening of Bharatnatyam dance recital and arangetram ceremony was organised by Anusuya Dance Academy, a leading institute of the city imparting lessons on the classical dance.


The evening started with the formal lighting of the ceremonial lamp by Guru Anu Basumatary Patra, followed by felicitation of distingushed guests Sabin Rajkhowa, secretary of Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra, Rajen Hazari, principal of the State Music College, and Dulal Roy, noted theatre personality. They later handed over the diplomas to the 29 budding dancers Alpana Deka, Ankita Sharma, Anuja Goswami, Arindita Borpujari, Ashlesha Sharma, Ayusmita Choudhury, Barnali Deka, Barsha Choudhury, Barsha Deka, Bhanti Rekha Brahma, Biswarupa Das, Chayanika Dutta, Chirantana Borthakur, Diksha Das, Disha Roy, Dubori Haloi, Epsita Das, Gayatri Dihingia, Himakshi Laskar, Jahnavi Medhi, Jyotismita Das, Kalpana Gogoi, Kironmoyee Baruah, Mamata Trikhatri, Pallavi Borthakur, Pompy Gogoi, Pujashree Mahanta, Sujaya Rajkhowa and Sushmi Deb.

The dance items began with Pushpanjali by the disciples of Anu Basumatary Patra, a fine danseuse herself who took her early lessons of Bharatnatyam under the tutelage of Guru Pushpa Bhuyan, being a student of the first batch, receiving the diploma from none other than Hema Malini. Pushpanjali was followed by Guru Vandana and Shiva Vandana (Jaya jaya Sambhu) where the dancers paid tributes to their teacher and the Nataraj Lord Shiva, who is considered supreme in Indian dance tradition.

Then the students of the dance institute came on stage, batch by batch, both the pass-outs as well as the learners, to present a multitude of dance programmes like Pada Nritya, Ganesh Kavutwam, Allaripu, Nataraj Anjali, Swaravali, Jatiswaram, Rukmini Kirtanam, Shabdam, Shiv Kriti and Tillana. It was nice to see the kids as also the young talents dance in close coordination with the beats with graceful body movements. So polished was their performance that their different mudras with hand, feet movements and excellent eye work kept the audience mesmerised throughout the entire programme.

It may be mentioned here that Anu Basamatary Patra is also a Visharad degree holder from Bhatkhande Music College, Lucknow and has earned plaudits with her dance performances at various festivals and fairs like Vasanta Utsav at Shantiniketan, All Assam Satriya Samaroh, International Trade fair at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, etc. She is also connected with television serials through acting and choreography.

Established in 1995, her dance school Anusuya Dance Academy at Beltola, Guwahati has so far trained 70-odd diploma holders and a good number of them have also won scholarships from the Centre for Cultural Research and Training under the Union Ministry of Culture.

Bornali Konwar

by: mkadmin
2009-10-17 09:06:22 Let The music Flow.. Its not the years in your life that count. Its the life in your years that count. - Abraham Lincoln Assamese singer-composer Jayanta Hazarika is perhaps a classic example ....

   Assamese singer-composer Jayanta Hazarika is perhaps a classic example Jayanta Hazarika recording songs for the Assamese film Faguni. Also seen are singer Malabika Bora, Pulak Gogoi, director Siva Thakur and music director Dr Upen Kakati.of these famous words by the erstwhile President of the United States of America. His evanescent lifetime was marked by his superior musical gifts, unprecedented success and popularity.

Late Jayanta Hazarika was an eminent singer, instrumentalist, composer and music director. His integration of Western notes into indigenous Assamese tunes positioned him as the archetype of a progressive Assamese musician. He was an expert in a legion of musical instruments including guitar, dumra, mandolin, accordion, tabla, mouth organ and more. He is also one of the few musicians who could play more than two octaves in the harmonium at a time.

He was born on September 20, 1943 to probably the most illustrious family of several gifted artistes and doyens of Assamese music. A younger sibling of musical prodigy Dr Bhupen Hazarika, Jayanta assisted his brother in composing and directing music for many Assamese films; although he composed the first tune in his life at the tender age of nine for lyrics written by one of his elder brothers, Nripen Hazarika. His career in playback singing started in 1963 with Maniram Dewan (an Assamese feature film). He also sang for films like Lotighoti, Faguni, Chikmik Bijulee, etc. At the behest of his music director-brother, he composed the score and lent his vocals for Mrityu sabati samadhi tolit, a song that overwhelms listeners with its emotional intensity even today.

This trendsetting musician independently composed some of the most memorable tracks of Assamese music. His euphonic contributions cover films like Bonoria Phool, Niyati, Brishti, Dharmakai and Natun Asha (completed by his wife Manisha Hazarika after his death). Some of his evergreen numbers are Tomar morome mor, Dekha nai, Surat magan bhayal rati, Bhorir taluwar pora jodi, Ei akash bor bishal, etc. Besides, he had also composed music for many documentaries like Flora and Fauna of North East India, Wheels and the Horizon, Sanman and Jyoti Chitraban.

Jayanta Hazarika also had an immense love for composing music for plays. During his stint with Lakhimi Theatre of Goalpara, he completed seventeen songs for five dramas, in addition to the background scores. He also handled the music for notable plays like Siraj by Phani Sarma, Baan by Prafulla Bora and Jinty, Janma, Yuddha Ghosanar Din, Jerengar Sati produced by Progoti Silpi Sangha of Guwahati.

While performing at the International Conference of Political Songs (February 14, 1972) in Berlin, he accompanied Dr Bhupen Hazarika and mesmerized the audience with his soulful compositions and powerful vocals. Apart from his commercial performances, Jayanta pioneered the formation of the Sur Bahini, a mobile musical brigade which was committed to working selflessly for the welfare of the poor.

Jayanta Hazarikas avant-garde style was inspired by the pioneering style of legendary filmmaker Jyotiprasad Agarwala. Like Agarwala, he combined the elements of Assamese folk, Indian classical and Western music to create a contemporary musical genre, yet entirely retaining his Assamese roots.

His soulful melodies were usually characterised by melancholy lyrics, eccentric chords and deft use of the guitar and violin. Hazarika also included unconventional preludes and interludes while composing and arranging music. The technical handling of a prelude in the basic 1-3-5 form (tonic, subdominant, dominant), and the interlude beginning in the minor and coming to rest in its relative major are still rare and laudable achievements in Assamese music. Be it the delicate guitar plucking in Surat magan bhayal rati or the rich saxophone score in Mrityu sabati samadhi tolit, he managed to elevate the quality of his songs and deliver a rich euphonic experience every time.

After his premature demise on October 15, 1977, he left behind his wife, veteran musician-singer Manisha Hazarika (who later completed many of his unfinished compositions), and a talented son, Mayukh Hazarika. Manisha was born and raised in a musical ambience in Kolkata, but chose to stay back in Assam after her husbands death to keep his legacy alive. Mayukhs singing has echoes of his fathers vocals but has skilfully managed to create his own signature style over time.

The sheer depth, appeal and technical finesse of Jayanta Hazarikas compositions were way ahead of their times and still continue to inspire aspiring musicians of successive generations. His phenomenal musical legacy can never be encompassed in words. His musical excellence can perhaps be only realised by letting his songs run through our souls. It is extremely unfortunate that his musical journey ended with his unexpected demise, bringing an abrupt halt to the mellifluous years ahead of him.

Parmita Bora

by: mkadmin2
2009-09-18 13:00:26 A new assamese album A new assamese audio album TUP TUP ..by Anurag Saikia..Comeing Soon


by: mkadmin2
2009-09-02 21:57:40 Jorhat musicians Pak bonhomie - Dudul Saikia becomes first from region to compo Guwahati, Aug. 31: Several summers ago, a young man from the small town of Jorhat landed in Mumbai in search of a musical identity in tinsel town.

   Young music director Dudul Saikia now a well-known name in music circles with several hit albums under his belt has just become the first from the Northeast to compose music for a Pakistani singer.

And it is unlikely that anyone will take offence to this cross-border bonding, unlike the political turmoil over one mans praise of another.

Saikia, a self-made musician, composed the music for the song Tu hi tu hai for the album Tabeer by the popular Pakistani singer Shafqat Amanat Ali. The song has become a big hit in Pakistan and is turning out to be the USP of the new album.

It is a privilege to work for Amanat Ali, who is basically a classical singer. Music has no barriers and this song is dedicated to the unique musical traditions of the two countries, Saikia told The Telegraph from Mumbai, where he is based.

Amanat Ali is best known in India for his soulful rendition of Mitwa from the Bollywood film Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna, starring Shah Rukh Khan and Rani Mukerjee.

He has also sung in other Hindi films like Dor, Hello, Mumbai Cuttings and Aashayen.

Saikia, on the other hand, has followed a rich tradition of Assamese musicians like Bhupen Hazarika, Pritam and Zubeen Garg to make a name for himself in the cut-throat music industry.

Saikia has composed music for several albums and worked with directors like Preetam, Rajesh Roshan and Anand Raj Anand. But he is now set to make his debut as a solo music director in a yet-to-be-named Bollywood film.

It has been real hard work but I feel satisfied now as people are accepting my music, he said.

The youngest of three brothers and a sister, 30-year-old Saikias first brush with music was when his father a retired agricultural engineer gifted him a keyboard while he was about 10 years old.

I started playing the keyboard by myself and found that I had a flair for music, Saikia recalled.

He was soon to become a regular on stage shows in Jorhat, considered the cultural capital of the state, accompanying some well-known singers, including Zubeen.

Our association (with Zubeen) goes back many, many years and we almost started our careers together. Now, too, we are working together, he added.

Saikia, who worked in TV serials and ad jingles, composed music for Zubeen in the Hindi album Zindagi.
-The Telegraph

by: mkadmin
2009-09-02 04:54:29 Dipen Barua got married, finally ! Dipen Barua, one of the renown playback singer, finally tied knots with Jyotsna, his long time girlfriend of 30 or so years.


by: mkadmin
2009-09-01 18:01:44 Your subscription to MK - part of which goes to 2009 Durga Puja FYI, MK subscriptions from INDIA, is being spent in india. Since 2004 we have pledged $101 to the bharalumukh puja location.

   We ask in our heart that if devi helps us to keep Assamese culture alive on the internet, we will continue to support her puja as long as this website is alive. So far, by her grace, we continue to receive subscription from around the world and ALSO from india. This year, MK was able to donate the whole pledged amount from its indian subscription fund. If you happen to go to Bharalumukh puja , right across from the police station, say hello for us.

Please be kind to fellow human being and devi will shower her blessing upon you, like she did to me !

Abhi Barthakur
Hillsborough, NJ

NB: see my 2004 puja and purnahurti at : Click here

by: mkadmin2
2009-08-19 12:20:52 Astronaut juwai headed for Assam - Mike Fincke invited to attend IIT Guwahati festival next month, to interact with students
Guwahati, Aug. 17: What does it take to be a record-holding astronaut who is all set to fly into space for the third time? Well, hear it from the man himself.
Mike Fincke, US astronaut and Assams son-in-law, will be the star attraction at IIT Guwahatis annual extravaganza, Techniche 2009, where he will interact with students and speak about his experiences as a spaceman.

This will be the first time Fincke married to an Assamese NASA engineer Renita Saikia will speak live to an audience in Assam where he has become a household name.

Finckes mother-in-law Probha Saikia told The Telegraph through email from Houston that Mike is quite excited about the upcoming visit which he hopes will strengthen his bonds with Assam.

Fincke will arrive in Guwahati on September 3 and share his experiences with IIT students on September 6. He had earlier interacted with school and college students in the Northeast from space via satellite.

His visit to the campus is sure to excite and inspire budding astronauts from the Northeast. It will be a unique platform for people from different backgrounds to interact with an experienced and record-holding astronaut and know more about the deep secrets of the cosmos, Anand V. Kartha, an organiser of Techniche 2009, said.

Fincke will also attend another interactive session with the students of Astronomy Club at IIT Guwahati the same day.

It is human tendency to explore the depth of the unknown and ever since the dawn of development of science, man has explored the vastness of the deep space. Hence, what more can one expect than to hear it straight from a man who has been there and seen it all? Kartha added.

Techniche is acknowledged as one of the best student festivals in the region. Organised by IIT Guwahati, it provides a platform for students to interact with the best minds of the world.

Fincke will travel to space for a third time sometime next year. He will make a trip to the International Space Station (ISS), as a mission specialist this time. He was aboard the ISS as mission commander for nearly six months and returned to Earth in April this year.

Fincke and Renita have three children, Chandra, Tarali and Surya. Surya was born while his father was in space.

Fincke endeared himself to his wifes native land when he became the first man to do the Bihu in space an event witnessed by thousands of people around the world through streaming video .
-By Roopak Goswami

(The Telegraph,18.08.2009)

by: mkadmin
2009-08-18 14:01:02 Ananda Narayan Deb no more


by: mkadmin
2009-06-03 10:16:36 HSLC results of 2009 - another side story


Remember this story ??

MK archived this success story as well

by: mkadmin2
2009-06-01 08:07:38 Lok Sabha session from 1st June The new Lok Sabha, with a more dominant Congress heading a coalition having a comfortable majority with its allies, opens its first session on Monday whose highlight would be the election of the Speaker and unfolding of UPA govt's plan of action.


by: mkadmin2
2009-05-10 08:46:10 Assamese are the friendliest Indians by Khushwant Singh WE got talking about the friendliest people in our country. We analysed Panjus (Punjabis), Bhaiyas (Uttar Pradeshis and Biharis), Bongs (Bengalis), Dakhanis (Telengas, Kannadas), Mallus (Malayalis), Madrasis (Tamilians), Mian Bhais (Muslims), Makapaons (Christians) and Bawajis (Parsis). We went down the list demolishing each group for one defect or the other. Panjus: very forthcoming but uncouth and loud-mouthed, who wants to make friends with them ? Bhaiyas: non-descript, neither as extrovert as Panjus nor as introspective as Bongs. Bongs: think they are number one Indians and very arty; when Bengal sneezes, the rest of India catches a cold etc. And clannish. No cuisine culture, only moshti doi and roshogulla. Maharashtrians, Dakhanees, Madrasis and Mallus, all lumped together as Madrasis, are full of caste prejudices and rarely invite people to their homes. Makapaons and Bawajis are half-baked firengis: you don’t feel relaxed in their company. General conclusion: people who prefer their own kind — language-wise or caste-wise — don’t qualify to compete for the "friendship championship". Nor do people who keep their women in purdah or in the kitchen.

   So who are we left with ? I go over my encounter with my country men and women. I have been just about everywhere in Bharat. I could not make up my mind when I got a letter from Bobbeeta. I had all but forgotten her but for her odd name Bobbeeta. I had met her briefly in Guwahati and Delhi. I went over the names of other Assamese I knew: Baruas, Bezbaruas, Hazarikas, Gogois, Bardolois Saikias, Phukans, Bor-Thakurs, Raj Khowas, Goswamis, Chaudhrys, Sarmas, Acharyas. It is surprising that even though I have not been to Assam more than four or five times and for that too three or four days each time, I keep in touch with more Assamese than with any other people. Why? For me the average Assamese woman is better-looking than the average-looking woman anywhere else. For another they are more forthcoming and more hospitable, with no hangups about caste or class. My vote for the friendliest of Indians goes to the Assamese.

Back to Bobbeeta. She was nurtured on films and electronic media. As a child, she started playing roles in may films till she came to Doordarshan in Guwahati as a news reader and also began acting in serials. While she teaches history in Pandu College (Guwahati), she is a research fellow in the Department of Film studies in Calcutta’s Jadavpur University. Her crowning achievement has been her being the anchor and co-producer of Geetimalika, a song-based programme, which will telecast its 100th episode on Boxing Day — December 26, a record for any programme telecast in Assamese. For the centenary of Geetimalika, a bash is planned to honour Bobbeeta, her husband and co-producer Chinmoy, director-editor Manas Adhikari and script writer Jimoni Chaudhury. Bobbeeta has written to me about what they plan doing for the big day but has not invited me to join them. This is a very unfriendly act by people I vote as the friendliest of Indians.

by: mkadmin
2009-04-28 09:44:05 Can Kaziranga make it to World’s Seven Wonders? BOKAKHAT, April 26 – It has been a matter of pleasure that Kaziranga National Park has entered the second phase of the official ‘New 7 Wonders of Nature Campaign’, for the selection of seven new wonders of nature around the globe. As per the results of the official global voting till April 2009, 261 nominees out of a thousand have been declared fit to take part in the second phase, starting this April.

    The sad thing has been the position of Kaziranga National Park at 19th, in E category (forest, national park, nature reserve), far behind Puerto Princesa of Phillippines in first place. Amazon of South America in second place and Sunderbans of India in third place. Again, Kaziranga NP had narrowly escaped cancellation in the first phase due to the absence of official sponsorship. It is to be mentioned that each nomination must be supported by any official sponsorship. Credit goes to media of Assam for publishing the matter on time so as to alert Forest department of Assam to submit sponsorship documents at the eleventh hour.

In order to select the new Seven Wonders of the World, online nominations from all over the world had been submitted to the organisation. There had been seven categories in the nomination process. Category A includes landscape, ice formations, category B islands, category C mountains, volcanoes, category D caves, rock formations, valleys, category E forests, national parks, category F lakes, rivers, waterfalls, and category G sea shores.

Each individual could vote for one nomination in each category through e-mail or phone. In each round. One can send only one nomination from one e-mail or phone in each category. After global voting and official confirmation, 77 nominations could reach the second phase. The voting for the second phase had already begun from April 2009.

According to the latest results, Kaziranga has been placed at the 19th place in category E. In category A Al hase oasis of Saudi Arabia, Kalahari Desert of Botswana and Sigatoka Sand Dunes of Fiji had been placed in the first three positions respectively.

In category B Bora Bora islands of the French Polynesia, Galapagos island of Ecuador and Bikini atoll of Marshall Island. In category C Yu Shan mountain of Chinese Taipei, Mount Everest of Nepal, and Mount Fuji of Japan and in category D Divolja Varoo of Serbia, Belodgrade chik rocks of Bulgaria and Grand Canyon of USA, have been placed.

The category E Pueroto Princesa of Phillippines Amazon of South America and Sunderbans of India and in category F Niagara falls of USA/Canada have been accorded Danube river and Ganges river of India and in category G Cox Bazaar sea rank ports of Bangladesh, Great Barrier reef of Australia/New Zealand and Hahong Bay of Vietnam have been placed as first, second and third respectively.

One can easily understand the importance of the seven new wonders of the world, as it would bring fame and glory to the places respectively. Kaziranga, if nominated as number one in its category E could bring fame not only to Assam but to other NE states also. The economy and lifestyle of the people of NE states would change overnight. Second place of Mount Everest in category C ’ third place of river Ganga in F category, third place of Sundarbans in E category (where as Kaziranga has been placed at 19th, and first position of Cox Bazaar in G category had been possible as a result of large scale voting of the people concerned. But surprisingly, less people from NE states had been aware of the proceeding thereby casting fewer votes.

If AASU, ABSU, AJYCP and other organisations can make Debajit Saha number one in India, could it not be possible to make Kaziranga number one in the world as one of the new seven wonders? It is time for all the organisations and individuals of NE states to come forward to support Kaziranga . Anybody can log on to www.new7wonders com for necessary information and voting. People can vote by phone also International telephone number is 41773124041 to insert code-526 for Kaziranga.

Spread the word around &

Let's make it happen


by: mkadmin
2009-04-23 12:40:54 Nokia Internet Radio now carries Markin Kalpataru Nokia Corporation, world's leading mobile phone maker started carrying the *ONLY* Assamese station on their internet radio listing, starting April 23rd, 2009.

   Markin Kalpataru is proud to announce that it is now partnering with Nokia Corporation, to bring its live music channel to millions of worldwide listeners through their mobile phones. It is to be noted that, MK is THE ONLY Assamese station being carried by a prominent mobile phone company in a global setting.

This effort has brought the Assamese language to global focus - that there is a language with rich culture and heritage exists in a corner of the globe, and is as tech savvy as any other region of the world.

In order to listen, turn on the internet radio program on your mobile phone, select search by language, and Assamese will appear on the top. Under Assamese, you will be able to find Markin Kalpataru's live station.

MK Admin

Please keep in mind that a large amount of data transmission is required when listening to internet radio station. When you listen to such stream it is advised that you have an unlimited data plan or use built-in wifi connection on your phone. Otherwise, your mobile provider may charge you a large amount of money for data access.
by: mkadmin2
2009-04-13 21:42:38 IIT-G's steps towards social development (merinews) The students of IIT-G have been involved in various efforts like zero illiteracy zone campaign, distribution of used clothes, blood donation camps, visit to orphanages in Guwahati city, popularisation of Gandhian philosophy, e-governance etc.

   AN EDUCATION institute is a place for nurturing the future of a society. Being one of the prominent institutes of the nation, Indian Institute of Technology-Guwahati (IIT-G) has been working towards this goal in several ways to contribute towards the social development of the nation in general and of the region in particular.

“The zero illiteracy campaign was started in July 2008, in which the security guards of the institute and small children from nearby village were taught. The guards were taught spoken and written English. The school children were taught almost all the subjects in their curricula,” said Ashish Kakran, general secretary students welfare, IIT Guwahati.

There were around 150 kids from nearby villages of Katinga Pahad, Muriyapatti, Chinarpatti, Lathiya Bagicha, Amingaon AIDC etc who benefitted from the programme. Starting from this year, the mess workers of IIT G Hostel are being taught English and general awareness. From August 2007, the students collected old clothes from the campus and distributed them to the needy in Guwahati city.

Kakran said, “The first blood donation camp was organised in IIT-G campus on April 2007. This was a grand success where around 200 units of blood were collected. Since then it has become a regular event at IITG. It’s planned to make it a bi-semester regular event. The next blood donation camp was organised on March 29, 2009, in collaboration with Guwahati Medical College (GMC). It was a 1-day camp where 102 units of blood were donated.”
“The students of IIT-G make frequent visits to some of the local orphanages. This interaction has proved to be beneficial to both parties. The inmates of the orphanages always enjoy the presence of our students and we in turn learn a lot about human emotions and values from these kids,” he said.
The National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers have started a web page to make the ideas of Mahatma popular among the current generation of youths. They also plan to have regular discussions and brain-storming sessions on different implications of Gandhian philosophy and Gandhian economy.

According to him, there are many policies, both at the Central and state level, which encourage the use of internet for better governance. The inclusion of right to information in the list of fundamental rights, is one such step. IIT-G is trying to build database and information-base, which can be accessed for new initiatives.

The student leader said, “Mentoring of local school students by university scholars is a common trend in foreign universities. Following the same idea, from January 2009, Class IX and XI students of Kendiya Vidyalaya of IIT-Guwahati are being mentored by IIT-G students. This gives the KV students a scope to learn more about both curricular and extra-curricular activites.”

The students involved in these programmes are the NSS volunteers and the group coordinators, Harpreet Singh (spoken English for security personnel), Mayur Agarwal (classes for village students), Rishab Parasar (classes for mess workers), Tarun Chubisa (e-governance and IT), Atul Sancheti (popularisation of Gandhian ideals) and Ashish Thakur (KV students’ mentoring).


by: mkadmin2
2009-04-13 21:38:36 New CDs of Late Anima Chakravarti(Bhattacharya) Two remarkable CDs
Welcoming the Assamese New Year and Rongali Bihu, ANNA (Assam Association of North America) has presented two beautiful audio CDs to the people of Assam. The two CDs, titled Aami Asomore Jiyoree O’ and Kone Sajale Rupore Sarai are produced by ANNA in memory of well known singer Late Anima Chakravarty (Bhattacharya). The first one is a collection of eight popular songs of Anima, in her own voice, while the second one contains eight melodies of the singer, recreated and sung by the talented celebrated singer-composer Tarali Sarma, keeping as close as possible to the original.

   AANA is a non-profit organisation, comprising of people who have their roots in Assam, or who have close ties with Assam. Its objective is to work for preserving and protecting the cultural heritage of Assam at home and abroad. With a view to achieve this, ANNA has been organising the annual Assam Convention, where matters of common interest are discussed.

Anima Chakravarty (Bhattacharya) is a familiar name in the Assamese musical scene. She has to her credit a number of popular songs like Sil pai jopiai, Kuhipat jen komal, etc, and Bihugeets, which carry folk flavour. Born in 1949, Anima was introduced to music by her father, Late Madhab Bhattacharya at an early age. Under the tutelege of Luit Konwar Rudra Barua, she became popular in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1989, she was married to Dr Ishwar Chakravarty, professor of mathematics and settled in Canada. She used to perform in Canadian and US cities, till her last days.
(Courtsey-The Assam Tribune)

by: mkadmin2
2009-03-22 08:11:44 Assamese National Dictionary The objectives of Assamese National Dictionary is to build up a corpus of 1,50,000- 2,00,000 words in Assamese which is expected to go a long way in the dissemination of knowledge and the spread of a scientific outlook in Assam in particular and the whole of north eastern India in general. The words of science and technology, both relating to conception and implements are to be defined and explained in Assamese.
The dictionary is expected to illuminate the students in particular and the common reading public in general. Moreover words originating from different tribal languages of the myriad ethnic groups of the north-eastern region, besides those from Sanskrit, Hindi, Bengali, Arabic, Parsi, Urdu would be accomodated here. The issues of Austric and Dravidian influence in Assamese would also be dealt with.
Hence it is expected to work as a lingustic, cultural mechanism to fuse together a united nationality. The dictionary thus created is expected to serve as an effective tool of national integration.
Mooted informally first in 1999,publicly announced on 1st January 2000,the present project was formally started through a workshop on the 7th July,2002.The Office ***** lexicographic laboratory was inaugurated on 1st June 2007.The first two Volume of the dictionaries comprising nearly 1,00,000 words, are expected to see the light of the day exactly on 1st January 2010.The work is in the final stage of editing now. Actual printing would start on 7th July,2009.


by: mkadmin2
2009-03-04 20:48:16 A new website on Assam
    Dear friends, I published my website www.aleora.com on 27th January, this year . I include lots of information on Assam specially about the historical places of Assam like Sivsagar,majuli etc. on this site.
    You can also download some pictures of historical monuments of Sivasagar here. Also you can share jokes, SMS and play online games here .
    If you are interested, you can also submit your topics and photos by sending e-mails at info@aleora.com.
    Kind regards, Kanchan


by: mkadmin
2009-02-11 14:54:57 priyabasu21 is the winner of making MK Song Count to 200,000 Markin Kalpataru is providing online assamese songs to non-resident assamese across the globe for over 11 years.
On the morning of February 6th 2009, MK members, crossed playing 200,000 songs from its on demand library.

   On February 6th, at 6:34:11 MST, Priyanka Basumatary of New Delhi pushed this magic number.

Congratulation Ms. Basumatary !! You are now a gold member for 1 full year, ( Worth INR 500.00 or US$29.95) for having crossed the 200,000 mark.

Detail from MK Server log:

user ID = priybasu21 ( priyanka basumatary of New Delhi, India )
Time Stamp = 6:34:11 Feb 06 2009
IP Address =
Song ID = jk7
Song = Jikir - Xoraguri Sapori

by: mkadmin
2009-01-27 13:35:48 Vote for Kaziranga National Park, Assam Dear all,

Kaziranga is in the contest for the new seven wonders of the world.

Please go to www.new7wonders.com and cast your vote.

Thanking you.

With regards,


by: mkadmin
2009-01-11 20:32:43 Flag this message Demolishing Barriers!-Aiyushman Dutta Northeast India, as the catch line goes, is virtually a paradise unexplored; a land of diverse cultures, traditions and unparalleled beauty and grandeur. Why, there must be thirty-forty ethnic groups or communities in Asom alone, proving that this very region gave the country its much coveted legend of 'unity in diversity'! However, large-scale influx of migrants into the region from Bangladesh has not only changed the demography of the region, but it has also started threatening the existence of many small ethnic groups. The sense of insecurity which has crept in among the people of these communities is reflected in the increasing incidents of communal clashes and strife. Besides, the advent of modern technology and education has almost pushed our ethnic languages on the brink of extinction. The time has now come for us to seriously ponder about the fate of our traditions and ethnic languages.

   The ethnic people's fear of being swamped holds true especially today, when the internet has infused into each and every aspect of our lives, opening the entire world in front of our eyes and attracting today's youngsters to the latest global trends. But all is not lost. A proactive group of professionals from Asom has taken the help of the World Wide Web to preserve and promote the various ethnic languages of the region.

I am talking about www.xobdo.net — an online dictionary that aims at preserving ethnic languages of Northeast India, such as Karbi, Khasi, Bodo, Dimasa, Bishnupriya, Mising, Nagamese, Garo, Tai, Ao, Mizo (Lushai), Kuki, Apatani, Monpa, Meeteilon, Chakma, Hmar, Kok-Borok and others, apart from Asomiya. In effect, Xobdo, which in Asomiya means 'word', has become the first-ever multi-lingual online dictionary for all ethnic languages of this corner of the planet! The brainchild of Bikram M Baruah, an engineer of Asom who is now based in Abu Dhabi, this unique online dictionary is currently run by a team of enterprising young volunteers. The website was basically designed as an online Asomiya-English dictionary. But the turning point came in 2007 with the addition of multiple interfaces to include 16 more languages spoken in the Northeast. The objective of the website is best summed up in the words of Buljit Buragohain — a research scholar in IIT-Guwahati and a member of the online dictionary's publicity team — who says, "Xobdo's vision is to demolish the language barrier and thereby fuel mutual understanding and cooperation amongst the people of the entire Northeastern region. We also aim to bring all the languages of the region to the forefront of the IT age."

A project which has been made possible with voluntary contribution of time and effort by professionals from the region located worldwide, Xobdo is a work in progress, with new words being incorporated everyday. The year 2008 has brought cheer for the team as the site successfully attained its goal of incorporating 20,000 Asomiya words in its archive. Buragohain says, "The project has been made possible by voluntary contribution of time and effort by professionals from the region located worldwide. We are also looking for more volunteers for all the ethnic languages. Anybody can contribute a word along with its meaning to the online dictionary."

At a time when speakers of ethnic languages are decreasing across the world, www.xobdo.net is undoubtedly playing a pivotal role in their preservation. Buragohain clarifies, "This is not only going to preserve the ethnic languages of the region, but it will also showcase to the world community our rich culture and traditions." In the same breath, he adds, "We wanted to bring people from different linguistic and ethnic groups closer through this initiative. We seem to be succeeding as right now we have 44,468 users and the numbers are increasing every day."

While the website would undoubtedly help in the preservation of the regional languages, it will also be useful for Northeasterners living outside the region to learn their own languages. That fact that the website is community-based (everyone can add new words) is what makes it all the more interesting! Log on to www.xobdo.net to know more!

XOBDO (www.xobdo.net) is your dictionary. You can add words, challenge them and thus, decide its destiny!


* To demolish the man-made language barrier and thereby fuel mutual understanding and cooperation among the people of entire Northeast India.
* To bring the various Northeastern languages in front of the global audience with the help of Information Technology.


* XOBDO attempts to capture the languages as they are used — spoken, written and understood —in their original forms. It does not attempt to enforce or express its own viewpoint about any spelling or semantics to be right or wrong.
* XOBDO does not follow any specific dictionary or any glossary/word-list published by any authority or entity; neither does it accept the opinions of experts. Rather, it considers the present-day meaning to be the one which is in 'contemporary use'.
* XOBDO also attempts to record the languages as they were used in the past.
* XOBDO is not in the business of inventing or coining new words. In case of a new word coined recently, XOBDO will not add it unless it appears in at least one renowned newspaper or magazine.
* Anybody can become a member and contribute words to the dictionary. He/she can also challenge the spellings or meanings entered.

Latest list of words in Xobdo:
Asomiya: 20,021
Tai: 709
Karbi: 665
Bodo: 584
Khasi: 371
Dimasa: 345
Kok-Borok: 306
Bishnupriya: 188
Mising: 187
Meeteilon: 155
Nagamese: 138
Garo: 116
Mizo (Lushai): 98
Apatani: 75
Ao: 73
Monpa: 18
Hmar: 28
Chakma: 1

( "me'lange, The Sentinel,11.01.2009)

by: mkadmin
2009-01-07 17:46:12 Murder Capital of the North East - Guwahati If you read the statistics in the story below, it will clearly show you how dangerous our beloved city Guwahati have become. Murder, extortion, road accident rate is so high, it will beat any same size indian city.

   Note the Murder number by instance in 2008 :

Jan: 8
Feb: 13
Mar: 18
Apr: 16
May: 24
Jun: 19
Jul: 12
Aug: 16
Sep: 23
Oct: 17
Nov: 18

by: mkadmin
2009-01-02 12:37:36 Electricity cost of running 2 MK backend servers I did and energy survey last week to find out how much the backend server of Markin Kalpataru costs.

   Here is what I found:

HLB server : 2.6 KWh / day
NBR server : 1.7 Kwh / Day
total : 4.3 Kwh / Day

That is about 130 Kwh per month = USD $22

If we decide to go green we would need about $10K and install solar panel with storage pack and grid-connected system.

Is it worth going green ?

by: mkadmin
2008-12-13 05:29:31 Online dictionary of north-east languages-Sushanta Talukdar Guwahati: Are you curious to know what the right word is for 'mother' in some of the major languages spoken in north-east India? If yes, key in the word 'mother' in the search box at http://www.xobdo.net and choose the language or dialect you want and you will get the equivalent word.

    To help users learn more words in NE languages, the publisher of the first north-east regional languages-English online dictionary, XOBDO (means 'sound' or 'word' in Assamese), is on the lookout for more volunteers in these languages to add to the dictionary's database.
Started as an online Assamese-English dictionary in 2006, XOBDO is the brainchild of Bikram M. Baruah, an engineer of Assam now based in Abu Dhabi.
It is currently run by a team of volunteers.
In 2007, xobdo.net added multiple interfaces to include 16 more languages spoken in the north-east: Khasi, Dimasa, Bodo, Karbi, Nagamese, Garo, Ao, Mizo, Mishing, Tanii (Apatani), Monpa, Meitei-lon, Bishnupriya, Chakma, Kok-Borok and Kuki.
Compared to the 19,388 Assamese words, the database of other NE languages is still very small. Karbi-665, Tai-580, Khasi-369, Dimasa-337, Bodo-326, Mising-186, Bishnupriya-180, Nagamese-138, Garo-116, Apatani -75, Ao -68, Mizo (Lushai) -68, Monpa -18, Meitei-6, and Chakma - 1. No word has been added in Hmar, Kok-Borok and Kuki so far.
"The XOBDO team is now looking for more volunteers in these and other NE languages so that the dictionary can be enriched with more words and achieve its goal of demolishing the language barrier in the region," said Buljit Buragohain of the publicity team.
"XOBDO attempts to capture the languages as they are used (i.e. spoken, written and understood) today. Therefore, XOBDO does not want to follow any specific dictionary or any glossary/word-list published by any authority or entity. Rather, it considers the present-day meaning to be the standard as it is evidenced in 'contemporary use' i.e. appear in renowned newspapers, magazines or the writings of well-known authors and journalists and extensively used in special fields or areas like courts, government offices, religious institutes, traditional functions etc.," Mr. Buragohain a research scholar at IIT, Guwahati, told The Hindu.

by: mkadmin2
2008-11-09 09:16:09 We need to encourage all our friends and relatives to listen to Assamese music. Hi all,

I was one of those people who thought Hindi music was better then Assamese. I even went further then that. I found Spanish , Italian, Russian, French and English music exceptionally entertaining. I thought I was married to a "boring" husband who always listen's to a few Borgeets before starting his day. I initially thought him to be strange. Having studied almost all his life abroad an now working in UK - how can someone be so boring?

But gradually I started liking the Borgeets and started missing them when I do not listen to them. I was also so surprised to see the different varieties or classes in Assamese music. I think it is a matter of pride to have such a variety or class as seen in Assamese music.

I think we all Assamese need to make it a point to listen to at least 10 different songs in Assamese every day, to make Assamese music more popular then ever before.

With regards,

Dr Sarmila Kakoti
London (UK)


by: mkadmin
2008-11-03 07:04:17 New Website on Sankaradeva's Neo Vaisnavite Movement A new website on Sankaradeva's Neo Vaisnavite Movement has been launched recently. The website url is:


   The website aims to acquaint the world with the 'multi-dimensional personality' of Srimanta Sankaradeva, and contains a good number of pages on diverse aspects of the Neo Vaisnavite Movement, arranged under different categories like 'Biography', 'Culture', 'Music', 'Literature' and so on. As per the message on the main page, the website is a project in progress, with pages being added regularly.

by: mkadmin2
2008-10-25 14:26:22 Mon Jai-A breath of fresh air-Film -CHANDAN SARMAH Mon Jai is like a breath of fresh air, combining meaningful and socially relevant content with innovative and mature treatment and courageously reflecting some of the contemporary issues of the time.

The second Assamese film to be released this year, Mon Jai (I feel like), comes at a time when the state’s film industry is in the midst of a major crisis.

   Debutant director M. Maniram portrays the life of four educated unemployed youths hailing from lower middle class small town families.

The youths pass their time aimlessly, steeped in utmost hatred and depression till one of them finds a job in another town and shifts.

The other three are arrested by the police one day and branded extremists.

This makes their lives worse as they are deemed ineligible for any ‘clean’ job.

In sheer desperation, they hatch a plan to gather capital for a business. They kidnap a trader for ransom and earn a huge amount of money but end up killing the hostage.

The incident evokes a strong reaction but no one suspects the three youths because of their otherwise clean record and family background.

However, they start feeling the qualms of conscience. They can neither spend the ransom amount nor face anyone close to them.

One day, the father of one of the three finds his son’s share and discovers his son’s involvement in the crime.

The youth then leaves home to spend the rest of his life in a monastery to do penance.One of the remaining two youths becomes involved in criminal activities and is killed by the police.

The third one gets married and starts a business but ill luck dogs him and he loses his mental balance.

In this three-hour-long film, the director has strongly criticised contemporary social evils like a corrupt bureaucracy, fragile patriotism, the directionless, non-idealistic and mercenary attitude of the insurgents, yellow journalism and anti-poor policies of the corporate sector.

The well-knit script is the main key to the success of the film. However, some editing would have made it more gripping.

Singing sensation Zubin Garg, in the protagonist’s role, turns in a flawless, refreshing and sensitive performance. Nabadeep Borgohain, Gyanendra Pallab and Pabitra Margherita are impressive and so is Jonali Devi in the female lead.

With touching lyrics by Diganta Bharati and a spellbinding rendition by Zubin, the only song of the film has proved to be a major asset.

Suman Dowera’s flawless camera work and N. Lancha’s haunting background music also deserve special mention.

-The Telegraph-Calcutta

by: mkadmin2
2008-10-23 20:51:38 Indira Goswami (Mamoni Raisom Goswami) awarded with 2008 Principal Prince Claus Eleven 2008 Prince Claus Award Recipients Announced and Indian writer Indira Goswami (Mamoni Raisom Goswami, Guwahati, Assam) will be presented with this year’s Principal Prince Claus Award.
The presentation ceremony of Principal Prince Claus Award of €100,000 will be held in Amsterdam on Wednesday, 3 December 2008.

Since 1997 the Prince Claus Awards are presented annually to artists, thinkers and cultural organisations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.


by: mkadmin
2008-10-05 06:54:58 Assam becoming part of Bangladesh - its not how but when Large influx of bangladeshi Muslim, settling them freely in river banks ( char area) by Assam's politicians over the years and large population explosion within this group is slowly converting demography of assam.

Muslim now is raising Pakistani flag almost anywhere they are in majority.

    Good luck Assam !

by: mkadmin
2008-08-26 13:27:45 History of Cotton Collegiate Higher Secondary School After “Yandaboo Treaty” with the Ahom rulers of Assam in the year 1826, the east India took over the administration of Assam from the Ahom rulers. Initially, the company administrated from its headquarter at Calcutta, presently known as Kolkata.

    Later, in the year 1828, the company established a regional office at Guwahati with Captain Robert Seot as the head of this office and Captain Seot becomes the first British administrator of Assam. Captain Seot was an efficient administrator. He realized that the local people with modern education will facilitate better administration of the area. With this conviction in his mind, he took steps to open schools for the local people. But he was transferred before he could complete his dream project.

"Capt. Francis Jenkins, the commissioner of Assam (1834-'61), was the first British official to send a dispatch to the "Government of India" in 1834 for "taking some active measures to provide instruction for the Assamese youth" and recommended the establishment of schools "to impart English education in four sadar stations — Gauhati, Darrang, Nowgong and Bishnath". Jenkins also immediately collected a sum of Rs 1,740 from the inhabitants of Guwahati for the purpose of setting up an English school in the town, which had a population of about 5,800, including that of the North Guwahati.

In 1835, the approval of the "Government of India", run by the East India Company, came and the school was established in the same year with 58 students on its rolls. Mr Singer was appointed its headmaster on a salary of Rs 150 per month. With the establishment of this school, practically the foundation of modern education in the province of Assam was laid.

Soon the number of students in the Gauhati School began to rise and the number shot up to 340 by 1840. Donations for the school were pouring in from different quarters. That year, the Raja of Cooch Behar, Daya Ram Baruah and Juggo Ram Phukan contributed Rs 1,000 each. Dihingia Gosain of Kurua contributed Rs 500.

Emphasis was given in the study of English. The subjects taught in the junior classes in this school included Wilson's chronology, Yate's Elements of Natural Philosophy and English grammar. Use of globes, arithmetic with translation and composition were also taught. The senior class course included Meshman's History of India, Homer's Iliad and Elements of Natural Philosophy. In 1838, Mr. Robinson was appointed as the new headmaster of Gauhati School, now named as Gauhati Seminary, with a salary of Rs 300.

The first headmaster of Gauhati Seminary was Mr. Singer to be followed by Mr. Robinsons from 1838. In the year 1858 the school was given permission, by Calcutta University, to sent first batch of student, for Entrance Examination. With addition of two classes at college level, the school’s name was changed from Gauhati School to Collegiate School, Gauhati in the year 1866. In the intervening period the name of the school was changed to Gauhati School from its initial name of Gauhati Seminary. In the year 1901 the first college , was established in Gauhati and named it as Cotton College .Collegiate School came under the administrative control of the Principal of Cotton College , Mr.Sudmerson . The name undergone another change in its name, and become known as Cotton Collegiate School. In the year 1973 the school become as Cotton Collegiate Higher Secondary School. From 1858 to 1947 the Calcutta University was conducting the Matriculation Examination. And in 1948 it comes under the Gauhati University.

For more information please visit Cotton Collegiate Alumni Website
by: mkadmin
2008-08-25 12:59:54 A dictionary binding N-E people across globe-Samudra Gupta Kashyap Guwahati, August 15: Xobdo, the first-ever online English-Assamese dictionary, has just completed two years and has over 16,000 words in English with Assamese equivalents to its credit. It also boasts of a 25,000-strong user population.

“It is not a regular dictionary approved by any university or a pundit of linguistics. It is a modern concept aimed at demolishing the man-made language barrier and thereby fuelling mutual understanding and co-operation among people from all over Northeast India,” says the vision statement of Xobdo which is written phonetically and means ‘Word’ in Assamese.

It attempts to capture languages as they are used, whether spoken, written or understood, across the Northeastern region, points out Buljit Buragohain, a research scholar at IIT, Guwahati, who is part of the team to popularise the online dictionary. Xobdo does not follow any specific dictionary or glossary published by any authority. “We are more interested in inclusion of words in everyday use,” says Buragohain, adding that a large number of words are being picked up and added everyday from well-known newspapers, magazines and works by well-known authors.

Thus, anybody can contribute a word along with its meaning to Xobdo. It is then put through a discussion among members of the Xobdo core team comprising 25 members who work on it online from different parts of the world. Leading the team is Bikram M Baruah, a petroleum engineer at Abu Dhabi.

Interestingly, even as Xobdo began primarily as an English-Assamese dictionary, it has also gradually gone multilingual, picking up words from various languages of Northeast India. “Xobdo is intended at bringing people from different linguistic and ethnic groups closer, and this is beginning to be true with people from different states of the Northeast signing up as users,” says Buragohain.

(The Indian EXPRESS,16.08.2008)

by: mkadmin
2008-08-12 12:44:59 Obituary : Bharati Pathak


Mrs. Pathak is the mother of Saurabh Pathak.
by: mkadmin
2008-08-07 14:54:10 Brindabani Bastra and the sentiment of the people of Assam
Historical records provide ample evidence of glorious textiles tradition of Assam. At the request of the Koch king’s brother: Prince Chilarai, Sri Sankaradeva took up the project of tapestry weaving for which he engaged the weavers of Tantikuchi or Barpeta. Eventually, the Brindabani Bastra was lost though the last place of resort for the Bastra was the Madhupur Sattra in Koch Behar.

The Brindabani Bastra a figured silks from Assam: from the 16th – 18th century (measuring 120 cubits long and 60 cubits broad) are rare silk textile fragments depicting scenes from the life of Lord Krishna in a floral, naturalistic and preciously elegant style are preserved at the Blythe House, part of British Museum. Also in other museums like Victoria & Albert Museum, Chepstow Museum in Wales, Calico Museum of Textiles in Ahmedabad, Newark  Museum in New Jersey, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, Museum of Mankind in London, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Centro Internazionale delle Arti e del Costume in Venice and
  AEDTA Collection in Paris.

As Richard Blurton, the Curator at the British Museum explains, it was Perceval Landon, a British journalist and special correspondent for The Times who acquired the Brindabani Bastra on his expedition to Tibet in 1903 – 1904 in a town called Gobshi. And he gave the textile to British Museum in 1905 over a hundred years.

Rosemary Crill, the researcher & the author of the book Vrindavani Vastra: Figured Silks from Assam is a Senior Curator for the Asian Development at the Victoria & Albert Musem. Her suggestion is that it can be linked examples some of which emerged from Tibet to Assamese Vaishnavite rituals. The piece which is at British Museum can not be certain that it belongs to the period of Sankaradeva. But pieces in other places could be about Sankardev's time.
Museum would be very dull places if they could only display works that were made in their own countries or ethnic areas. What is most important is that art is displayed publicly not hoarded in private collections. Galleries upon galleries of European and American museums can be seen filled by objects from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.

The colonial powers as we like to call them were the ones that preserved these treasures. Without them most of these artefacts would have disappeared by neglect. Many works of art have been preserved better as a result of being carefully handled in a foreign museum: there is the theory that the Elgin marbles would not have remained in their present condition in Athens because of the high air pollution levels, and similarly, many treasures would have been lost or destroyed for ever had they not been removed by outsiders.

Perceval Landon must have understood the importance of Brindabani Bastra when he found it in Gobshi and decided to bring all the way from Tibet to a safer home like British museum.

The world does seem a smaller place nowadays and to me these treasures do belong to the world. Cultural artefacts were local then became national and are now global. Civilisation is not a civilisation if you do not share with others. British Museum has done a good job of looking after them and naming its original.

As coming from Assam, I can feel the sentiment of Assamese people today being emotional and stubborn to bring back Brindabani Bastra to Assam.

We can not do anything to conserve what we already have. What about the wealth of historical treasures such as monuments and artefacts from our deep past. In the name of preservation and conservation of the Majuli Sattra, State Archives, State museum, District library to name a few are in a dilapidated condition. Archaeological Survey of India has often complained that lack of adequate funds is largely responsible for its inability to protect the country’s museums and monuments.

Assamese has a very rich literary history, is known to have written literature starting the thirteenth century before the printing press was brought to Assam by Europeans. The books were written painstakingly in hand on especially prepared paper from locally available resources. Some of these documents stored in the museum of Assam and Gauhati University library in various conditions, most not so scientific. And as a result of the natural calamities, sheer neglect and lack of knowledge, the precious hand-written books, dating back centuries are slowly getting destroyed.

A long year of neglect have taken its toll on a number of sites of historical importance, the ancient monuments of the state have failed to get the recognition that they deserve.

We demolish old temples. Not to speak of other sites, cracks on the famed Rang Ghar and Kareng Ghar, have now endangered the very existence of this structure. The NorthBrook gate in Jubilee garden, Panbazar, in the very heart of Guwahati is facing the burnt of neglect, and big cracks have appeared on the pillars. I remember as a child we used to play hide and seek inside the gate. This gate was constructed near Sukreswar ghat on the bank of river Brahmaputra, where NorthBrook got down from the ship to visit the city in 1874. It also welcomed Lord Curzon during his visit to Guwahati from Kolkata.

Another sad example: when we demolished our old Cotton College administrative building, which was built in 1901 initiated by Sir Henry Cotton. It is our heritage. Isn’t it?

British maintained English Heritage. They aim to make people understand and appreciate the importance of historic site to get the care and attention it deserves, from the first traces of civilisation to the most significant buildings of the 20th century. They feel that it is their job at English Heritage to make sure that the historic environment of England is properly maintained and cared for. In Stratford -upon-Avon, Shakespear’s cottage, the original structure of the building still stand as it is. They renovate, redecorate but never change the structure.

Now both India and Assam wants to claim back the Kohinoor Diamond and Brindabani Bastra. Good job Taj Mahal was not mobile! It might have been on the other side of Big Ben today? This is sentiment!

Unfortunately this is like trying to rewind history. Where would you stop? Would every Roman artefact in Britain have to be sent to Italy, along with every Roman or Greek statue? Would the French want back statues that were cast from the bronze of their guns, could the South African’s claim back all their diamonds and gold? Should all Dutch paintings be sent back to Holland? It just wouldn’t work.

In Victoria & Albert Museum one can see the famous Tipoo’s Tiger which had been damaged in the Second World War. Also many works of Buddhist art from Central Asia was also damaged in Berlin and lost forever. In such a volatile world where works of art be safe?

Who were to deny that Britain is a colonial misadventure of last century? But Britain has also brought a morale system into the society.

We are no more than the summation of our experiences. For our experiences define our identity. In case of Brindabani Bastra, the problem is how can we establish the original ownership? So, far nothing has come up. 

But again once the State Government is not in a position to preserve and conserve the already existing artefacts, how can we be assured safe keep of Brindabani Bastra in Assam.

The climate of Assam is very humid. It rains torrentially during the Monsoon season. The Brahmaputra and the many hundreds of big and small rivers and tributaries in Assam are prone to damaging floods almost every year. Earthquakes are fairly common as well. There are hardly any scientifically maintained archival sites. 

However a temporary measure, for the public viewing of Brindabani Bastra one can suggest in a place like Srimanta Sankardev Kalashetra, Guwahati, provided it has any scientific method to preserve. The arrangement should be for a limited period only.

Once more Brindabani Bastra in its current location is much more safer and available for many more people who might be interested in arts and culture

As an Assamese, I feel fortunate that I am able to view this historic piece of textile in British Museum where every care is taken to preserve and conserve.

Rini Kakati

by: mkadmin
2008-07-29 05:10:56 Assam's demographic is changing ....


by: mkadmin
2008-07-06 13:03:27 Legendry Lyricist Tafazzul Ali no more Legendry lyricist and music director of the Assamese music industry, Tafazzul Ali (79) breathed his last at his residence in Chandmari’s Nabagiri area around 11:30 this morning owing to old-age ailments. He leaves behind his wife and a son. His last rites were performed at the Hazi Musafir Khana around 9 pm.

Born to Dr Mehboob Ali and J Begum on October 16, 1929 in Bhutiachang Tea Estate of Mongoldoi district, Ali completed his graduation from the Cotton College and later joined Gauhati University, where he did his Masters in Assamese.

Ali also served the Kanoi College and the Gauhati Commerce College as Head of the Department (Assamese).

Apart from continuing his academic career, the musical icon, who has more than 1,000 compositions to his credit, had a strong penchant for music since his childhood and is credited to have penned his first song at the tender age of eight.

His best works as lyricist were compiled in the form of book titled Bahudin Bokulor Gondha Poa Nai recently. His other major contributions came in his other compilations like Sonali Sorai, Mandakranta and Aghori Kokaidewor Geet.

As music director, Ali’s most acclaimed contributions were witnessed in Putola Ghar, Sonor Harin, Mrityuhin Jeevan and Anal, among others. He also scored music for the top mobile theatre group, Kohinoor Theatre and earned fame as a talented playwright as well.

He was also the founder secretary of the Asom Natya Sanmilan and was actively associated with the All India Radio and the Jyoti Chitraban Film Society.

The maestro was honoured with the Bishnu Prasad Rabha Award in the year 1995.

Condoling the death of Ali, noted singer Amar Hazarika said, “His death has certainly created a void in the music industry and his contributions would be remembered till music is heard.”

A host of distinguished personalities of the music industry including singer Pulok Banerjee turned out at the residence to pay tributes to his mortal remains. Few of his songs are listed here

Few of his songs are listed here
by: mkadmin
2008-05-21 09:48:18 XOBDO Policy XOBDO is your dictionary. You can add words, challenge them and thus decide its destiny. Just initiate a discussion or post your view point on any of the ACTIVE discussions about the correctness of the spellings and their meanings. At the end of the discussion, your view point will be taken into considerations to update the dictionary entries.

Remember the new site - www.xobdo.net.


(a) To demolish the man-made language barrier and thereby fuel mutual understanding and cooperation among the people of the entire North-East India.
(b) Bring the languages of the North-East to the fore-front of the Information Technology age.


Cooperate constructively with all possible quarters to build multilingual dictionaries and other linguistic resources to strive to materialize the visions.

3. GENERAL POLICY (for Online Dictionary):

(a) XOBDO attempts to capture the languages as they are used (i.e. spoken, written and understood) today in their original forms. It does not attempt to enforce or express its own viewpoint about any spelling or semantics to be right or wrong.

b) Therefore, XOBDO does not want to follow any specific dictionary or any glossary/word-list published by any authority or entity; neither it accepts opinions of any expert. Rather, it considers the present-day meaning to be the standard as it is evidenced in 'contemporary use' i.e.
i) Appear in renowned newspapers, magazines or the writings of well known authors and journalists

ii) Extensively used (spoken or written) in special fields or areas like judicial courts, govt. offices, religious institutes, traditional functions etc.

c) XOBDO also attempts to record the languages as they were used in the past.

e) XOBDO is not in the business of inventing or coining new words. Any word proposed to be added in XOBDO must have 'contemporary use' as explained above. In case of a new word coined recently, XOBDO will not add it unless it appears in at least one renowned newspaper or magazine.

d) Anybody can become member and contribute words to the dictionary. He/she can also challenge the spellings or meanings entered. Through discussions with other members of XOBDO a consensus decision has to be taken within a reasonable time frame and the entry has to be updated accordingly.

Remember the new site - www.xobdo.net.

Thank You,

Buljit Buragohain

Publicity Team,

by: mkadmin
2008-05-14 14:21:14 Minoti Khaund and Sunita Bhuyan Violin recital Tour UK 2008 Minoti Khaund: The evergreen violinist of 70's musical world of Assam, she is undoubtedly one of the most popular violinist today and can equally be placed among the best. With her disarming smile and charming manner, the bespectacled Minoti Khaund exudes a comfortable air: music, she says takes her closet to divinity and accords her peace and tranquility. It is an invigorating experience which exalts her spirits.

   Born in a well to do Phukan paribar of Jorhat. Her father Manik Chandra Phukan and mother Nalini Debi. She was raised in a culturally rich atmosphere. Her maternal grandfather: Bisheswar Sharma, well-known Tea planter and a culturally gharana of Jorhat. Being a connoisseur of the fine arts himself encouraged Minoti and bought her a violin. So, she started to play at a tender age of 10.

Minoti had her early training in violin from Shri Indreswar Sarma of Jorhat, in the music school of late Darpanath Sarma. She performed in several concerts and festivals and the turning point in her life came when she was performing at the All Assam Music Conference in 1972 and violin maestro Pt. V.G.Jog heard her on stage and offered to impart his art to Minoti. Her husband Kabindra Ram Khaund and the daughter in law of Deputy Commissioner Rabindra Ram Khaund a traditional family of Assam supported her and started her apprenticeship under Pt .Jog. Thereafter started the traditional Gururshisya Parampara between Minoti and Padmavibhusahan Pt Jog.

The Rising Talent Conference at Kalamandir Calcutta in 1978 introduced Minoti as a talented artiste. There has been no looking back since then. The Amir Khan Music Conference at Rabindra Sadan Calcutta, Benaras, Burdwan, Cuttack, Bhubaneshwar, Tatanagar, Rabindra Natya Mandir mumbai, India International Center Delhi, Mehta Memorial Hall Allahabad, IIT Festival, Shankardev Kalakshetra Guwahati, National Gallery of Modern Art Mumbai, India Habitat Centre Delhi, Women's International Forum Goa, Madhusudhan Manch Kolkatta etc were the platforms that Minoti performed in and enthralled the audience and press alike. She became the foremost violinist of Assam. She was conferred the title of Sangeet Jyoti.

Minoti started her parallel studies in the field of music and attained Sangeet Nipune from Prayag Sangeet Samitti, Allahabad, in 1986, bagging a gold medal for her Sangeet Visharad. During this period she also got associated with vocalist Pt. A.T, Kanan of the Sangeet Research Academy, Kolkatta and imbibed the "gayaki ang" in her style. She also underwent music studies in the field of raga improvisations and rhythmic patterns of "tala" from sarod maestro and musicologist Pt. Buddhadev Dasgupta.

Sunita Bhuyan is a violinist of the Hindustani style and has carved a niche for herself as an upcoming musician of India. Recepient of the Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini award for Music. She was initiated into musicat a tender age by her mother Minoti Khaund. The mother daughter duo of Minoti and Sunita have performed duets all over the country and abroad, regaling the audience and the press alike with their "jugalbandi". What makes her great is: selection of her tune, her style of presentation and she stried to give a semi-classical touch which has a blend of folk western classical.

Sunita has attained a master's degree in Hindustani Music from Prayag Sangeet Samitte, with a distinction and has also studied advanced music under the apprenticeship of violin maestro Padmabibhushan Late Pt V.G. Jog.

Minoti Khaund, the award winning violin master whose musical career spanning 50 years. She has been awarded the prestigious Silpi Bata this year by Govt. of Assam.

A violin recital by Minoti Khaund and her daughter Sunita Bhuyan are on an exclusive UK tour at the prestigious Nehru Centre (the Cultural wing of Indian High Commission) and other British cities: Manchester: Kalapremi mandal, Birmingham and Nottingham organized by Rini Kakati, NRI Co-ordinator for UK.

Also the Glasgow concert is organized by Mrs. Anima Sharma, an active member of Lancashire Hindu Association.

Picture: Minoti Khand & Sunita Bhuyan

Rini Kakati

by: mkadmin
2008-05-06 07:34:25 Hi everyone! Bhupen hazarika is a plagiarist...did u know that?
Hey guys......Do follow the following steps....

   1)View the video the 'ol
man river'
2) Question urself....does it ring a bell?....aren't the lyrics
familiar?....isn't the tone familiar?

3) Are u having a sense of deja vu?

No my frenz....this the very song which our very own bhupen da copied
to 'create' the Bistirno parore....akhonkhio jonore.........burha luit
tumi etc etc.

Even the lyrics are same....Pritam also copies a lot but he copies
only the tunes not the lyrics.

The song that u have just heard is from the film SHOWBOAT sung by the
great leftist singer....Paul Robeson ( of 'we shall overcome' and 'we
r on the same boat brothers' and 'John henry' fame).

Hi....dis is sarmistha here. my mail id- barman.sarmistha@gmail.com.

by: mkadmin2
2008-05-05 19:10:06 Rongali Bihu celebrated in Toronto GUWAHATI, May 1 – The Asom Sangha, Canada, celebrated Rongali Bihu on April 19 at the Malton Community Centre, Mississauga, Ontario. The event witnessed a large gathering and enthusiastic participation of the Assamese families and individuals based here in Canada.

Asom Sangha Canada, established in 1971, is the oldest Assamese organisation in North America. The annual Bihu celebration that started with a mere three families in 1971 has gone on to touch the lives of over hundreds of Assamese Canadians who have since settled here.

This year marked the 38th edition of the Rongali Bihu celebration by the Sangha. Dr Nilakshi Khataniar, president of Asom Sangha, started the proceedings for the evening with a welcome speech. A minute’s silence was observed for the departed souls. The Assamese community in Canada lost Chandana Barua (wife of Sri Mridul Barua) earlier this year. The president then welcomed the new individuals, families and the new-born into the community fold: Akash Baruah, Rona Bhuyan, Urvashi and Palash Thakur, Aditee and Rahul Kumar, Jayashree Gohain and Subroto Chakrabarty; babies Nikita (daughter of Gitimoni and Jitu Baruah), Abeer (son of Suranjita and Mausum Hazarika), Madan (son of Manash & Mallika Goswami), and Arush (son of Nitumoni and Raju Deka). The guests were treated to a variety of mouth-watering delicacies: pithas, ladoos, cakes, samosa, idli-vada, and many more.
The cultural event started with an outstanding Bihu dance by Gargi Pathak Talukdar and Tora Sharma followed by songs from Shreya Kashyap, Rubin Hazarika, Ruchir Dutta, Arjun Gogoi, Loya Bhuyan, and duets from Jishu Pathak Talukdar and Omkar Apte. Raina Lagachu and Shreya Sharma’s dance moves were enthralling. Rubin Hazarika and Shreya Kashyap presented a beautiful comic skit, Kani Budhi aru Bez which was directed by Pratima Hazarika. Sidhant Gautam’s little talk reminded the guests about the significance of Bihu in the lives of all Assamese people.

Lina Athparia’s performance on the violin captivated the audience while Nava Das played some melodious tunes on his mouth-organ. Inspired by the scintillating performances by the tiny-tots, the elders were not to be left far behind – Tara Bhuyan and Geetasree Apte presented Assamese songs, while Aditee Kumar and Kuntala Bhattacharyya treated the audience to lively Bihu dances. The chorus Sreemoyi Asomi and Dr Iswar Chakravartty’s poem recitation set up a nostalgic mood among the guests.

At the end, Dr Nilakshi Khataniar delivered the vote of thanks to all the participants and the Master of Ceremony, Daani Sarma. The Asom Sangha also elected new office bearers for the years 2009 and 2010 – president: Palash Thakur, secretary: Dibyajyoti Gohain Barua. A sumptuous dinner (arranged by Paran Mahanta) followed by a mukoli husori with active participation from one and all summed up the evening’s proceedings.


by: mkadmin2
2008-04-21 07:09:21 Jahnu Barua to step into Hollywood NEW DELHI: Veteran filmmaker Jahnu Barua, whose "Maine Gandhi Ko Nahi Mara" brought him international acclaim, is all set to direct a Hollywood production based on a story related to his birthplace Assam.

"My next project will be an Indo-British co-production with an Indian as well as international cast," Barua told PTI, without naming the actors.

The film named "Homing Pigeons" will be shot in Assam and the UK.

"The shooting will start sometime in September," he said. Barua plans to finish his first international project by March next year.

"But there will be no shift in my focus of film making. My works will always be designed for mass distribution," he said.

Based on a story by Barua, the screenplay has been written jointly by him and Ferozi Anjirbag.

"It is my own story and has Assam as the backdrop," he said, adding the film has both Indian and British producers.

His latest Bollywood venture "Har Pal", slated for July release, has Bollywood bigwigs like Dharmendra, Preity Zinta, Shiney Ahuja and Lillete Dubey in its star cast.

Another Hindi venture "Butterfly Chase", starring Yashpal Sharma and Gauri Karnik, is readying for release. The film is set in strife-torn Jammu and Kashmir.

He is also making "Anjane Dost", a 10-minute film which is part of a 10-movie series of Sahara Group.

sent by
Nabul Baruah

by: mkadmin
2008-04-15 17:45:20 Are you a Dhulia ? Do you Know the last long "cheo" making the nasoni dance ? This is a recording from 2008 East Guwahati Bihutoli - where crowd were cheering as the judge and the dhulia was in unison withe the correct cheo

For the full Biguwati 2008 Compitition Visit http://asomiya.com/bhaona

- Please comment

Courtesy NETV
by: mkadmin2
2008-04-14 07:43:33 Website of Assamese poems in Assamese language We are glad to announce that - for the first time a full website is launced only for Assamese poems in Assamese Language. The site at present maintains Assamese poems of Renuka Das. Here is the URL: http://www.aai.ind.in

-hemanta kumar kalita


by: mkadmin2
2008-03-24 12:10:02 Musical instruments of north-east india check out this site http://jim.pank.googlepages.com/


by: mkadmin2
2008-02-12 09:14:56 Website on Northeast India Peace and Development Issues Launched The Centre for Development and Peace Studies (CDPS), a Guwahati-based non-profit think-tank engaged in research on peace and development issues in India's Northeast launched its website on January 28. The website www.cdpsindia.org, launched by Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, contains data, overviews, timeline and analysis on issues related to peace, security and development in the region.


by: mkadmin2
2008-01-31 10:12:50 A thrilling experience SHANTI KIRAN NAYAK's The statesman news- Have you ever met an astronaut and asked him about his life in space? Well, I have and here’s how it all happened.
My dad had to give a talk at IIT, Kharagpur. Since we were having our winter holidays, we decided accompany him. On the last night of our visit, we went to attend a popular talk given by an astronaut, Colonel Edward Michael Fincke. Colonel Fincke is from the US Air Force and has spent 188 days in the space with 16 hours of space-walk! His first expedition was Expedition 9.
Colonel Fincke first started by saying a few words in Bengali. He seemed a friendly person with a great personality. He began by explaining the parts of a space shuttle and the Russians had helped in its construction - Russia and America worked together to contribute their best in making of the space shuttle. He said that they must remember that these were not the cir*****stances always and that Russia and America had a love-and-hate working relationship.
He then showed us the flag of Expedition 9. There was a white eagle in the middle with Russian and American flags on either side. On the feathers of the eagle was the Indian tricolour. It was a tribute to Kalpana Chawla. Also, it was an honour to his family since he was married to an Indian. The commander of the expedition was a Russian. Colonel Fincke was serving as a flight test engineer in the 2-person crew.
Colonel Edward then showed us pictures of him and his partner floating in the International Space Station due to lack of gravity. They would deliberately keep their food floating and try to catch it! The funny part of it all was that when they opened a packet of small chocolates, all the small pieces would float around. However, they developed a habit of catching them all. They also made their own oxygen by splitting water molecules with the passage of electricity!

    They also needed to exercise 2 hours everyday, because, as the lack of gravitational force rendered them incapable of walking, the result would have been weak bones and muscles; and to prevent this they had to exercise.
It was during his six-month stay in the ISS that a daughter was born to him in the US. But he had to wait for four more months of the mission before he could come back and see her.
The astronauts also had taken pictures of the Earth from space. He showed the picture of the city Cairo. The picture showed lines and cross-linkings that clearly showed that it was a picture of a busy city. He showed us the pictures of the Andes Mountains as well as that of Mount Kilimanjaro. The latter picture showed how the snow at the mountaintop is slowly melting. According to him, the Earth looks so beautiful from space that no picture can justify it. He advised us to take care of our beautiful planet. He then said that the most exciting part of the expedition was the space walk. He explained vividly how thrilled he was to float in space holding to a long stick that is attached to the space station.
He then showed us the video of what NASA has in mind for the near future. In 2004, US President George W Bush announced that they would extend space travel to the Moon, Mars and beyond. So, NASA was planning to dispose of some space shuttles in 2010 to buy new rockets for carrying more people to space.
In the end he asked us if we had any questions to ask him. A person asked what was done with the hydrogen that was formed along with oxygen while splitting water molecules. Colonel Fincke answered that they released the hydrogen to space. However they are planning to utilise this hydrogen as fuel. Another person asked who took the pictures when they were doing the space-walk. To this he replied that there was a camera attached to the space station that recorded their every move.
Someone asked how he managed to sleep, and, know when it was day or night. He answered that they had 45 minutes of light and 45 minutes of darkness. It is practically impossible to sleep for 45 minutes and then wake up. So they slept for 8 hours in each 24 hours. By this their body received optimum sleep.
As he went on answering a volley of questions, I asked him how space exploration helped the common people. He commented that this was an important one and said that for every one dollar that was put in for space exploration they expected eight dollars in return. When I further questioned him whether India should spend the money in removing poverty and then spend on space exploration, he answered that US had poverty too, though considerably less than India. Hence a little portion of money should be set aside for space travel to get more in return.
At the end of the programme, Colonel Fincke gifted a gamcha to Professor PK Dutta, Head of the Department of Aerospace Engineering. It was an authentic Assamese gamcha that he had taken to the space. He called it a “space-worn, authentic gamcha”! He also showed the certificate that allowed him to take it to space.
Later, when I went over to him for an autograph, he said he appreciated my questions and added they were important yet difficult to answer. Boy, I was thrilled! This is one experience I am never going to forget.
Coordinator, Calcutta Girls’ High School

(Courtesy: The Statesman)

by: mkadmin2
2008-01-09 07:34:45 dhanyabaad jonabo bisarisu Namaskar,markinkalpatarur sokolu sodosyo loi mur antorik abhinandan thakil.nijor deshor pora durot thaki bohut asomia gaan pahori goisilu.dutaman cassette ase jodiu logot, kamor pressurot xomoy nepau.aey site tu abiskar korar pisot moi kamor majotey abar bhumuki maru.gharat jua jen lagey.asomia purona cineme bilak jatey saabo paru sey subidha koribo nuarey nay?ane sudhi salu.
ahi thoka maagh bihur babey subhessha thakil sokolu asombasiloi.-ijoney

    (Likhar babe Bohut dhanyadad.Pl.give your name too,so that we can appriciate you. -Mk.Admin)

by: mkadmin2
2007-12-26 05:38:23 Newly designed site :XOBDO.ORG ,this is a dictionary by you, for you and of you What is Xobdo?

Xobdo (means sound in Assamese) is a non-profit organization formed with a group of volunteers located in various parts of the globe with the common interest of promoting Assamese language in the cyber world. Members of Xobdo are voluntarily collaborate to construct and maintain this website.
In March, 2006 the Xobdo team began working on the online English and Assamese bidirectional dictionary at Xobdo.org. Currently, Xobdo has a number of North-Eastern languages included in its dictionary.

How can you help Xobdo?

If you speak any of the languages listed on the Xobdo homepage, you can help us by contributing words of your language. Registering yourself at Xobdo is free and easy. Once you are registered you can start adding words from your language. Moreover, if you speak any of the North-Eastern languages not listed at Xobdo and still you want to build an online dictionary, you can contact us and we will be happy to help you.

The world’s first online English-Assamese dictionary internet site :


Newsletter from XOBDO:


Video on World's first and only online Assamese dictionary “ XOBDO”:



by: mkadmin2
2007-12-19 06:23:19 Thanx to Tarun Gogoi's government Thanx to Tarun Gogoi's government initiative we have a new name. That is ASSAM will be called AXOM from now onwards. Although this news is a bit old, i am very much confused. Beacuse the spelling is AXOM.. my tounge pronunce it as "exxom... quite difficult. I am not a linguist but to me this thing does not have any meaning . With much more emphasis on politics ...MR. TARUN GOGOI should really think over the matter. Whats wrong with the sweet old name? Anyways i haven't been to so called AXOM for the last two years. i felt something to write and here it is.. although from my P.O.V its full of mistakes. On the other side the recent bombing in the rajdahani express shows the apathy of government towards our brothers and sisters from the tea tribe. PLZ..... we need to do something... other wise it may turn out be another war on our peaceful OXOM........


by: mkadmin2
2007-11-24 21:00:47 Remembering Late Anima Chakravartty We cannot forget 25th November; the day last year, our beloved Anima Chakravartty baidew passed away at Peterborough hospital, Canada. She was born in Shillong, in1949. She was the 70’s queen bee of Assamese music. Her contribution to Assamese music is incomparable.

    She started her musical training under famous Assamese folk singer and lyricist Rudra Baruah, mostly known by his song, Poka dhanor maje maje. She began her career in All India Radio, Guwahati and Guwahati Doordarshan and became very popular in Assam. She performed in many Bihu tali’s in Assam and people often called Dr. Bhupen Hazarika and her together to sing the famous bihugeet “Took Dekhi moor ga jin jin jaan jaan kore senai”. Her voice was very unique, strong and clear. She contributed to many Assamese movies and made a few albums. Some of her songs are “ Fagunore ba bole lihiri lihiri bonote, O senai moi jau goi, Aji bohag ahile buli, Bon bononit” etc. She was an active member in Assamese Community of North America too.
Anima Chakravartty baidew was not only a singer but also a very loving and kind-hearted person. She could make friends very easily. She used to love cooking,colourful dresses, different kinds of jewellery and sandals. Toronto Assamese community was very happy to know her very closely, but happy moments did not last for long. Today Anima baidew is no more, but she is still alive in our hearts. On her 1st year Swardha, come let’s pray for her beautiful heavenly soul!
We can listen to her collection in http://www.markinkalpataru.org/modules.php?name=MK_SONGS&file=songs&q=Anima%20Chakravarty Or watch her interview at http://www.markinkalpataru.org/MK/video/music_video/anima_c.asx

by: mkadmin2
2007-11-10 12:55:13 Online assamese dictionary XOBDO. Video on World's first and only online assamese dictionary XOBDO.



by: mkadmin
2007-10-11 12:44:04 Assam Planter A novel by A. K. Ramdsen AFTER serving on three fronts and in eight countries, where I had met and fought alongside men from all the Dominions and every corner of the earth, I resigned my commission in 1922 with an uncontrollable desire to remain in the open air and penetrate the heart of the wilds somewhere with a rifle and a dog -anything to get away from man in the mass. It was to be hoped that a certain blackhaired beauty with eyes of jacqueranda blue would accompany me,

   Read the full Novel here http://www.markinkalpataru.org/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=53

Some of the great pictures and this story was obtained from Koi-hai.com
by: mkadmin
2007-09-20 22:06:38 Watch NE TV live on your Television - only from Markin Kalpataru If you are in Americas or Europe - Markin Kalpataru has the ability to stream you the live broadcast of TV channels from assam.

   Dump HBO , get NETV from Assam -- just couple of dollars per month and a networked media player !!!

Watch some of the samples at :


NE News TV - US Easter Schedule

US Eastern








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by: mkadmin2
2007-09-20 06:54:22 ICC partners day at Milpitas, CA The partners day was held on 16th Sep and there were many organizations from across the bay area who participated. There was a karakoe session and some regional attire exhibition held.


by: mkadmin
2007-09-18 10:39:13 Online English-Assamese dictionary The world’s first online English-Assamese dictionary Internet site is


The Lexical Database of the Languages of the North-East.

This is a dictionary BY YOU, FOR YOU,OF YOU!! We have been working on the English and Assamese dictionary for one year. Now, we are incorporating a number of North-Eastern languages.

We need your help to built it up and make this dictionary a real success. Please register yourself as member of XOBDO.ORG and contribute words. That is all you need to do.

Newsletter from XOBDO:



by: mkadmin2
2007-09-15 19:14:28 One Rupee should actually be equal to $5.10 If you lookup on Wikipedia about Rupee, you would find that by defination 1 Rupee is equal to 11.534 grams of 91.7% silver.

   If rupee has to take back its original value, it should be traded as of today --- US$5

How I come up at this ?

1 Ounce of Silver is being traded at US$12.54

1 ounce = 28.345 grams

1 Rupee = 11.534 * 12.54/ 28.34

So , 1 Rupee should be $5 and change !

by: mkadmin2
2007-08-27 20:06:47 Assamese Community of Toronto celebrates 60th Independence Day The Assamese community of Toronto represented Assam in India’s 60th Independence day parade held in downtown Toronto on 19 Aug 07. The celebration of India @ 60 took place on Sunday 19 Aug 07 attended by the Indian community of Toronto, Consul general of India and other dignitaries from Ontario and Canadian Governments. It started with a 2 km long procession followed by a cultural program. Every state represented with their traditional attires. Both adults and children of Assamese community of Toronto took part in the parade with tradition silk (Muga and Pat) dress and Gamosha.

   The participants of Assamese community were proud to represent Assam in such an event wearing Assamese traditional attire. Both children and adults also enjoyed the event and felt proud to be Assamese in heart in a far away place from Assam.

- by Jibeswar Talukdar


For more pictures click on

by: mkadmin2
2007-08-21 12:47:28 lalmohria assam panda,puri jai jaganath,about 10000 assam piligrims visited puri every year.they came to my house.from this year we dicided ,free atach bathroom @free mahaprasad toall.you also see 300year old record(who comes to puri)since shankar deb time we serve assam piligrims at puri,so i request to you all before you come to puri,plese email to usmy email adress assampanda@gmail.com


by: mkadmin
2007-08-10 09:03:31 Asomiya.com offers ''Bhaona'' - a video sharing portal Asomiya.com - an internet website in existence for over 6 month, recently unveiled its first service application that allows user to share Assamese videos.
Asomiya.com plans to cater the need of people who is looking to share assamese language video, through its portal.

   Asomiya.com is currently working to provide a large number of sample video clip for one of the leading music house of assam - NK production for their online portal and music store at www.NKProduction.co.in

Aug 10th, 2007

by: mkadmin
2007-08-03 21:50:55 ethnic assamese are not safe in assam. as most of the people all across the world came to know that one leader of a minority organization threatened the assamese people to evict from three districts of of assam.

   it is really unfortunate that neither the government nor any organization took this is a seriously. of course aasu and some workers of some national political party called some press conferences for their political mileage. but now the question is that whether the assamese people unitedly stand against this sort of activities or sit mime. according to one of the famous demographic expert stated in his research topic"the demographic changes in north eastern states of india and its impact on democratic set up" of those states, where he assumed that the assam by the the year of 2029 onwards will be a muslim state and ethnic assamese will be treated as the 2nd category citizen ,but it also not assured that then assam will be a part of indian union or a independent state. so everyone it is high time to think about our own existence. please think about this issue.

by: mkadmin2
2007-07-25 20:39:59 Facing problem in creating account I want to create an account in this site.I gone through the registration process and I got 1 mail in my yahoo account.
There I recieved a password for my account to'Markin kalpataru',but I cannot log in to it.
What should I do to get log in to it?


by: mkadmin2
2007-06-21 08:32:15 Request your favourite songs through Xuror Koroni Xuror Karani is an Internet version of Assamese anuroodhor geetar anusthan. People often asks each other whether they know the particular song or can they remember the song- where something like cycle khon solaute or lakhsmi nohoi moore naam words were there. We often forget the songs if do not listen it for many years. That happens to everyone, because of our very busy life. This is the place where you can ask and listen too. You can request the song as well as dedicate to someone too. Your name and to whom you are sending will appear just below the Xuror Koroni block. For example, if you are remembering your childhood friend then request the song Monote nu aji or if anyone has birthday then can request Tatera Tatera etc. Of course you can give better idea on songs regarding on this matter.

Write the song codes like zg20,as4, jr10 etc. We can play only those songs which are in our database. If you can not remember the song but know few words then explain a little. We will help you.

I am holding this corner through my busy schedule just to help you all and my strong love for Assamese music. One more thing is that this is free to all Markin Kalpataru members. So enjoy the moment, have fun and request songs. But do not forget to login before you request. One more thing, please refresh your page

by: mkadmin2
2007-06-19 11:24:46 Young generation ignorant about Kalaguru: Mohini Rabha GUWAHATI, June 18 – Memorial functions would be a galore, lectures would be delivered on the multifaceted personality and contributions of the illustrious son of the soil from the dais, in short the script would be the same as it had been on the previous years on June 20, the day on which the poet, dramatist, musician, dancer known as Kalaguru breathed his last. This year too many functions have been lined up by government agencies and other organizations to observe the death anniversary of Bishnu Prasad Rabha across the State. But unlike the preceding years, there would be a slight deviation this year. Mohini Rabha, the wife of the stalwart would be attending just one memorial function this year on the day. The reason—she has so far received invitation from just one organizer. Talking to The Assam Tribune, Mohini Rabha shared her emotions that have been piling up over the years and hardening a bit, and her sorrows on discovering the ignorance of the young generation about Bishnu Prasad Rabha.

   “I have found the young boys and girls of English medium schools, even some of the position holders have no idea who was Bishnu Prasad Rabha, and it pains me a lot,” expressed Mohini Rabha.

On the day when the distinguished citizens would be recalling the ideals of the revolutionary and people’s man, Mohini Rabha would be at Bamundi to take part in the lone function for which she has received an invitation. “ I like to be in the midst of people, to learn from the experiences of the renowned individuals. But since the last few years, I am getting fewer and fewer invitations to take part in the death anniversary functions of Rabha, and this year I am being invited to just one function till date,” said Mohini Rabha.

This woman, who is often shocked and terrified by the lack of interest of the young generation to know about the stalwarts of the State, said that posterity would be the deciding factor in real assessment of the man who had warned the political and social leaders of Assam to devote time to uplift the backward communities or to face an upheaval. “ Time will decide whether Rabha has to be remembered or pushed to oblivion,” said Mohini Rabha.

Mohini Rabha, who does not believe in pretensions, said that not too many people were aware about Bishnu Prasad Rabha. “ From my travels across the State, I have stumbled on this stark truth,” she concluded.
By Kabita Duarah


by: mkadmin
2007-06-05 06:34:10 Zubeen with Shankar ,Ehsaan and Loy Zubeen will be in North America again in Fall Season to perform with Shankar, Ehsaan and Loy in 12 different cities accross North America. Check his new releases for the movies Good boy bad boy,Raqib, The Tarin,Bombay to Goa and Jhoom barabar jhoom. According to him,he did 31 Bihu shows around India and overseas recently.

    Hope to see Zubeen with breathless singer Shankar Mahadevan. Keep checking for updates....

by: mkadmin
2007-05-24 05:35:56 Diamond in the Rust - Dhrubajyoti Dhrubajyoti Deka, of Cotton Collegiate HS School, stood 15th - defiying proverty.

More of his post on LinkedIn

update as of 2024 LinkedIn Dr. Dhrubajyoti Deka
by: mkadmin
2007-04-18 20:01:19 PHP Coder with bright ideas needed - Good PAY We are looking for energetic young guys to start coding, and bringing new ideas to this website.


1. Must be a self starter !
2. A Great PHP coder and VERY comfortable in linux. You must fly through lines of codes, and sql queries.
3. Have the ability to upload your code via http or ftp.
4. Have some understanding of PHP Nuke.


Rs. 2000.00 ( Rupees Two Thousand Only) per month - via ICICI bank check payable in Guwahati branch.


None !


1. You can keep your curent JOB, But you need to fill out our own timesheets - of actual hours you worked.
2. We can help you get a cheap linux box.

Interested ??
cut and paste your text resume / profile at:

E-mail Resume

MK admin solicits this position
ph 1-732-684-3385
by: mkadmin
2007-04-05 16:00:37 New Java Player for Markin Kalpataru With this Rongali bihu, we at Markin Kalpataru would like to present you a brand new platform independent music player.

   This new player is java based, and makes it easy for all listeners, no matter what platform they are using - like windows, mac, linux or others.

First, make sure that you have Java runtime Environment available at Java.com, then please allow the small applet to install itself, and listen to Markin Kalpataru without having to download big third-party software.

We will slowly turn off Real Player support form this site.

Happy Rongali Bihu.
MK Admin

by: mkadmin
2007-03-25 20:49:17 Call for a Real Assamese Gettogether in North America - July 2008 ASA and AANA have been organizing assam gettogether or Assam day or Assam convention for years. Those gettothegers were always been dull, full of orgaizational politics and so far turned out to be outright pathetic.

Do you want a change ?

   A few of us are wondering if we could get together, not under any banner or ASA, AANA, AFNA or UONA - but as a real assamese - who likes assamese music , appreciate Assamese culture, share talents, stories, fun and most importantly forgetting about "general body meeting", " elections" etc.

Instead we are going to have fun with our siblings, sons and daughters, grand sons and grand daughters, cousins and in-laws, business associates to make new connections - without any barrier of cast, creed, age and national origin.

If you are interested to come together in any city in lower 48 US states - we want to hear from you, Please opine with your name, city you want to host such event, and your thoughts etc,

email us at :

ami - AT - asomiya.com

or call 1-888-666-2841 X 105

by: mkadmin
2007-02-17 08:29:38 Indian chilli world's hottest: Guinness Saturday, 17 February , 2007, 15:29

Las Cruces, New Mexico: India's Bhut Jolokia chilli has been confirmed as the world's hottest pepper by The Guinness Book of Records, a US researcher said.

   Bhut Jolokia comes in at 1,001,304 Scoville heat units, a measure of hotness for a chilli. It is nearly twice as hot as Red Savina, the variety it replaces as the hottest. By comparison, an average jalapeno measures at about 10,000.

Paul Bosland, a regents professor at New Mexico State University, recalls taking a bite of the chilli pepper and feeling like he was breathing fire. He gulped down a soda, thinking, ''That chilli has got to be some kind of record.''

The Guinness Book of Records agreed, confirming recently that Bosland had discovered the world's hottest chilli pepper.

The Bhut Jolokia is a naturally occurring hybrid native of Assam region. A member of the university's Chile Pepper Institute who was visiting India sent Bhut Jolokia seeds back to New Mexico for testing in 2001. The plant does not produce fruit easily, so it took a some years to get enough for field testing, Bosland said.

He then grew Bhut Jolokia, Red Savina and habanero peppers under controlled settings and found that Bhut Jolokia had significantly higher Scoville ratings. Those findings were confirmed by two independent laboratories.

The Bhut Jolokia variety has potential as a food additive in the packaged food industry, Bosland said. It could be pickled while green, dehydrated and used as seasoning. Because the heat is so concentrated, food manufacturers would save money because they would use less.

The pepper's name translates as ghost chilli, Bosland said.

''We're not sure why they call it that, but I think it's because the chilli is so hot, you give up the ghost when you eat it,'' he said.

by: mkadmin


by: mkadmin
2007-01-13 08:07:05 Bhogali bihu CHIRA, PITHA, LAARU NAAI



by: mkadmin
2007-01-05 14:13:04 A new e-magazine This is a new assamese e-magazine published by some assamese people in IIT guwahati.This will help upcoming writer to introduce themself to the world.

You can see the magazine at


by: mkadmin
2006-12-26 17:26:49 HISTORY OF INDIANS IN THE US The Early Days:

The earliest recorded Indian in the USA was an Indian from Madras, who visited Massachusetts in 1790. A number of Indians were brought to the USA by seafaring Captains to serve in their households as servants. Records of this period contain references to bright turbaned Indians participating in Fourth of July parades. In the early and mid-1800's a number of scholars became interested in Indian culture, history and philosophy. They formed associations to discuss their interest in India. This is how the terms "Boston Brahmin" and "Pundit" came to be used in American literature.

    The middle Years: "The trouble begins"

A number of Indians immigrated into Northwest USA and Canada. Most of them were from Punjab and were Sikhs. They worked in the lumberyards. A large number of them worked in laying the railroads in the western states of the USA as well. The main reason for their being in America was to save money and send it home to their families. Most of them had to relinquish their farm-lands to the British landlords in Punjab, because they couldn't afford to pay the taxes imposed on them by the British rulers. Droughts had destroyed their crops, but they were still expected to pay taxes to the British.
If they didn't, their lands were confiscated. For most of these young men their only escape was as migrant laborers, because the British had blocked all attempts at gainful employment in India.
br> The lumber mill owners liked the migrant Indian workers because they worked long hours for lower wages (about half) than the European workers. The workers earned more than they could in India, so they worked hard and saved money. The US consular representative in India, discouraged Indian workers from going to the US. Indians were denied permission to immigrate and pressure was applied to the British to curb the flow. Mormon evangelists were dis-couraged from taking Indians back to the USA. The consul said to one of them, "the Indian is not fit for the American West". In the meantime, the number of migrant European workers was growing in the Northwest. The migrant Indian workers were seen as "not really American" and a movement was started to ban them from working in the lumberyards. This was the beginning of the "Asian Exclusion League"(AEL). Consequently, a number of Indian workers moved down to northern California and worked on the farms. They were skilled farm workers because they came from the state of Punjab in India, which is mainly an agrarian state. A number of the Indians had saved enough money to buy some land. They were sold land that was "unfit for the white man's inhabitation". However, they were able to become very successful farmers. The US government almost never allowed Indian women to immigrate to the US because that would mean that Indians could "put down roots" in the US by marrying and starting a family. The California state government passed a law which made it illegal for non-citizens or naturalized non-white citizens to own land. The Indians got around this by organizing co-operatives, which ceded ownership to some Indian children born in America. Some of the Indians entered into agreements with white persons who were given a profit share for saying they owned the land. But a large number of such relationships ended in the white partner claiming, at harvest time, that the whole crop was theirs. The AEL gained popularity in Canada and the northwest US. Their meetings commonly featured songs such as "White Canada". The lumberyards were forced to lay off all Indian workers and were banned from hiring anymore. The living conditions of the Indians deteriorated drastically. They were forced into slums. A large number of these workers lived in Bellingham in Washington state. In Bellingham, the AEL triggered a riot in which a huge mob of around 500 white men attacked Indian dwellings and workplaces. While the police stood by and did nothing, six Indians were injured and had to be hospitalized, 410 Indians were held in the Belligham Jail for "Protective Custody". By the end of the day of the Bellingham riot, all Indian workers and businessmen had been forced out of Bellingham. The mayor of the city proudly announced in the railway station (where the Indians were herded onto trains to northern california or Canada) that Bellingham was free of Indians. This happened on September 5, 1907 and was followed by similar incidents on October 2 at the Canadian-Washington State border. A month later the "Hindoos" were expelled from Everett, Washington. Three years later the entire community (including the mayor, the Sherriff and the district attorney) in Saint John, Oregon (near Portland) conspired in the forced expulsion of all Indians.

The modern years:

A large number of Indians came from Hong Kong and other areas in Asia too. Some Indians came as students to universities such as the University of California at Berkeley. It was during this period that the British and the US government started cooperating to limit Indian immigration. This policy was tested when the British informed the US authorities that a ship called the "Komagatu Maru" was headed to the US from Hong Kong with about 375 Indians. When the Maru arrived at Angel Island (the port of entry which holds terrible memories for Asian immigrants) the AEL had organized a huge mob to prevent the offloading of any Indians. The persons on the ship were denied food and water for days and were prevented from landing. Finally, in exchange for food and water, they were turned away. The Indian population in the US and Canada grew very slowly during this period. It consisted mostly of students coming to study at universities. These students organized themselves into a few associations. Some of them supported the cause of Indian freedom from the British while some were loyalists to the British. The British stationed a full time secret agent named Hopkinson to monitor their activities and to cajole the US government into deporting the freedom seekers. The deportees were usually prosecuted by the British in India. Hopkinson developed an efficient network of spies and was very successful in deporting a number of Indian leaders on the pretext that they were planning a revolution in India. It was under these circumstances that the "Ghadhar party" was formed in the US to support Indian freedom. They published newspapers for distribution in India that openly called for a freedom struggle against the British. An ongoing battle of wits raged between these Indians and the British-American nexus. Hopkinson was assassinated in an American courtroom, when he was testifying against an Indian (for deportation). A number of these Indian freedom groups associated themselves with the German government during the second world war because the Germans promised them help in gaining freedom from the British. Hopkinson exposed a number of these links and a large number of these people were imprisoned in the US. After the war, the first war collaborators to be tried and deported were these Indians. Even the German nazi collaborators in the US were tried after these Indians. (In a way it seems like the war provided a nice excuse for the US government to deport these Indians.) During this period a large number of Indians started to apply for naturalization. At this point US law only allowed whites to become naturalized citizens. But most judges couldn't decide how to classify Indians and a large number of them granted Indians citizenship. A New Orleans judge wrote about how dis-concerting it was to see a "dark white man" - the Indian - before granting him citizenship. A number of southern Europeans looked like Indians as well, so Indians benefited from this similarity. A number of Indians were also getting married in the US. A few of the farm workers in California married Hispanic women. However, most of these marriages ended in divorce because of the cultural and religious disparities. The children that these couples had constituted a small Indian-Hispanic population which was quickly integrated into the Hispanic community because the children usually stayed with the mother after divorce. A few Indians married white women as well. At this point the movement to formalize the exclusion of Asians from America was gaining momentum. The Chinese had already been excluded through the Chinese exclusion act in the late 1800's. A senator from California mounted a very popular campaign to exclude Indians. However there was a problem because Indians were immigrating to the US, not just from the Indian mainland but from other countries in Asia as well. But the US government was determined to stop them. Congress passed the "Immigration Regional Restriction Act" in 1917 over the veto of President Woodrow Wilson. It basically drew a line around the areas in Asia from which Indians and Filipinos were immigrating and banned them. Of course there was a provision to allow Europeans born in this region to immigrate. The exclusionists had achieved most of their goals by now. Asian and Indian immigration was virtually banned. However, this wasn't enough. A movement was mounted to deny citizenship to the Indians in the US, take away the citizenship from Indians who had already been granted citizenship and to apply the Regional Exclusion Act retroactively to deport all Indians in the US. It worked partially. A large number of Indians left. Many of them were denied citizenship, with the supreme court upholding one such decision that was challenged. On February 19, 1923, with Justice George Sutherland delivering the opinion, the Supreme court held that East Indians were not eligible for United States citizenship because they could not be considered white or caucasian. A few Indians lost their citizenship. One interesting case was that of an Indian lawyer in California who had married a white woman. Under the law, if a man lost his citizenship, his wife automatically lost hers too. He challenged in court that if his citizenship was revoked his wife would lose hers too and then she would have nowhere to go because she was a white American. He retained his citizenship. The 1920's were the period of the most immigration to the USA. Virtually all immigrants came from Europe. A large number of Americans trace their ancestry to these immigrants. Asians however, were banned from immigrating by law.

The new age: the "iron curtain" lifts:

Towards the end of second world war, President Roosevelt started to lift immigration restrictions on Asians. The Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed. The Indian Regional Exclusion Act was however, stuck in the congressional committee web. Roosevelt had to send his personal envoy to the hill to lift the ban on Indians. However, Indian immigration didn't pick up until after the immigration reform act was passed, making immigration a little less racist and a little more equitable. Indian immigration picked up considerably in the late 1960s and early 1970s with a number of Indian doctors immigrating to fill the shortage of doctors created by the Vietnam war. The momentum gained during this time has led to the continuing increase in Indian immigration through the 1980s and the 1990s. An Indian gentleman was elected to congress for two consecutive terms (from California) in the 1960s. Congressman Saund's eligibility to run for congress was challenged in court because he hadn't been an American citizen "long enough". However, the California Fourth District Court of Appeals ruled that by January 3, 1957, when Saund would take office, he would have been a citizen for the requisite amount of time. The Indian congressman's (Dulip Singh Saund) term ended with his death. Currently, there are a few Indians running for Congress (Peter Mathews-leading in polls, Neil Dhillon - lost his primary due to very negative adverstising his opponent, Kumar Barve, Raj Uppulluri - lost his primary). Most Indians currently immigrating to the US are either the family of US citizens or professionals. The Indian community in the US is currently the most well educated and prosperous one. Close to 89% of Indians in the US have completed high school, 65% have completed college and a stunning 40% have completed Masters or Doctorate degrees. Their per capita income is the highest in the USA. Their educational and income levels are higher than other Asian American groups, Whites, Hispanics and Blacks. (US Census figures). Indians in the USA have ventured into almost every field and occupation, though most of them are professionals such as doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs and financial analysts. Indians have held positions such as the sheriff of a county in Maryland, a member of the coaching staff for the San Francisco 49ers, etc. Zubin Mehta, as a conductor of the New York Philharmonic, is one of the most renowned Indians in the US. Ismael Merchant is a well established movie producer. Freddie Mercury (alias Farhud Balsara) of the rock band Queen was part Indian. The founder of Gupta Technologies and the co-founder of Sun Microsystems are a few among a number of other pioneering Indian entrepreneurs. Close to 3000 Indian Americans work in the New York MTA, contributing to the management of the worlds largest transit system. Miss Teen USA for the year 1994 is Miss Ratna Kancherla an Indian American from Georgia. I could go on and on about the variety of professions and fields that Indian Americans have contributed to, but it should suffice to say that Indian Americans have consistently contributed a great deal to the economic, social and cultural prosperity of the United States of America. As you have probably learned from this document about the history of Indians in the USA, Indians are not new to this country and have been an integral part of the American mosaic for a long time. Most of the historical facts stated here are almost never taught in American schools and are generally ignored by the media. Since the number of Indian americans is growing rapidly, it is essential that more of the American populace know this history. It can lead to more acceptance and integration of Indians into American society. A good understanding of this relationship between Indians and the USA may also serve as a foundation for better relations between India and the USA. It is about time two of the greatest democracies in the world started co-operating and working together. Perhaps with a better understanding of their past, Americans of Indian origin can contribute resolutely to developing friendly relations between the USA and India. The social, cultural and economic benefits to both countries could be immense. Note: I have tried to be accurate. Pardon any mistakes I might have made. I strongly urge you to read more about Indian history in the US. It is largely not included in American school curricula and it is essential that we know everything about our history in the USA.

by: mkadmin
2006-12-01 09:35:50 Tarali Sarma is getting married ... Award winning assamese artist Ms. Tarali Sarma is getting married.


by: mkadmin
2006-12-01 08:57:57 Meera Das of ''Nukuwai Bhal'' is no more Long time comedy personality Meera Das passed away on Nov 30th, in guwahati.


by: mkadmin
2006-11-28 13:47:33 Mrs. Anima Chakravarty ( Bhattacharjya) is no more
With a heavy heart, we are breaking this sad news that Mrs. Anima Chakravarty is no more.

She breathed her last at the Peterborough hospital, in Ontario, canada yesterday afternoon (Nov 25, 2006). She was one of those "Xaboleel" asomiya voice which gave even an assamese song a REAL assamese touch. She can sing "Gosor Patot Bihu Ahil, Bihu Nahil Monot" while in the kitchen, and make it sound like a studio version. Her voice is so different, original, and without any makeup that it touches listener's soul the moment it hits their ear drums.

Anima Baideu (Bou) to many of us is like a cultural ambassador to north america from Assam, since her marrige to Dr. Iswar Chakravarty. In a TV interview she was once compared to a rare orchid that Dr. Chakravarty took with great care from assam's musical garden to be re-planted in North America. In Bihu or any Assamese get-together accross North America, Bou's presence could bring an unspoken gravity to the cultural programs on stage.

Markin Kalpataru offers condolences to Mr. Iswar Chakravarty and family on this great loss of an assamese musical icon of yesteryears. May her soul finds a Nijora of eternal peace.

Good bye Bou, we will remember you as an ever smiling Porie who gave us so much ! You will be forever in our heart as that " Xil pai jopiuowa pahari nijora joni..."

- MK Admin

by: mkadmin
2006-11-17 10:54:56 Lord Swraj Paul inaugurated the commemoration of Jayanta Hazarika

On October 18, 2006, the Nehru Centre, the Cultural Wing of the High Commission of India in London presented a stunning programme to commemorate the 29th death anniversary of Jayanta Hazarika: the great legend and music icon of Assam. Lord Swraj Paul & Kamalesh Sharma, High Commissioner for India lit the candle while Manisha Hazarika paid her tribute by offering a white flower on his photograph because white was his favourite colour. Dignitaries from various offices and the representative of Mayor of London were also presented

   with a well wishing mess

Dr. Atul Khare, Director and Minister of Culture, while welcoming all the dignitaries and guests in that evening explained the life and philosophy of the great musician of Assam and narrated about the struggle Mrs. Manish Hazarika had to fight alone to bring her only son, Mayukh Hazarika to re-live the voice of his father. Her daughter-in-law, Laili Dutta Hazarika, a superb musical talent is another asset for the Hazarika gharana. The whole scenario was very nostalgic, remembering his innocent face, polite always smiling: Rana.

With their unique and live performance, Mayukh and Laili enthralled the gatherings. Laili held the audience in complete thrall with her Bhajans recital in what was a fitting final to the long list of cultural activities at the Nehru Centre. Virtues of simplicity and grace that make Mayukh Hazarika, the most enchanting artist of the musical world of Assam, showed up in ample evidence during the performance by the yesteryear, Jayanta Hazarika sensation.

Manisha Hazarika, impressed the whole Indian audience when she delivered her speech in fluent Hindi. “ Aap Ne Ye Sanman Jo Mujhe Diya Hai, Ye Sirf Mujhe Nahi, Puri Assam Bashiyo Ko De Raha Hai, Ye Mai Kabhi Nahi Bhulungi”. She thanked all the dignitaries and explained about the rich heritage of Assam along with the work of her late husband and the importance of showcasing unity in cultural diversity. She specially thanked Rini Kakati for her effort to bring this event to the largest cultural centre of the world for the first time.

They were invited on 20 October, 2006, to perform at a special function at the Indian High Commission. Mayukh & Laili mesmerised the audience when they played both classical and modern popular hits of Bhupen da’s good oldies like Dil Hum Hum Kare, Sonar Boron Pakhi, Bistar Hai Apar. The whole audience gave a standing ovation joining hands to show their respect to the Hazarika family meaning “Music has no boundaries, no religion, no caste.”

Next day on 21 October, 2006, they performed at the Alperton Community Centre, Wembley amongst the host community. Many overseas Assamese students from various universities of UK attended that special cultural evening. Dr. Jogen Kalita of Kings College, London conducted the function with a welcoming speech to the Assamese community amongst whom he was so actively involved during his study time few years back. He is the one who was the brain behind forming Assam Sahitya Sabha, UK.

The function started by Mrs. Neeta Sharma felicitated the guest and singer in a Assamese traditional way with phulam gamosha. Mr. Prabin Hazarika from Leicester who is the elder brother of Jayanta Hazarika says “to pay a tribute to a loved one is always painful when feelings of nostalgia and memories make one emotional.” He could not resist his tears. When Mayukh started singing the popular hits of Jayanta Hazarika, Xar Pau Moi Puoti Nixati made the audience nostalgic and emotionally they joined in the chorus.

Dr. Padma Hazarika, from Coventry talked about contributions of great Hazarika family of Assam before the audience. Mr. Topon Sharma offered vote of thanks to the guests artists and the Assamese communities for their attendance.

Last but not the least for whose support the whole event was possible – it was the Indian Association of UK, the Director Travel Company and Mr. Ronen Sharma one of the NRI doctor of UK. Rini Kakati, says.

When Mayukh performed in all these functions before the huge gatherings of Indian audience my heart cries out for Bhupen da. Behind all these glory and fame, after all it was one and only Bhupen Hazarika whose name that evening uttered by most of the Indian audience. Asking me how is Mr. Hazarika? I still remember the same audience enjoying that evening at the World Hindi Conference, 1999 held at Wembley Arena when Bhupen da singing, Bistar Hai Apar. I wish him well.

It makes me feel proud that by God’s will I was able to give the highest tribute to my dearest friend: Rana. “Tumi Akou Ahiba Amar Majoloi Aei tu dinote. Hee Bondhu Tumaloi Xoto Nomoskar.”

Pictures: Lord Swraj Paul with His Excellency: Mr. Kamalesh Sharma (HC For India) Laili Dutta Hazarika with Mayukh Hazarika, Rini Kakati & Manisha Hazarika Dr. Atul Khare, Director and Minister of Culture,with Rini Kakati & Lord Swraj Paul. A party at Rini Kakati’s place with the Jayanta Hazarika family along with Prabin Hazarika, elder brother of Jayanta Hazarika.

Rini Kakati, UK

by: mkadmin
2006-11-07 12:20:55 Zubeen’s Boroxun and Mukha Just listened all 16 songs of Zubeen Garg’s albums Baraxun and Mukha. Baraxun is a excellent contribution to Assamese music world. Very different and I am sure that all of Zubeen’s fan will like this album.

   Increase your speaker or sound system’s volume while listening Tupal Tupal so that you can not miss some of the hidden sound. Through this song we can feel the real picture of first rain in spring.
O moor Ronor Tezi Ghora is another favorite song of mine. This song is probably depicting our competitive mind. Listen these lines ‘Sakuri jaa toi sakuri jaa… Khaze Khaze paar hoi ja, Buku foota matir Jontrona. Then …..Paar hoi jaa toi paar hoi jaa ratir andhar… Xill boroxun dhumuha. Isn’t it encouraging and good to listen.

The song Aane Juwa Bate Nujuwa Swali Joni puwane sini..is probably for the exceptional girl, the singer is looking for. Sorry… I do not mean to say Zubeen here. Music is light slow and very relaxing. The song Kor Ajaak boroxun is singing by a female singer very melodiously.
Bali poru poru , Apahi bokule, Aaji purna Prabhate, Dia mook Dia are also very melodious.
Mukha is totally different than Boroxun. In some of the songs Mr.Garg is trying to give touch of non-Indian music. I like the song Niyore tupe tupe mathu xore… Khirikire xipare. Probably singer is trying to recall his past and get it, but can anyone really get the past back??
Dr. Bhupen Hazarika’s music and Late Nabakanta Barua’s lyrics Niyorore phool is re sung by Mr. Garg here. This is a nice one too.
Xodia, Mukha, Paam ne ghurai, Suma Suma mitha and Baby o baby is for those who like club music. Baby O baby is Latin Samba style dance music. Mukha is telling the present days problems in our culture. I find this name Mukha or mask is appropriate for this album because pretending is not reality. After listening this album I am sure you will end up humming baby o baby. After all this is Zubeen’s music…..what do you say?

by: mkadmin
2006-10-26 08:47:14 Wife of Vijay Sarkar Is no More Wife of Lok Kavi Vijay sarkar is No More
Palash Biswas

Pramoda Devi, the wife of Bangla Kavigaan legend Lokkavi Vijay sarkar is no More. She had her last breath on 17 th october last.

   His bereaved son Kajal Adhikari passed the information on telephone belatedly. He had been in Delhi for a personal work and returned by plain to find his mother dead. No news break,pardon. Pramoda Devi was eighty two years old. She had two sons Kajal and Badal and a step daughter. She was married to the poet after the death of his first wife back in 1945, In Jassore district of Bangladesh. After partition they shifted to Keutia. She died in her Keutia residence. She had been ill for some time.

I knew the lady since 1973 when after my UP board highschool exams were over, I came to visit my Cusin, himself a fpolk poet Nitai sarkar in Keutia. My sister in law, the wife of Nitai da happens to be the grand daughter of the poet. So we have a family realtion. I visted the poet and his family as I knew about his contribution to Bengali folk culture back in Naintal. My people there, the resettled partition victims from estranged East Bengal could not forget the melody.

Since then, I always met the old lady at her residence during my occassional visit to Keutia.
In 2003, we organized a Lok Utsav in Netajee Indoor Stadium to celebrate the birth centenary of the poet. In the Lok Utasav, the ailing lady was brought and honoured in presence of thousands with standing ovation. Artists foro Assam, Tripura and bengal paid tribute to the poet on the occassion.

Only on 19 th february this year, Mr Subhash Chakrabarti, the sports and transport minister of West Bengal Govt inaugruated The 104 birth anniversary of
lok kavi Vijoy sarkar who with his melodious folklyrics stregthened
the heritage of Bengali folk culture accross the border. The lata
Mangeshkar of Bangladesh, the daughter of legendary Abbasuddin,Ms
firdausi Rehman was the guest of honour. Both Mr Chakrabarti and Ms
Rehman insisted to maintain the rich folk heritage to face the
dangers of globalisation. They said that only our folk can save our
mother language. They deplored the consumer deculturisation and
refered the Bangla Matribhash Struggle.Bangladesh TV star Nishad
kamal, vetern artists Amar Paul and Sanjeet Mandal and a number of
folk artists sang the songs of Vijay sarkar and Abbasuddin.
Director of Dhaka Bangla Academy Mr Shaqurrehaman informed the
audiance about the research worksof the academy on Vijay Sarkar in
particular and Bangla folk in general.
Deputy Registrar of Kolkata Univarsity Dr Nitish Biswas, novelist Mr
Kapil krishna Thakur,Chair person of Pather Panchaly Mrs
RamalaChakrabarti,kvi manoranjan Sarkar were other dignitariespresent
on the dias in Salt Lake Yuva Bharati Stadium.
Main function was celebrated in keutia on Kalyani highway,at the
residence of lokkavi Vijay sarkar on 20th and 21st Feb.All the
artists performed there, too. Particularly, the forgotten Jari Gaan was sung by Mr rousan Ali, the son of the legendari Jaari singer Moslem, Mr saiful and party.
Where once again , Pramoda Devi have been the main attraction.

2002 Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS)
The definition of folklore might look long and tedious if we
say "Whenever a lullaby is sung to a child; whenever a tongue twister
or a riddle or a countingout time is used in nursery or school;
whenever sayings or proverbs are told; whenever a mother shows her
daughter how to sew, spin, weave, embroider, bake an old-fashioned
pie; whenever a farmer on the ancestral plot trains his son in the
ways long familiar; whenever a village craftsman, carpenter, carver,
shoemaker, blacksmith trains his apprentice in the use of tools;
whenever in may callings the knowledge, experience, wisdom, skill,
habits and practices of the past are handed down by examples or
spoken world, by the elder to the new generation, without reference
to books or print, then that is called Folklore." However, in
Bangladesh, there is an enormous amount of influence of folklore in
our old and modern Bengali literature. Therefore, to analyse and
understand our culture and literature, we must be familiar with the
folkloric heritage of Bangladesh and how it was collected over the
years. Being a Bangladeshi, it is good to learn something about our
rich heritage.

On 19 th february Mr Subhash Chakrabarti, the sports and transport
minister of West Bengal Govt inaugruated The 104 birth anniversary of
lok kavi Vijoy sarkar who with his melodious folklyrics stregthened
the heritage of Bengali folk culture accross the border. The lata
Mangeshkar of Bangladesh, the daughter of legendary Abbasuddin,Ms
firdausi Rehman was the guest of honour. Both Mr Chakrabarti and Ms
Rehman insisted to maintain the rich folk heritage to face the
dangers of globalisation. They said that only our folk can save our
mother language. They deplored the consumer deculturisation and
refered the Bangla Matribhash Struggle.Bangladesh TV star Nishad
kamal, vetern artists Amar Paul and Sanjeet Mandal and a number of
folk artists sang the songs of Vijay sarkar and Abbasuddin.
Director of Dhaka Bangla Academy Mr Shaqurrehaman informed the
audiance about the research worksof the academy on Vijay Sarkar in
particular and Bangla folk in general.
Deputy Registrar of Kolkata Univarsity Dr Nitish Biswas, novelist Mr
Kapil krishna Thakur,Chair person of Pather Panchaly Mrs
RamalaChakrabarti,kvi manoranjan Sarkar were other dignitariespresent
on the dias in Salt Lake Yuva Bharati Stadium.
Main function was celebrated in keutia on Kalyani highway,at the
residence of lokkavi Vijay sarkar on 20th and 21st Feb.All the
artists performed there, too.
Prticularly, the forgotten Jari Gaan was sung by Mr rousan Ali, the
son of thelegendari Jaari singer Moslem, Mr saiful and party.
Where ,once again , Pramoda Devi was the centre of all activities.

2002 Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS)
The definition of folklore might look long and tedious if we
say "Whenever a lullaby is sung to a child; whenever a tongue twister
or a riddle or a countingout time is used in nursery or school;
whenever sayings or proverbs are told; whenever a mother shows her
daughter how to sew, spin, weave, embroider, bake an old-fashioned
pie; whenever a farmer on the ancestral plot trains his son in the
ways long familiar; whenever a village craftsman, carpenter, carver,
shoemaker, blacksmith trains his apprentice in the use of tools;
whenever in may callings the knowledge, experience, wisdom, skill,
habits and practices of the past are handed down by examples or
spoken world, by the elder to the new generation, without reference
to books or print, then that is called Folklore." However, in
Bangladesh, there is an enormous amount of influence of folklore in
our old and modern Bengali literature. Therefore, to analyse and
understand our culture and literature, we must be familiar with the
folkloric heritage of Bangladesh and how it was collected over the
years. Being a Bangladeshi, it is good to learn something about our
rich heritage.

If one is to make a historical survey of Bengali folklore,
covering all branches of formalised folklore, such as tales, songs,
ballads, proverbs, riddles, charms, superstitions, myths, legends and
similar traditional materials, he must be acquainted with social and
ethnic conditions of the country.
The folklore of Bangladesh is heavily influenced by different races
which were present years ago. The abundant folklore of the present-
day Bangladesh, therefore, contains a variety of elements, which is
partly to be explained by the historical forces.

From the third century AD onwards, the Mouryas, the Guptas, the
Palas, the Senas and the Muslims came one after another to rule the
land. As a result, they grafted their ways of life and cultural
traits on the indigenous population. Subsequently, Portuguese, French
and English ships anchored in the harbours of Bengal. They left not
only their merchandise but also their customs. Of these foreign
traders, the British became the most powerful. They were able to
consolidate their authority at the expense of the fading empire of
the Mughal rulers. The battle of Plassy in 1757 ended with the defeat
of the Nawab of Bengal. The British victory ensured the supremacy of
the British East India Company over the entire sub-continent, which
included Bangladesh, for nearly 200 years. As a result, the folklore
of Bangladesh presents an interesting variety, both anthropological
and sociological.

Since a number of races established in Bengal, it only naturally
follows that each race left its own mark and it was not only physical
but also cultural, which collectively formed the basis of the future
higher culture. There is no denying the fact that the first phase of
folklore collecting was started by the British rulers of India,
though the purpose behind it was obviously political and
administrative. As soon as the British East India Company became
ruler of Bengal it requested the British civil officers to learn
about the people of the land through their culture and customs.
Consequently, under the directive of the Company, scholars like
William Jones, a judge of the old Supreme Court, Calcutta,
established the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal in the year 1784.
This Society promoted the study of the humanities, including the
materials later recognised as folklore.

Under the British initiative, the study of folklore was advanced
primarily by the British civil officers and European missionaries.

After the Sepoy Revolution of 1857, there followed more
congenial atmosphere to investigate folklore. In 1858, by a
proclamation of Queen Victoria, the administration was transferred
from the East India Company to a Viceroy, the representative of the
Queen of England. From then on, the English officials before leaving
England, were instructed to mix with the Indian people to try to gain
their confidence, and also to respect their religions, culture and
customs. The officials who came to India were clearly familiar with
the anthropology, ethnology and of course, folklore. The officials
launched many journals and publications, which richly contained
enormous quality of folklore materials.

Along with the civil servants, the missionaries of Great
Britain, Europe and the United States made important contribution to
the folklore collection and publication. Since their aim was to
preach Christianity among the natives, it was in*****bent on them to
know the native customs. Among the missionaries, William Carey was
remarkable. He served in Fort William College from 1800-1831 and with
the help of native munshis he published a series of Bengali books,
edited newspapers and encouraged the translations of Sanskrit
folktales known in oral traditions.

Other missionaries, such as Caleb Wright and Right Rev.
Reginald, on the other hand, were causal travellers who kept
excellent information in their books about the customs and traditions
of our country. The missionaries were followed by the ontique
collectors such as Kanailal Ghosal, Rajendranath Benarjee and many

The second phase of the folklore movement was introduced by
Bengali scholars of nationalistic tendencies. Rabindranath Tagore was
the pioneer during the period. From 1885 to 1899, he published four
essays showing the importance of Bengali folk literature. 'These four
essays were compiled in his book Loka-Sahitya (Folk Literature) in
1907. Tagore patronised others and he himself collected a large
number of folklore materials from his vast estate of East Bengal,
including Bangladesh. He himself wrote : "When I was at Selaidah, I
would always keep close contact with the Bauls (mystic folk singers)
and have discussion with them, and it was fact that I infused tunes
of Baul songs into many of my own songs". Many people say
that 'Tagore used numerous folklore themes in many of his poems,
songs, dramas, novels and short stories. Other scholars, who made
important contribution to folklore were Upendra Kishore Roy
Choudhury : Toontooni Pal (1910 Book on Toontooni) and Mitra Majumder
Takore: Thakur Mar Jhuli (1906 Grandmother Stories), Monsur Uddin
(collector of Baul songs), Jashim Uddin (who was famous for his
folklore themes in dramas and poetries) and Abbas Uddin(who made
folksongs popular).
The third phase of folklore movement began in Dhaka, then East
Bengal, in the year 1938, when the Eastern Mymensingh Literary
Society was established. This promoted the collection and study of
folklore. Folklore activities were, however, much accelerated when
the then government established the Bangla Academy in Dhaka in 1955
to promote research work on Bengali language and literature and
collected, preserved and published folklore materials. Folklore
candidates, appointed by the academy, worked in regions rich in
folklore. As a result, folklore materials of high quality poured in
on an unending stream. So far, the Bangla Academy has published many
books on folklore.

Bengali ballads which are called Gatha or Geetika in Bengali are
one of the earliest variety of folksongs. The dates of origin of
Bengali ballads will safely go to up to the Middle Ages, if not
earlier. Divergent opinions have been expressed as to the origin of
ballads. There are two contending groups : (1) communalistic, and (2)

The first group saw in ballads a continuing traditions from the
primitive ages and thought that these were made by a kind of communal
improvisations for communal recreation. Later, critic suggested that
people were too indefinite, too disorganised for such concerted
efforts, and that ballads were composed under the direction of a
leader who brought the necessary discipline in songs and who
functioned as the main organiser and guide. According to the critics,
after an individual ballad was composed, it passed on from people to
people, community to community through oral traditions. In the
process some were changed, improved and sometimes even deteriorated.
This individualistic theory has been accepted by the scholars at both
home and abroad.

Behind ever art is a man, behind the man is the race and behind
the race is the social and natural environment and these influences
are sure to be reflected on folklore. Bengali ballads give us an idea
of the Bengali society in the Middle Ages, its joy and sorrows,
laughter and tears. Bangladesh is the land of rivers -- almost all
villages are linked with rivers. There is a proverb which
says, "There is not a single village without a river or a rivulet and
a folk poet or a minstrel".

The struggle for existence was not as hard in Middle Ages as it
is today and the minstrels and folk poets had ample opportunity to
enjoy nature and pass care-free-time in composing songs and stories.
Moreover, they were always patronised by the local feudal lords.

It was, of course, Islam that gave the highest acceleration to
the development of the Bengali ballads. The Turks conquered Bengal at
the beginning of the 13th century. Muslims brought with them a huge
store of Persian literature. The low-caste Hindus for the first time
in their life had the opportunity to talk and mix with the conquering
race. They saw that there were no barriers to caste and creed among
Muslims and that all men were equal in Islam. In due course, the
influence of the Persian romances reached the remote corner of the
country. Gradually, the Hindu society also came to know of this and
humanism like the south wind blew over the literature of Bengal. Even
though these stories and songs were composed earlier, they were
unfortunately collected from the oral tradition only by the second
decade of the 20th century. It is quite obvious that these stories
underwent a great change. Earlier the poets were patronised by the
feudal lords, but in the later period probably when the poets lost
their patrons in the British period, they became the "property of the
masses rather than the classes". May be, for this reason the quality
of the folk stories and songs, composed in the later period,

Many stories and songs have been collected till now. The ballads
are usually sung in accompaniment with tabors, drums, and other folk
instruments. Ballad stories are sung by a leader who is
called "Gayen' and he has a group of associate singers called 'Paile'
who join in the chorus in illustrating the episodes.

There are innumerable varieties of folk songs in the riverine
Bangladesh which are sung by different cultural groups in different
parts of the country. The most popular variety of songs can be
divided into many different classes.

The first class of songs can be divided into "Work songs"
or "Occupational songs". These songs include harvest songs, which are
sung at the time of harvest or cultivation; songs of the bullockcart
drivers or palan-quin-bearers sung at the time of carrying passengers
from one place to another; songs sung by labourers when they built
roofs of a house; 'sari-gaan', sung by boatmen in the month of
monsoon, at the time of boat race, etc.

Kavi, however, bases mostly Hindu myths and legends and is also
sung by two rival singers. They are usually sung at the time of Hindu
festivals. Kavi, like Jari, may also be sung throughout the year for
pure entertainment.

Both Kavi and Jari sometimes go beyond the limit of their
particular subject and in the course of singing introduces modern
topics or amusing national and local events. Sometimes when ritual
singers indulge in personal attacks through the exchange of sharp
wits, the audience bursts into laughter. We see that all the folk
songs and stories of Bangladesh inform us about the then society. It
depicts clearly how the people used to think, their customs, and what
the principles they used to follow. Through all the folk materials
collected over the years we can learn more about our country's
history and tradition. We learn that Bangladesh has rich cultural and
folklore heritage, which may be compared with any other country of
the world rich in folklore. Since folklore has already been accepted
as a social, cultural and ethnic study, Bangladeshi Folklore will
also have a distinct place in the study.

by: mkadmin
2006-10-26 08:46:04 Anil Sarkar Demands Identification Of Caste Hindu Creamy Layer Anil Sarkar Demands to Identify Caste Hindu Creamy Layer, too

Plash Biswas

The Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity of the amendment providing reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for promotion in government jobs.

   But it said that the creamy layer has to be excluded from its benefits. A five-judge constitution bench, headed by Chief Justice Y K Sabharwal said, the overall limit of 50 per cent reservation cannot be exceeded under any cir*****stances. The court said that while providing reservation for promotion in government jobs, the state has to justify that the SCs and STs are not adequately represented and that administrative efficiencies are not impelled.The leftists led by cpim has opined that the apex court decision is unfortunate. Cpim dalit leader, poet and socil welfare minister of Tripura Anil Sarkar was present in the core group meeting held in New delhi on 20 th October.On way returning to Agartala, on a stopover in Kolkata Mr sarkar told that he has demanded to deduct the opportunities of promotion of caste Hindu creamy layer , too. Giving the details of the meeting he calaimed that the central HRD minister Arjun singh also supported his demand.
Sarkar also demanded a constitutional amendment to overcome the fifty percent bar fixed by the apex court so that not only OBC, but dalit christians and dalit muslims may be accomodated.
Representing the chief minister of Tripura, Manik sarkar, the minister alleged despite the given fifty percent quota dalits have only ten percent of jobs available as ninety percent job is captured by caste Hindus. According to him, policy making posts are never meant for Sc, St or Obc.
A meeting of Chief Ministers and Education Ministers of states and the core group of ministers looking after implementation of 27 percent reservation for OBC students in unaided institutions, held in New Delhi ton 20 th Oct. This meeting held in a bid to evolve a consensus on the issue of OBC quota in unaided institutions. It came in the wake of the Supreme Court's unhappiness over government's lack of data on the subject. A Core Group of Ministers headed by Defence Minister Mr. Pranab Mukherjee interacted with the state leaders on the issue after the introduction of the bill in Parliament concerning aided institutions. The exercise comes at a time when the apex court has taken a serious note of the proposal for the extension of reservation without any specific data in place. The court has observed that the Centre had preferred not to mention the important issue of "creamy layer" in its affidavit which, according to the Indra Sawhney judgement in the Mandal case, was to be kept away from the scope of reservation. The two-day meeting aimed at evolving a political consensus on quota in unaided educational institutions. Finance minister P chaidambaram was also present in the meeting.

The Supreme Court laid down general guidelines for holding timely elections to panchayats and municipalities. A five-judge Constitution Bench, headed by Chief Justice Y K Sabharwal said, the Election Commision should try to complete the elections before the expiry of the five-year term and only in exceptional cir*****stances like calamities or breakdown of law and order, the delay will be justified. The court said, under no cir*****stances, elections to panchayats and municipalities should be extended as a regular feature. It said, any revision of the electoral rolls should be carried out in time and if it cannot not be done in reasonable time, elections have to be conducted on the then existing rolls. Expressing confidence that the Election Commission will take steps to prepare the electoral rolls on time, the Bench said that under no cir*****stance, it shall be delayed in violation of the Constitution.

The Supreme Court has modified its order on the OBC reservation bill and said that the report of the parliamentary standing committee on the bill will be placed before it after being tabled in the House. The court’s directive on Monday had triggered a controversy with political parties coming out strongly against it. Most had pointed out that the parliamentary committees were accountable to only the Parliament.

Taking note of additional solicitor-general Gopal Subramanian’s point that the bill was under examination of the committee, the court, in its order signed on Tuesday has observed that “in all probability, it is submitted that the report, if received from the Parliament (committee), will be placed before the Parliament in the Winter Session which is likely to commence from November 27. Assurance is given by him (ASG) that a copy of the standing committee’s report shall be placed in a sealed cover before this court.”

In fact, the Supreme Court’s directive seeking a parliamentary report on the OBC reservation bill came up at the meeting of the HRD ministry’s standing committee on Wednesday. The issue is believed to have been mentioned at the meeting but not discussed in detail. What is, however, believed to have been discussed is the implementation process of the OBC reservation.
“Creamy Layer” introduced in OBC Quota

Children of the President, the Vice-President, Judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts will come under “Creamy Layer”- a special criteria fixed to exclude them from the benefit of OBC quota in government services and institutes.

Under this criteria persons having a gross annual income of Rs 2.5 lakh or above for three consecutive years will fall in the same category and their children would not get the reservation that are provided to OBC classes. Detailing the criteria, an official note said that children of officers holding equivalent or comparable posts in public sector units, banks, insurance companies, universities fall under this category.

The note has also clarified that children of doctors, lawyers, engineers, chartered accountants, management consultants, dental surgeon, architects, computer professionals, film artists, sports and media professionals or any other related persons will be excluded from the benefit. The criterion is introduced due to a recent “issue” on the 27% reservation for Other Backward Caste (OBC) in IIMs and IITs.

Arjun pitches for more funds to SC, ST, OBC students

On the eve of crucial meeting of Chief Ministers and Education Ministers of states here in a bid to evolve a consensus on the issue of OBC quota in unaided institutions, Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh on made a strong plea for Central assistance to children from SC, ST, OBCs and minorities and other weaker sections in the Eleventh Plan.

"The 11th Plan must come out boldly in favour of giving Central assistance for pre-matric as well as post-matric scholarships to children of SC, ST as well as OBCs/minorities (subject to a means test) and other weaker sections and at adequate rates," he said in a note at the full Planning Commission meeting chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Singh reminded the Plan panel that the commitments made by Congress party through its manifesto especially the National Common Minimum Programme need to be "articulated with greater stress" in the Approach Paper to the Plan. These included the need for removing agrarian distress, promoting employment-oriented growth and achieving food and nutrition security.

Report on quota bill in Parliament: Standing Committee : In the midst of a judiciary-versus-legislature debate, a Parliamentary committee on Wednesday asserted that its report on the OBC reservation in Central educational institutions would be tabled in Parliament.

"The Committee will submit its report to Parliament", senior Congress MP Janardan Dwivedi, Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee of the HRD Ministry, told PTI after a meeting in which the issue of the Supreme Court order seeking a report on the quota Bill came up. (Agencies)

BANGALORE: In a major setback to oversight committee's move to implement 27% OBC quota at the premier Indian Institutes of Management from 2007-'08, directors of six IIMs have thrown up their hands saying it would be practically impossible to implement the quota in one go.

The directors of all IIMs who met twice -- in Chennai and Bangalore -- on the quota issue have told the core group on management institutions chairman Samuel Paul that their plates are full and it would be unrealistic to launch reservation for OBCs on full scale from next June.

"To implement 27% reservations, IIMs will have to increase the intake by 54%. Given the shortage of faculty and inadequate infrastructure, none of the IIMs can handle this extent of expansion in just one year.We must stagger the implementation if quality is not to be compromised.

The preferred option would be to implement it in a modest way," Paul, former IIM-A director,who heads the core group on management schools, told The Times of India. If IIM-A has no land to even build a shed, IIM-Kozhikode has a peculiar problem. The IIM-K director has told the core group that as the institute is located in a hilly region, finding a contractor is difficult. The situation is grim even on the faculty front.

While the premier B-schools are struggling to fill even the sanctioned posts due to lack of qualified faculty, each IIM will have to recruit 23 additional faculty if the quota will have to be implemented.

"This scale of recruitment has never happened in any of the IIMs. Each institute recruits only about 5-6 faculty every year, but finding 23 professors will not only result in intense competition among the IIMs but may also lead to poaching," Paul said.

All IIM directors want the Centre to relax various norms to overcome limitations in implementing the quota plan. IIMs have suggested that their respective Board of Governors should be authorised to take final decisions on matters relating to recruitment, faculty compensation and capacity building to beat delay in getting government clearances.

"To attract good faculty you need to offer attractive salary. IIMs have not been able to offer good compensation since they are bound by the Pay Commission. The directors have suggested that the retirement age should be relaxed from 62 to 65 years.

Even during recruitment, the existing rules insist that the faculty has to be a Ph.D.

"In the areas of accounting, finance and marketing it is difficult to find a faculty with a Ph.D. In these areas a good chartered accountant may be appointed," Paul said.

Though a final meeting of IIM directors to finalise their recommendations is scheduled for next week, Paul feels the entire exercise would be futile if the Brand IIM suffers due to quota.

"There is immense pressure on IIMs to implement quota because the intake is limited and pay packets are the best in the country. The government has to ensure that the brand is not destroyed while implementing reservations. If there is no brand, nobody gains -- including the OBC.


(contact: Palash Biswas, c/o Mrs arati roy, gosto kanan, Sodepur, kolkata-700110, India. Phone:033-25659551-r)
by: mkadmin
2006-10-05 08:44:58 Harendra Nath Das - A tribute Tribute : In loving memory of our father — Harendra Nath Das
“He was our bread, when we were hungry
He was our shelter from troubled wind
He was our boat in life’s ocean.....”

   Our days always started with him and ended with him. He was like a pillar to us. We always depended on him for every single thing, no matter how trivial. He gave us everything we ever wanted. He gave us a whole world of love and happiness. We never knew what sadness was. The whole thing seems so unreal, so nightmarish. One moment he was laughing and singing with us and the next moment, he was gone. Why??
What was his fault?
What did he do to anyone?
He was cold-bloodedly murdered — shot at gunpoint with no second chance.
He was such a nice men — loved and respected by everyone who met him. But they still killed him — and us along with him. A brave man — that is what he was. He sacrificed his life for us — his family. He went away so silently, so quietly... He woke up every morning with the alarm bell — singing ‘Wake me up when September ends...’
Look at the irony — it’s the end of September and he’ll never wake up again... How can we forget the way he used to keep looking at us with love in his eyes. He may have had a stern face, but we knew that no matter what wrong we did, he would never scold us, never spank us... because he loved us too much. He gave us all the freedom in the world because he believed we would never cross the borderline... He was a strong man who looked at death in the eye. He didn’t tell us, even once, of the inner turmoil he was going through. That is him. He looked away all the sadness, all the tension and gave us all the love in the world. He is someone, who, we will never see again and yet never forget...

Wherever you are
We just want to tell you that —
We love you and we miss you....

Maina, Pompy, Dhon


by: mkadmin
2006-10-04 09:57:21 SHGs lift families out of abject poverty By : Nava Thakuria in Barpeta, Assam

When Kamala Das first heard about the Self Help Groups formed around their villages, her reaction was not very enthusiastic. But the initiative involved economic activities paving the way for some income, which she couldn't ignore. In fact, she was in desperate need for a regular income for the family.

   After her father's death three years ago, Kamala had to take responsibility of her five-member family. Even a monthly income of one thousand rupees would be tremendous help. Soon Kamala made up her mind. Next day she invited 12 women of her village for discussions. The meeting formed the 'Manas Self Help Group' in Bhabanipur Mahtoli village, Barpeta district.

The all women group then went to open an account in the nearest branch of the Pragjyotish Gaonlia Bank at Bhabanipur in November 2001. They met once a month and deposited Rs 20 per head. Once the group fund increased, members began to take loans at an interest of 36 per cent. Following a discussion with her younger brother and sisters, Kamala applied for a loan from the group fund. It was sanctioned. Kamala started a cottage food-processing unit at home investing one thousand rupees. Today Kamala on average earns one thousand rupees in a month, to add to the family's earnings. The five-member family now enjoys the security of two very simple rice-based meals a day.

"The raw materials, mostly fruits are available in our village," Kamala recently disclosed at her home. "I could collect the material with very small investment. My brother also helped me in collecting fruit."

The fruits are processed in the mini industry for preparation into fruit juice, pickles, jams and jelly. These are in good demand in the local market. Occasionally her brother carries the products on a bicycle to sell in nearby villages.

The Asom Grameen Vikash Bank (earlier known as Pragjyotish Gaonlia Bank) sanctioned a loan of Rs. 25,000 for the group. It invested all the money in their business. Today not only Kamala, her entire team of poor women has started earning for their families.

Inspired and encouraged by a local NGO named the North East Development Organization, all members of the Manas Self Help Group have their own income generating activities at home. They range from food processing to handloom, cattle farms to piggery. Everyone in the group can afford two meals (rice) a day with the extra income.

More significantly, the male members of their families, mostly daily wage earners, recognize their contribution. That inspires the women to take part in the planning and decision-making on different family issues, which was earlier impossible.

The Manas Self Help Group is one of several hundred thousand SHGs formed in the last few years under the Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojna (SGSY). The Government of India launched the SGSY in April 1999. It aimed at bringing about a paradigm shift in development strategy for creating employment opportunities for the rural poor.

SHGs are advised to take training and start economic activities with bank credits. They are advised to conduct regular meetings. Regular savings and internal lending are encouraged. After six months the activity of the group is examined.

If banks are convinced they are capable of handling money, cash credit facilities up to Rs.25, 000 are provided. Besides the loan, the groups also get government subsidies.The self-help approach is framed to help the poor build self-confidence through community action. Interactions in group meetings and collective decision-making are expected to enable them identify and prioritize needs and resources. This process is supposed to lead the rural poor, particularly women, to strengthen collective bargaining power, and finally inspire them towards socio-economic empowerment.

Union Ministry of Rural Development (GOI) sources reveal that over 25 lakh SHGs have been formed in India. SHGs have taken up different economic activities: handicrafts, mushroom cultivation, piggery, dairy farming, and mechanized agriculture.

Over Rs 1000 crores were provided as bank loans to the SHGs, against which the National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) provided banks refinance assistance of around Rs 800 crores. NABARD's goal is to credit link around 10,00,000 SHGs till 31 March 2008.

Asom government source reveal there are over 1.5 lakhs SHGs formed in the state till December 2005.

They involve 10 lakh Below Poverty Level families - around 16 per cent of Asom's total population. The State Institute of Rural Development statistics disclose more than 2000 SHGs were sanctioned loans by different banks in the last three financial years, amounting to Rs 25 crores.

Kamala Das feels more confident about her future and possible marriage. She has the confidence and capability to earn extra income. "I will keep waiting for some years, when grooms begin to prefer brides associated with SHG activities," she said, eyes sparkling. "Because then a bride will be able to financially help the groom's family with her own income."

Grassroots Features
If the article is reproduced it may please be credited to Grassroots Features and a clipping sent to the Press Institute of India, Administrative Block, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025
by: mkadmin
2006-10-04 09:55:20 Talking about a bridge on the river Brahmaputra Talking about a bridge on the river Brahmaputra

Nava Thakuria

“ The protestors demand immediate halt in construction of the bridge, unless an environmental impact assessment study for the Bogibeel bridge is carried out by expertise."

The Indian Railway Ministry may set the year 2008-2009 as the target for the completion of the Bogibeel road ***** rail bridge on the mighty river Brahmaputra in eastern Assam (now Asom), but the ground reality narrates a strong resentment against the project with the adopted design and lay out.

The fourth bridge on Luit (as Brahmaputra is known among Asomiya people) is a long standing demand of the people in the region, which has been projected to benefit the entire region economically. The bridge, to be the longest on Brahmaputra (in India) found its mention in the historic Assam Accord that culminated Asom Andolan (agitation) led by the state students' body in late Eighties.

The initiation of work was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee on April 21, 2002. The Indian Railways, which has been endowed the responsibility of construction of the bridge had already allocated Rs 60 crore for the Bogibeel bridge under National Rail Vikas Yojana (NRVJ). The construction of the Bogibeel road ***** rail bridge (with the anticipated cost of Rs 1,767 crore) is however yet to speed up.

One can see no more than few beds for pillars with heaps of sand bags in the riverbank and parts of embankments even after four years of contraction period. More over, there are annual floods in Brahmaputra to wash away many portions of the constructed pillars and duke in the river bank. The recent debate that gains public domain that the proposed length of the bridge is not justified in comparison to the breath of Brahmaputra at the location and it would invite disaster throughout upper Asom in near future.

It may be mentioned that the proposed length of the bridge is only 4.3 km, where as the Brahmaputra maintains its width up to 7 km even in winter season. During summer the breadth of Brahmaputra goes up to 11 km. The concern has been raised that the disturbance of natural flow of Luit (by restricting the river flow areas almost up to one third of its optimum width) would only escalate the havoc of flood and erosion in both the banks of the river Brahmaputra and its tributaries.

More over, serious concerns are raised about the impact of the bridge on Majuli, the biggest river island on Earth and also the Vaishnavite cultural center, which is nearly 100 km downstream of the bridge. It is apprehended that the escalation of erosion would only help vanishing the island, as the past record narrates that Majuli had already been shrunk to 875 sq km from 1246 sq km in 1950.

The proposed bridge will be fourth attempt to connect the southern valley of the mighty river to the northern valley after Saraighat rail ***** road bridge at Guwahati (commissioned in 1962 with main bridge length of 1.296 km), Kalia Bhomora road bridge at Tezpur (commissioned in 1987 with main bridge length of 3.015 km) and Naranarayana Setu rail ***** road bridge at Jogighopa (commissioned in 1998 with main bridge length of 2.285 km).

The Bogibeel road ***** rail bridge will connect the National Highway (NH) 37 on the south bank to the NH 52 on north bank of Brahmaputra. The rail track on south will be connected to Chaulkhowa station near Dibrugarh town and it will join the MG railway track on the north bank, which is connected to Rangiya junction. The MG track in northern bank (from Rangiya to Sisi Borgaon) is also planned to convert into BG very soon.

Recently, a memorandum has been sent to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, the President of India seeking his intervention on the construction of the bridge with the proposed length, arguing that it would impose vulnerability to the life and livelihoods of 5,00,000 population in upper Asom including the world famous river island Majuli. The memorandum, signed by the eminent Asomiya scholar Dr. Hiren Gohain, community leaders Dr. Ranoj Pegu, Rabindra Nath, Johan Doley, Akhil Gogoi with a number of journalists including Kanaksen Deka (editor, Dainik Agradoot), Ajit Bhuyan (editor, Aji), Manoj Kr. Goswami (editor, Dainik Janasadharan), Dr. Nagen Saikia (editor, Amar Asom), Dr. Khiren Roy (editor, Asomiya Khabar), Nitya Borah (columnist), Manjit Mahanta (executive editor, Asomiya Pratidin), Prakash Mahanta (secretary, Journalists' Action Committee) etc, expresses concern at the emerging threat hanging over the heads of the huge chunk of indigenous population inhabiting of the region.

"The 2,900 km river Brahmaputra, according to a study carried out by the UNESCO under its International Hydrological Decade Programme is ranked fourth amongst the rivers in the globe in respect of maximum flood discharges. The Brahmaputra that originates in Tibet and culminates in the Bay of Bengal after entering Bangladesh is also a major sediment transporting rivers on Earth. Its annual sediment load is estimated to be about 397 million ton with a flow of 477 billion cubic metre during 1978-2003 at Pancharatna in western Asom. It has the highest sediment yield next to the Yellow River in China. Its tributaries also carry high sediment load, which is normally more than 1,000 ton per square kilometer per year.

The design of the bridge shows its length as 4315.20 Metre and it would be supported by 41 numbers of pillars. The breath of Brahmaputra at the construction site (from extreme north bank to extreme south bank) is 11 km during monsoon and 7 Km during the lean period (winter). It shows that during the monsoon period, the river will be restricted to almost 1/3 of its total breadth. Now serious concern has been raised by the experts including senior officials under the state Water Resource Department that disturbing the natural flow of Brahmaputra to that much extent would trigger havoc in terms of flood on the upstream of the bridge and rigorous erosion due to flaring up affect in the downstream," said in the memorandum.

The protestors demand immediate halt in construction of the bridge, unless an environmental impact assessment (including hydraulic modeling) study for the Bogibeel bridge is carried out by expertise. More over, they insist on ensuring people's participation and transparency in the process. At the same time, it is also demanded that the findings of the assessment study along with the environmental management plan for mitigating the adverse impact are made public at the earliest.—SAN-Feature Service

--SAN-Feature Service
by: mkadmin
2006-10-04 09:53:20 Jayanta Hazarika Memorial in London

On this day (15/10/77) 29 years ago, Jayanta Hazarika suddenly left us all in tears. Devastated as we were then we remember his scintillating personality with great fondness and a sense of loss.


Time has proved over and over again that the void left by the sudden premature demise of Jayanta Hazarika (Rana) at the age of 34 on 15 October, 1977 can never be filled. The memories of his face with that child like innocence and the heart, big enough to shower love on everybody. Leaving his young wife Manisha and his son – Mayukh at a very early age.

With the passing of years – that mellifluous voice and his absents is being felt more and more, particularly, in the context of the present musical scenario, and all are left in utter regret imaging the height of his achievements had divine providence let him complete his normal quota of years.

How I remember Rana:

The name Jayanta Hazarika, ‘Pragati Silpi Sangha’, ‘New Art Players’, ‘Kristi Bikash Sangha’ is a sweet memory for all the music lovers of Guwahati like myself. Known as Rana Bhaiti in family circle, 34 year old the handsome, fair complexioned, young legend and the music icon of yesteryears. Bhupen da’s moromor Rana Bhaiti.

I remember Rana, with his disarming smile and charming manner. In those days Uzan Bazar and Panbazar was the heart of cultural activities in Guwahati. In 1959, Diamond Jubilee of Panbazar Girls High School was celebrated for a week long programme in the month of May or June (I do not remember the exact month)

Rose Hazarika and Ruby Hazarika were also student of Panbazar Girls High school, so they have asked their brother Rana to organise the musical programme for the Diamond Jubilee. We were all excited and practicing every afternoon 3:00pm for the main chorus with Rana playing the harmonium. I still remember few lines:

Ro-od jilmil akaxhoti, Daworore dhemalite,

Amar monor nijanoti, Xopone jai umoli,

Ro-od jilmil, Ro-od jilmil, Ro-od jilmil .

Rose Baideu, Ruby, Anjali Baideu (Anjali Medhi), Monti Baideu (Mridula Das) Ramen Choudhury, Dost, Ara Baideu, Niva Choudhury, Pretishree Barkataki all took part. During the rehearsal period I remember one day he was crossed with me and Niva and said “Osorot thoka manuhbore xodai derikoi ahe” and we were punctual after that day.

I fell for his voice and the charm since that time. Never missed any of his function during my teens until I left Guwahati in 1972. On behalf of Cotton College Union Society in 1964 when we invited him to perform at “College week”, I became close to him. The entire union hall was moved by listening to him. “Agoli botahe kopale kolore pat” was the song for the first time he sang on that day.

Fortunately or unfortunately I happen to visit home in the month of September 1977 to attend a family wedding. On that fateful morning October 15,1977 the sad news was announced at All India Radio News Bulletin Jayanta Hazarika passed away in Kolkata.

We were all shocked. I cried like a little girl. The day his lifeless body was carried from Borjhar Airport to his Nizarapar residence we somehow manage to see a glimpse of his face in the back of that truck by standing at the Panbazar Sukleshar ghat, tried to reach out to throw few flowers from the vast crowd in tears men, women and children.

Thirty-five crowded years of meaningful existence has added significantly in uploading the rich culture tradition flourishing in Asom for ages. He had the prompting of his heart to initiative the formation of the Sur Bahini, a mobile musical brigade which was committed to work selflessly for the welfare of the poor, helpless and distressed, especially victims of natural calamities. His artistic excellence and qualities of head and heart set the perfect example of an artiste in the true sense of the term.

Jayanta Hazarika followed the pioneering style of Jyoti Prasad Agarwala of synthetising the elements of Asomiya folk, Indian classical and western music to weave out a distinctive form, intimate and recognisably Asomiya in character.

He could play quite a number of musical instruments, eg: the guitar, dumra, mandolin, accordion, tabla, mouth-organ and his dexterity on the harmonium with his fingers extended over two octaves was an awe-inspiring sight. The artist stood before his audience with all solemnity couple with humility, he could exert his influence upon all sections of the people. He accompanied Dr. Bhupen Hazarika to the International conference of political songs organised by the October Club at Berlin on February 1972 and overwhelmed the German audience.

The feelings of cultural oriented music lovers today: “There have been quite a number of tributes to the legendary artiste through his songs but some of them have been unimaginably careless and irresponsible ventures. There are glaring errors in the lyrics above the mishandling of notations and musical accompaniment. The preludes and interludes deviate to a simplified solo pattern from the superb original orchestrations the background scorings are substandard and the extra doses of individualist treatment only contribute to mar the original excellence”.

Therefore the Government needs to take serious steps for the preservation and research of the legendary songs and music of the state by constituting authorised panels of personalities connected with the respective form of music, initiating and sponsoring frequent workshops under able exponents and strictly prohibiting imperfect recordings

Last year when I met Mithu bou (Manisha Hazarika) at her residence we were both in tears I saw Rana’s old guitar in the sitting room which use to enliven many cultural functions in Guwahati, each chord has his finger’s touch remembering that passionate and mellifluous rendering of Mrityu Xaboti Xomadhi Tolit, Tomar morome mor and Xurat magan.

It reminds me of that touching tune of Elton John.

“Now you belong to heaven

And the stars spell out your name…

Your candles burnt out

Long before your legend ever will.”

This year Jayanta Hazarika memorial concert will be held at the Nehru Centre (Cultural Wing of High Commission of India) on 18 October, 2006. The invited artists are: Manisha Hazarika, Mayukh Hazarika & Laili Dutta Hazarika.

Manisha Hazarika: “A woman will always sacrifice herself if you give her the opportunity. It is her favourite form of self indulgence.” This quote of Somerset Maugham somehow reflects so truly for someone like Manisha Haharika wife of late: Jayanta Hazarika who could be pronounced as a woman of substance.

Born and raised in a respectable Bengali family, in a composite musical background in Kolkata. Manisha lost her husband at a very young age. No way she wanted to be a pitiable woman, neither did she wanted to go back to her birth place in to the comfortable and privileged surroundings of her parents abode. Instead this courageous woman started to begin from scratch striving to survive and made every effort to give the best of the couples only child, Mayukh.

She has promised herself to keep those memorable songs of her husband alive and make him feel comfortable where ever he is. She is an inspiration and a role model for every women.

Mayukh Hazarika: He can be easily mistaken for A.R. Rahman by his disarming smile and charming manner. Born and raised into Hazarika gharana – an illustrious family of several gifted artists and doyens of Asom musical world. Having seen and heard his family of musicians most notably his father and uncle: Dr. Bhupen Hazarika sing and interact as he grew up. He lost his father when he was only seven year old. His mother taught him to sing those immortal songs with the same depth of feelings and sincerity that his father once sang and became famous with. Mayukh relive the voice of Jayanta Hazarika once again.

Laili Dutta Hazarika: She would always wake up to the sound of the Swaras. Having herself learned from the legendary Padmabhusan: Ustad Ghulam Mustafa Khan, her mother Shikha Dutta took it upon herself to pass on the nuances of the Rampur Sahaswan Gharana to Laili at a very young age. Since then music has been one of the most significant and a religious aspects of Laili’s life. This tradition found further expression when she married Mayukh Hazarika. She is qualified from Bhatkhande Music University, Lucknow as a Bachelor of Music.

Pictures: Late:Jayanta Hazarika with Late: Dr. Zakir Hussain: President of India, Manisha Hazarika, Late: Dr. Nirmal Prabha Bardoloi, Dr. Bhupen Hazarika, Mrs. Ila Bose and again with Manisha Hazarika after their marriage. Mayukh Hazarika their only son and Laili Dutta Hazarika – daughter-in-law.

Rini Kakati, UK

Sent by email to MK by Rini Kakati, UK
by: mkadmin
2006-09-12 18:57:02 AN ASSAMESE LUITPORIA SHINE IN USA We should feel proud of success of Dr.Abhijit Mahalanobis.phd who has been selected this year prestigious EMERALD SCIENTIST OF THE YEAR 2006.
PLEASE CHECK www.Science Spectrum Online.com


by: mkadmin
2006-08-04 14:32:30 Keeping our culture alive ... Unlike people from many other indian state, such as Bengali, Marathi, Telugu or Punjabi, - our assamese population here in the western hemisphere is infinitesimally small.


So when you ask why we can not get cable TV just like those other guys do, it is a flat answer - Economics. It is economically not feasible to pull a satellite feed from 83° East to under 100 household in western hemisphere. Even if you own dish antenna, it will not find those satellite on the far horizon. At the same time you don't like looking at the tiny computer screen for your digital media, either ! So what's the answer ?

Markin Kalpataru is committed to bring you quality entertainment from hard to locate source and from half way around the globe to the comfort of your living room.

We are actively working on and developing application to let you play our music, play our videos, view latest news and pictures with just a few flick on your Hi-def TV remote.

If you have a high-speed connection, a Hi-def TV set, and a paying member of Markin Kalpataru, contact us within the next few weeks, we will have good news for you !

You may have to spend a little extra to buy a few equipment, but in the long run, you will be glad that you did. Your son or daughter will recognize Jatin Bora or Barsharani Bishaiya the way they recognize Shah Rukh Khan or Preeti Zinta !

Keep your haritage strong and vibrant, at least in your own home !

MK Admin

by: mkadmin
2006-07-25 09:31:39 Live Assamese Songs and Gazals - Mehfil.US A pleasent evening with some quality assamese songs and gazals. Last week, we visited Mr. and Mrs. Sankumani Sarma to meet a group of our mutual friends from assam currently visiting US. I met Sankumani earlier on 2 or 3 occasion and aware that he was a regular AIR artist at Mumbai before coming to the US.

   After we had some evening tea, and Sankumani invited us to his basement, where he professionally created a small performance podium. He had equipped it with a set of Fender/Bose PA system, a monitor and mixers. With the agile touch of his fingers, the room filled with some quality assamese tunes - starting with "Axom aamar Rupohi, Gunoru nai xex.."

Mr. Sarma was leading each song with his melodious voice and well versed fingers. He had earlier created the base MIDI tracks himself, with well thought and well placed percussion, lead guitar, flute and rhythm on his professional Yamaha keyboard.

It was a great evening, and folks continued to cheer for more and more assamese songs for almost half an hour. Then Sanku and Shravani sang few nice gazals and beautiful one that Sanku composed himself.

Sanku mentioned that he has a professional team of tablist, lead guitarist and recently did many fundraiser concert including one for Hurricane Katrina. I must say that, Sanku really has the talent and professional touch on each of his performance. If you are looking for some quality live music performance for any gathering, consider giving Sanku a call 848-459-1495 or visit his website - www.Mehfil.US

Abhi Barthakur
66 Fisher Dr
Hillsborough, NJ 08844
(908) 369-1099
by: mkadmin
2006-07-21 15:59:31 Assamese Gas Pump Attendant in South Brunswick, NJ I was pleasantly surprised today, when we pulled over to get some gas ( patrol) on a Gasway Station located at 4000 US Route 1 North, in Monmouth Junction, NJ – few hundred yards from New Road and Route 1 Intersection.

   The attendant peeked his smiling face and asked if we are from India. We said yes, then he asked which part of india, we said - we are from Assam. Then he smiled and said, - "Moi o axomore - hehe Halflong'r "

He came to the United States in 2003 and working at this particular gas station for a while now. His sister lives in New York. He mentioned that he never met any assamese here and was always wondering. We gave him our card, and exchanged phone number.

If you happen to go that way, just stop by the Gasway Station ( Valley Garage) at 4000 US Route 1 North, Monmouth Junction, NJ and say hi to Mr. Lama. He is in his late 40s, about 5'-4, medium built, gray hair.

Oh, BTW the gas price is LOWEST on that station in the whole area !!!

by: mkadmin
2006-06-15 03:06:23 Voice Of Assam - Axomor Xuwadi Maat NE TV Guwahati is Sponsoring "Voice Of Assam" - a reality TV show to find local singing talent from All over the assam. Click on MK World TV to watch Live.

   To participate and vote your favourite singer watch Axomor Xuwadi maat live form NETV

From the right Select MK World TV

by: mkadmin
2006-05-05 21:02:47 Ya Ali and Ya Ghali The song 'Ya ali' from Gangster(based on real life story of gangster Abu Salem and Manica Bedi) is on top of the list now which is singing by our own Assamese singer Zubeen Garg.We all his fans are very very happy to see his name on top of the list.But Zubeen really sings very well when he composes himself.

   Pritam the music director for 'Gangster' lifted the tune out and out from the song 'Ya Ghali' artist-Guitara and album-Qisati(2002).It is a Arabic composition by band Guitara.Listen these two songs if get opportunity and see how Pritam put it without any mistakes. Not only 'Ya Ali' but 'Lamha lamha' also lifted from the original pakistani song'Kal Shab Dekha'(1998) -singer Warris Baig.So I think Zubeen you will be much much better with your own compositions.
Hope to get original music in 'Strings'...with fabulous Zubeen's voice

by: mkadmin
2006-04-27 08:17:41 Gangster: Zubeen Zubeen's song "Ya Ali" is no.1 on Top Ten list now.Check out this website


Time to celebrate Zubeen!!! You have done a great job. Cheers


Zubeen Launched www.Zubeen.com
by: mkadmin
2006-04-24 12:41:32 Elderly Assamese Woman with US Visitor Visa If you or someone you know is interested in coming to USA for 6 Months ( extendable) and make Rupees 50K, please
email me ASAP.
A friend is looking for elderly Assamese Woman, who can do light cooking, and take care of 3 kids , 5, 3, and an infant.

   Fooding and Loadging is free to and Fro Air ticket to Assam is Free. At the end of 6 month, a gift for Rupees 50,000 ( IN Rupees) fifty Thousand will be offered.

Qualification - Must have US Visitor or other Visa to enter USA.
Must Speak Assamese and good in Story telling.

please email

by: mkadmin
2006-04-05 21:12:15 Zubeen releasese Bodo Album -Pame United in cause, divided by polls

Kokrajhar, April 5: Once they fought for the Bodo cause together. They still remain committed to the Bodo cause but will take on each other to achieve their ends — a developed Bodoland — in these elections.

   So much so that the electoral battle between former All Bodo Students’ Union (Absu) president Rabiram Narzary and sitting MLA Pramila Rani Brahma for the Kokrajhar East Assembly constituency has been billed as the contest of the Bodo heartland.

Times have surely changed for the duo. And the Assembly election in the Bodo belt on April 10 is now set to redefine Bodo political space.

After all, Pramila was elected to the state Assembly thrice in a row as a consensus candidate of all the Bodo social organisations under the initiative of Absu and its former leader Narzary.

Together, they formed the Bodoland People’s Progressive Front (BPPF), after the successful peace accord with the Bodo Liberation Tigers (BLT). The two were inseparable till differences over power sharing in the Bodo Territorial Council (BTC) split them last year.

The duo is now contesting as candidates of the two BPPF factions, each proclaiming itself as the real party. Even the Election Commission is yet to decide who to recognise.

The contest, as in any other seat in the Bodoland area, assumes importance because of the impact it is likely to have on government formation in the event of a hung Assembly, which appears more and more likely, according to the pundits.

The Rabiram faction of the BPPF is with the Asom Gana Parishad, while the faction led by former BLT chief Hagrama Mohilary is known for its closeness to the ruling dispensation.

But Kokrajhar seems to have forgotten to dress for the occasion. In the main thoroughfare of the district headquarters town, there are more posters of a recent release of a Bodo album by Zubeen Garg — Pame, than that of the candidates.

The procession brought out by the Rabiram faction on Sunday with placards like “We want peace”, “Stop atrocities” and other such words resemble more of a silent march in protest against army atrocities that had been a common feature till last year in the town in turmoil for long.

Even the houses of both candidates wear a quiet look, bereft of any party flags, festoons and banners. There is no outward sign of any royal battle in the offing.

But the look is deceptive. Interacting with the candidates, one immediately realises it is no longer a one-sided contest of “consensus days” when Independent candidates were put up by Bodo organisations.

“This time I am realising what an election means. In the last three terms, I was a consensus candidate of the Bodo organisations and opinions were not so sharply divided,” Pramila Brahma said.

Earlier, the cause of the Bodo movement dominated everything else.Rajya Sabha MP Urkhao Brahma said nobody bothered about development and other issues.

Priorities have changed, this time around. The same Narzary, under whose leadership the Absu had put up Pramila as an Independent candidate last time, accuses her of corruption and not doing enough for the constituency in the past 15 years.

“Now that the movement is over, people are focusing on development. Since she (Brahma) did not do anything for the constituency, people will reject her this time,” Narzary said. Brahma countered this, saying it was because of the Absu’s interference that she could not work. In the district headquarters, which lacks basic infrastructure of a modern town, development issues getting priority is a welcome change.

But the common man is apprehensive. Amid the bitter charges and counter-charges, he fears the “royal battle” might permanently fragment the cohesive Bodo society.

by: mkadmin

adding to that --

I have spoken with Mr. Thakkar and we are talking about a show in central Jersey when Debojit Arrives here.
Please stand by for more information.

MK Admin

Markin Kalpataru
Wing of Monavi Systems, Inc.

by: mkadmin
2006-03-03 11:50:33 wanted movie producer well we are a team of directors. 3 to be precise. made some short movies for film festivals. now we are interested into doing assamese films. So we need funding or producers.

if interested please mail me at buss@inbox.com for proper details

by: mkadmin
2006-02-24 15:24:39 Zee Tv Sa re ga ma pa Mega final The Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Challenge2005 mega final was really a very magnificent show with the young contestants,dancers and jam packed audiences,which showed a few minutes back on Zee Tv.The most glamorous and gorgeous stage that the Zee Tv Sa Re Ga Ma Pa have ever made .

   Sa re ga ma pa Mega final round started with the song 'aaj nahi tu kal...ayega ye pal' with the voice of all ten last contestant
Vinit started with the songs chand taare ....and aashik hun main(Badshah).Debojit-ye mere dil tu ayeee.. aaa(koho na pyar hai),kacha nahi kuch bhi.. pakka nahi kuch. and sab gate hai..hum tum kio khamus hai(with nihira).Then Vinit and Debo together sang 'kal kal main' from the movie kal.
Again last ten contestant performed -Rang de basanti,dharak dharak dhouwa uraye re,na paye me payel,ek main aur ek tu hai (Himani and Hemachandra) from bluffmaster,Nihira and Karib-ek najar main bhi pyar hota hai,Twinkle and Paresh-kaun chorake lega ek aajnabi.
Himani and vinit together performed Goria aake milo.

Guests were-Dia Mirja,Udit Narayan,Kunal Gunjwala, Jhoney Liver,Vijyta pandit,Alka Yagnik,Abhijit...and many more...
In between Shan called Udit Narayan,Kunal Gunjwala and Abhijit..asking who do they think will be winner.Udit said he thinks both are good,Kunal said that public knows who is good But Abhijit said Debu and Vinit's competion will start once they go out from Sa re ga ma pa...
Then Dia Miraja was called on the stage to show the well wishers of Debu and Vinit on the big screen.After this Shan and vinit performed a nice song..'One love...'Then Shan and Debu sang Dos bahane karke yeh le gaya dil...Jagjit sing and Ghulam ali entered the stage.ghulam ali presented trophy to Ismail Darbar and Adesh and jagjit sing presented to Himesh, Jatin and Lalit.Then Himani presented the most beautiful song 'tuje dekh dekh suna...jia dharak dharak'..Alka yagnik said that when she listened this song her tears started falling.Actor Fardin khan presented the sare ga ma..trophy to Himani.
Dia Mirja's dance with vinit was good one with kajara mahabbt wala song.Debo sang "muje tumse mohabbat hai" when dia was danching.
Vinit sang his one of the best song Tera jadu sal gaya and Debojit sang the best performed song..ek hasina thi..from Subhash Ghai's movie Karz.
After that Debojit performed the new song with his versatile voice"tu dil hai mara",which Ismail D. made specially for Debojit.This was really an excellent song...wah the music....very very deep.
Vinit sang his new song made by Himesh..'Aap ke ishk ki madhushi main...'Vinit performed it very well with his very sweet voice.
Lastly,Ze Tv Chairmen Brijmohan Lal, Shiv Kumar Sharma,Dia Mirja,Fardin Khan... read the result and the winner is ..Assam's Debojit....WOW what a relief...
Congratulation Debojit ! Will you do someting special for Assam and Assamese...


by: mkadmin
2006-02-24 14:58:50 Debojit Wins !!! Debojit wins Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Challenge!

rediff Entertainment Bureau | February 24, 2006 22:35 IST

DebojitI don't believe in winning or losing," said Debojit Saha earlier today. He no longer has a choice.

   The 29-year old from Silchar, Assam, has won Zee TV's Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Challenge 2005, beating 17-year old Vinit Singh in a closely fought and much-watched contest.

Debojit, a civil engineer by profession, came to Mumbai three years ago to pursue a career in singing. He says it was his wife who played an instrumental role in making sure he stuck to his agenda. Assam voted in full force, but the rest of the nation appears to have chipped in as well, considering tonight's results.

Another interesting thing the winner said earlier was how he wanted to be a common man all his life. Tough luck, Debojit. You're famous!

by: mkadmin
2006-02-17 10:47:58 Rameswer Pathak Probably needs Financial Help The king of Kamrupi Lokageet is ill. We do not know what kind of illness he is suffering from, but looks like , when someone is seeking Governmen'ts help, probably Mr. Pathak needs Financial help. Are you NRI's willing to gather a fund for helping him out at this hard time ? Please Follow up with your pledge here.


By A Staff Reporter Hindustan Times

GUWAHATI, Feb 15 -- Public activist Prof Deven Dutta today urged the State Government to do "everything possible" for ensuring early recovery of noted folk singer Rameswar Pathak, who has been ill for some time. "Pathak has contributed immensely to the world of folk music and is an invaluable asset for the State," Prof Dutta said, adding that the government must do everything possible for his early recovery.

Published by HT Syndication with permission from the Assam Tribune.

by: mkadmin
2006-02-03 08:52:00 Congratulations Debojit Congratulations to Debojit on reaching Mega Final of ZEE TV's SA RE GA MA PA contest. Now its upto us to make him the ultimate winner and show the rest of the country that how much we love our son. its the final hurdle for Debojit and its our duty to make him the winner as other judges and some anti-assam people don't want Debojit to win.

   So readers, plz vote 4 debojit as much as u can.This is the last hurdle.we hv 2 help him 2 win the title.ur 1 vote counts.So don't wait for others 2 vote. SMS the word DEBOJIT to 7575 or call 190-4424-7575-08 from ur landline phone. Overseas Readers, plz log on to http://sifymax.com/saregamapa/netvote/index.php 2 vote 4 Debojit.U can vote as much as u want. Just reopen the website in the browser after voting once.....plz plz plz don't neglect.START VOTING NOW & VOTE TILL MONDAY 10 O'CLOCK.(IST)

by: mkadmin
2006-02-02 09:57:43 Debojit Enters Mega Finals of SA RE GA MA PA Contest Debojit Saha of Silchar, Assam has entered the Mega Finals of Zee TV's Music Talent Show SA RE GA MA PA. Debojit got the top position for the 2nd consecutive time, Vinit Singh of Lucknow got the 2nd Position and Hemchandra of Hyderabad got the 3rd position this week on the basis of votes received from across the country. Debojit got more than 50 Lakhs vote where as Vinit and Hemachandra got around 42 Lakhs & 32 Lakhs vote respectively.

   Viewrs are requested to vote more for Debojit. To vote Debojit SMS DEBOJIT to 7575 or call from landline at 190-4424-7575-08.

Plz vote as much as u can.

by: mkadmin
2006-01-30 11:23:55 Become a Premium Member by Uploading Assamese MP3 Markin Kalpataru started rewarding points to its members for their contribution. You can get 1 to 10 points for each song you upload to our site, and become a premium member with just 100 points, which is as good as US$ 30.

   If you are current member of Markin Kalpataru, and you can not afford our membership fee, you can gain premium membership with 100 points, by simply uploading old assamese songs at MK Upload

Here are the point structure :
# Assamese Songs older than 1940 - original recording - 10 Points
# Assamese Songs older than 1960 - original recording - 5 Points
# Assamese Songs older than 1980 - original recording - 3 Points
# Assamese Songs older than 1990 - original recording - 2 Points
# Assamese Songs after 1990 - 1 Points

1. Songs you are uploading MUST NOT be already in our database. Please check our database before uploading.
2. Each point have a lifespan of One year amounting to a total of 100.
3. Any points gained beyond 100 will be good towards 2nd year, and 200 and up for 3rd year and so on !
4. These points are administered manually by MK admin, and you will receive a personal email about your reward(s).

If you have already uploaded any songs, please claim your point by writing to MK Admin

by: mkadmin
2006-01-29 13:30:42 Watch out Assam's new singing sensation Debojit in HSGMP2006 Watch out Assam's new singing sensation Debojit's performance in Top 3, Hero Honda Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Challenge 2005


( Visit http://freepgs.com/cyber-adda for more video's )

Comments please....

by: mkadmin
2006-01-20 13:54:35 What is India's voice?? The musical Program Hero Honda Sa re ga ma Challenge 2005 is an International show watched globally and had always maintained its standard. However, it has started deteriorating.

   Music composers of Reshamiya's class should not much concentrate on a singer's personnel life .He is just downgrading the show by being openly partial to only one competitor from his Gharana and using childish tactics to win vote for his favorite student.Vinit sings well but those others to are too good.We dont think that vinit is the best. Let him compete.How can one declare without competing.Way to go Mr. Reshamiya.Noone can win that way.You should know that very well. And Mr A. Shrivastava, whats about surprising so much while a contestant is getting more votes from his native state?? Would you please explain? You are much more matured person man! Think before giving any sensitive comments like this one.Hemachandra's father was confident about whole of South India madly votting for his son. Also, Paresh's mother in law made a comment about all Kutchi community voting for Paresh.Then why cant that guy get more number of votes from his state?? So please think a lot before giving such stupid comments.A contestant always expect more votes from his state. We love Ismail Darbarji most as he always gives full marks to the contestants no matter whose Gharanas they belongs to.We have even seen him praising the singers of other Gharanas so many times. While other mentors comments or marks are not that satisfactory.Twinkled performed so well before leaving. But she was given poor marks by Reshamiya. And when he was asked the reason for that he had no specific answer.Whats this? In yesterday's controvertial episode,someone even told that that was not the voice of the state that the contestant (who got max votes) belongs. She told that its India's voice.Madam, I think you dont know that that state is also belongs to India.And HR and AS's reaction over that comment just degrades their personality.That state is also belong to India Mr Reshamiya and Mr. Shrivastava!! Shaan's presence is great. He is really good in sutradhar's role. I think, it's time now that somebody renowned in the industry should be asked to judge the final episodes and assist in selecting the best singer. I hope my comments are not going to deaf ears and would like to see some changes in the system.

by: mkadmin
2006-01-18 17:09:44 Debojit in top three finalists Assam’s Debojit in top three of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa
NET News Network

Guwahati, Jan 16: Assam’s new singing sensation Debojit has broken into final three of Hero Honda Sa Re Ga Ma Pa challenge 2005 after controversy circled around the reality show on one of the magical mentors, Ismail Darbar, leaving the stage.


Ismail Darbar, a well-known music director of Bollywood and Debojit’s mentor was seemingly not impressed with the points given by the other mentors.

In the fresh episode of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa recorded today at Mumbai, Debojit has bagged highest number of votes.

Debojit hails from Silchar district of Assam and has been doing exceedingly well in the contest.

by: mkadmin
2006-01-14 11:13:57 wish u all a very happy magh bihu i wish you all ... people who are away from home land.. a very happy magh bihu..

we miss our motherland.. and nothing can replace our dear Assam

Have a great time...


by: mkadmin
2005-12-25 17:43:29 The only Chief minister - who had the GUTS ! I can not think any other Chief minister , after Gopinath Bordoloi, who had the real guts, to stand by what he thinks is right - was Late Sarat Ch. Sinha.

    White dhoti - panjabi clad Mr. Sinha walked the streets of Guwahati for decades after he left Dispur, the capital he gave to state of Assam. He is no more. At 1:30 AM, Dec 25th 2005, Mr. Sinha breathed last in Guwahati, India.

There were many CM's in assam's history, and what no one could do in years , Sinha did in his short term of Chief Minister-ship. He gave Assam " a permanent capital", though calling it a temporary one. He was a hero, he was a man of courage and integrity. Literally, he was a real lion of our concrete jungles. . May his soul rest in peace.

-- MK Admin

by: mkadmin
2005-12-10 20:20:58 Zubeen grabs best music award for 'shudhu tumi' Just Received an email from Zubeen that he grabbed the "BEST MUSIC" award from Bengal Film Journalist Association, for the film "Shudhu Tumi". He is the first assamese to bag this award in Bengal.

   excepert from his email :

.... besi hoise neki? pothai dim roh.i m going to ghty on 19th. on 17th i m goin to calcutta to recieve th best music award fr 'shudhu tumi'.bengal flm journlist asso. is givin it.thats th best award in bengal n i m th 1st assamese to grab it.it will be in salt lake. ...

by: mkadmin
2005-11-30 15:04:29 Funds for B Barooah College Zubeen to alma mater’s rescue - Singer plans January concert to raise funds for gutted B. Borooah College

   Daulat Rahman - Telegraph

Guwahati, Nov. 29: Like the Phoenix, fire-ravaged B. Borooah College may yet rise from the ashes with a little help from one of its famous former students.

Youth icon Zubeen Garg is planning a solo concert in the Assam capital in January to raise funds for his alma mater. The singer-composer is also trying to get the British Council to back the fund-raising campaign.

Zubeen discussed his plans with British deputy high commissioner (eastern India) Andrew Hall during the latter’s visit to the city last week. Hall, he said, assured him of assistance.

The Briton was in Guwahati to flag off a roadshow organised by the British Council in collaboration with the British High Commission to expose students of the Northeast to education opportunities in the UK.

“Since I was invited to the inaugural function, I took the opportunity to inform him of B. Borooah College’s predicament. The deputy high commissioner empathised with the institution and assured to help me organise the concert. It will be a major programme and I am planning to write a special song dedicated to my old college,” Zubeen said.

Eight months ago, a blaze reduced the old building of B.Borooah College to ashes. After the catastrophe, leading citizens, former students, teachers and well-wishers resolved to build a multi-storeyed building, but gathering funds for the project has been difficult.

“The fire that engulfed our college shocked and wounded me just as much as the death of my sister Jonki Borthakur in a 2002 car accident did. Both the incidents caused irreparable loss to me personally. How can I forget the college that gave me love, care and strength during my struggle as a singer?” Zubeen asked.

The singer, who passed out from the college in 1994, had planned the concert on his birthday, November 18. He postponed the concert because Nehru Stadium had been booked for another event on that day.

Struggling to restore normality, the B.Borooah College authorities are elated at the prospect of the Zubeen concert.

College principal Rita Deka said Zubeen was eager to help his alma mater in time of need. “I remember when he came to the college two days after the fire and told us not to worry. He also promised to raise Rs 10 lakh on his own for his college. Though the college has been able to reconstruct its fire-ravaged building, it still needs a huge amount of money for other infrastructure. The college is also planning to build a three-storeyed building, which will cost Rs 9 crore,” she said.

Classes are being held regularly, but under constraints. Students of the science section have been affected the most because the chemistry, physics and biology laboratories were gutted in the fire.

“We have built a temporary Assam-type house with public donations and funds released by chief minister Tarun Gogoi. Though Gogoi had promised Rs 50 lakh, we have only received about Rs 20 lakh,” a teacher said.

Deka said the college has been in constant touch with the singer to organise the concert. Dhurba Choudhury, senior lecturer of the college has been entrusted with the job of corresponding with Zubeen, fixing the venue and writing to the sponsors for the concert.

The principal recalled Zubeen winning the first prize in the inter-college youth festival in 1994 in the western solo category after only half-an-hour of practice.

Zubeen burst onto the music scene in 1991 with his album, Anamika, and has since established himself as the state’s most popular young artiste. Maestro Bhupen Hazarika has acknowledged the singer as his heir in the field of Assamese music.

B. Barooah College

an old MK page ...
by: mkadmin
2005-11-29 19:26:20 The Wild Wild Westmar Show Finds A Home After spending the majority of the 90's being regulated by the FCC on FM radio, Brad Westmar has finally found peace with his own internet radio presentation, The Wild Wild Westmar Show.

"I've toyed with the idea of doing my own internet show for years," Westmar tells us. "I just didn't have an outlet I could rely on until now."

The KCHost Radio Network (www.kchost.net) currently hosts and airs the talk-dominated show live every Tuesday night from 6 to 9 PM CST. Because internet radio is unregulated, The Wild Wild Westmar Show can sometimes get - ahem - rather "wild".

"There's nothing holding anybody back on the show. No words or subjects are forbidden. The funny thing is, because of my broadcast background, I still cringe when I hear certain things verbalized over the airwaves. But it's important to me that the show remains honest."

Topics on The Wild Wild Westmar Show range from electronics and everday life dilemnas to booze and sex. Earlier this month, Miss Nude Petite U.S.A., Erika Eve, granted a phone interview.

Westmar went on to say that he understands people have lives and can't always sit down in front of their computer for three hours at a time on a Tuesday night.

"If you miss a show or a portion of one you can always go to the show website (www.wildwildwestmar.com), download the replay, and listen to it at your leisure. The show will also be available as a podcast in the near future."

During our brief interview, Westmar continuously gave credit to the KCHost Radio Network's founder, Rick "The Juke" Eidson. Eidson approached Westmar in early October with the idea of creating and carrying the show on his new internet radio network.

"He believed in me and the show before I even agreed to do it, which says a lot about the guy's outstanding character," Westmar said of Eidson. "Rick spends a lot of time working closely with all the shows on the KCHost Network and somehow still manages to stay sane."

For now, Westmar contends that The Wild Wild Westmar Show will remain a hobby.

"Yeah, I've made money in radio before. It's not all it's cracked up to be. For now I'm not planning on giving up my day job. It's the one that pays the bills."

by: mkadmin
2005-11-23 14:26:58 Black Friday Deal ( Nov 25, 2005) Here is a comprehensive list of Deal you can expect in your neighborhood store on Friday, day after thanksgiving. So go to bed early, and prepare for an early morning deal ! Good luck !

   Online Black Friday Specials @ Walmart.com

Ad is now available online (Enter Zip code @ Walmart.com)

Early Bird Specials (5 to 11AM)

Toys & Games

VideoNow Color Video Player - $25.00
Star Wars Electronic Light Saber - $8.00
1/10th Scale Hummer H2 or Jeep Radio Control Vehic
2-pack Fly Wheels or Hot Wheels Gravity Set - $5.0
26" 15 Speed Bike - $49.88
3-in-1 6' Game Table - $98.00
Cabbage Patch Newborn - $10.00
Care Bear with Bonus DVD - $5.00
Disney Dress Outfit - $10.00
Dora the Explorer 13" TV / DVD Combo - $99.77
Gameboy Advance - $48.88
Girls or Boys 20" Bike - $25.88
Jeep Power Wheels 4x4 - $79.88
LeapPad Plus Writing System - $25.00
Mermaid Barbie - $5.00
Mini Mushroom Chair - $10.00
Sleeping Bag / Chair Combo - $18.00
Spongebob Squarepants 13" TV / DVD Combo - $99.77


Springmaid Towels - $3.00
Stanley 10 Drawer Tool Chest w/ 79 Piece Tool Set - $79.83
Stick Vac Vacuum - $10.00
12 cup Coffeemaker, Food Chopper or 2 qt. Slow Cooker - $4.24
16 qt. Roaster Oven - $20.00
48 Piece Table Set - $19.83
Brother Sewing Machine - $55.00
Canister Vac Vacuum - $20.00


42" Widescreen Plasma TV - $997.00

Venturer 6.2" Portable DVD Player - $79.86
20" Flat Screen TV / DVD Player Combo - $129.83
23" Color Television - $99.72
Cyberhome DVD Recorder - $79.86
Emerson Dual Screen 7" Car DVD Player - $149.84
Flat Panel 15" LCD TV - $194.00
HP Photosmart E317 Digital Camera - $98.88
JVC Mini DV Digital Camcorder - $248.00
Kodak Z760 Digital Camera with Docking Cradle - $199.00
Philips 2GB MP3 Player - $99.72

DVDs & CDs

Assorted DVD Movies - $3.44
Garth Brooks Limited 6-CD Box Set - $25.00

Clothing & Apparel

18" or 20" Figaro or Rope Chain (10kt Gold) - $18.88
2 Pair Earring Set (White or Yellow Gold) - $18.88
3-pack Fashion Jewelery - $3.00
Boys Flannel Speep Pants - $4.00
Boys Jeans - $6.47
Boys Reversible Vest - $7.00
Girls Faded Glory Embroidered Jeans - $6.00
Girls Faded Glory Ribbed Sweater - $6.00
Girls Holiday Sleep Pants - $4.00
Ladies 3-piece Sleepwear Set - $10.00
Ladies Down Vest - $10.00
Ladies White Stag Sweaters - $7.00
Mens Flannel Sleep Pants - $5.00
Mens Jeans - $7.47
Mens Polar Fleece Jacket - $7.00
Mens Reversible Vest - $10.00


HP Pavillion 1203w-b Desktop w /15" LCD Monitor - $398.00
HP Pavillion ze2308wm Notebook Computer - $398.00

Non-Early Bird (good after 11am too)
-Thanks to "crimson"

Toys & Games

4-post "Princess" Bed Canopy - $77.34
Board Game 2-pack Combo - $10.00
BRATZ Big Babyz 14" Doll - $19.66
Bratz Wild West Meygan Doll, Horse, Outfit - $19.97
Brietta the Pegasus from Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus - $21.44
Cinderella Solstice Roadster Ride-On - $199.44
Dora the Explorer: Dora's Talking Kitchen - $79.94
DreamLife Plug n' Play TV Game - $29.88
Fisher Price Little People Animal Sounds Zoo Playset - $10.00
Fisher Price Little People Noah's Ark Playset - $10.00
Fisher-Price Dora's Talking Dollhouse - $44.87
Fisher-Price Dora's Talking House Furniture - $14.97
Fisher-Price Dress & Dance Dora - $24.88
Fisher-Price Elmo or Pooh Knows Your Name Plush Doll - $38.88
Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Learning Home - $54.47
Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Musical Learning Chair - $24.77
Fisher-Price Star Station Entertainment System - $49.76
Fisher-Price Stride-to-Ride Learning Car Walker/ Ride-on - $27.77
Fisher-Price Tumble Time Tigger - $24.88
Furby Emototronic Friend - $29.88
FurReal Friends - $39.97
Hot Wheels AcceleRacers AcceleDrome Track Set - $49.97
LeapFrog Leapster Learning System w/ Leapster Software (3) - $89.88
LeapFrog My First LeapPad Alphabet Bus - $29.44
LeapPad Book Assortment - $6.88
Lifetime Acrylic Portable Basketball Goal - $99.83
Little Tikes Hummer H2: Yellow - $199.77
Magic Glow Doodle Bear - $19.88
Moon Shoes - $29.88
My Little Pony Butterfly Island Playset - $39.84
Playskool Cool Crew Talkin' Tool Bench - $32.97
Playskool VideoNow Jr. Player - $49.84
Playstation 2 System - $149.00
Polaris Sportsman 700, 12V 2-Speed with Suspension - $288.00
Power Wheels Grave Digger Monster Truck - $269.66
Roboraptor - $99.87
Round Canopy - $12.88
Shout About Music DVD Game (Country) - $17.46
Thomas & Friends Train Cars - $9.88
Thomas & Friends Train Set - $39.76
Trampoline with Basketball Hoop - $184.00
Trivial Pursuit DVD Game: Pop Culture 2 - $19.72
UNO Attack! Card Game - $9.97
VTech V.Smile Pocket Portable Game System - $79.88
VTech V.Smile TV Learning System - $49.84
XBOX Sysem Bundle with One Game - $179.24


256MB USB 2.0 Flash Drive - $13.88
HP Pavillion Computer w/ 15" LCD - $588.00
Lexmark X1185 All-in-One Printer, Scanner and Copier - $39.88
Portable Laptop Carrying Bag - $9.88
Wireless Desktop with Keyboard and Mouse - $14.88


Assorted DVDs (Passion, Miss Congeniality 2, more) - $13.72
DVD Box Sets (Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, more) - $19.86
Stocking Stuffer DVDs (50 First Dates, Starsky & Hutch, more) - $9.44


27" Flat Screen Tube TV - $247.00
Casio 61-Key Keyboard w/ Sing-Along Feature - $89.76
Cingular Motorola Razr V3 Package - $88.73
Delphi RoadyXT XM Satellite Receiver - $76.36
Durabrand 5-CD Home Stereo System - $38.77
DVD Recorder w/ VCR Combo - $168.87
FujiFilm 6.3 MP FinePix F10 Digital Camera - $348.47
Home Theater Sound System - $59.87
Home Theater Sound System with Speakers and Subwoofer - $248.00
HP Photosmart M415v 5.2MP Digital Camera w/ Instant Share - $148.76
ilo 26" Widescreen LCD HDTV Monitor w/ DVI - $696.00
Kodak 3.1MP EasyShare CD33 Digital Camera - $129.74
Kodak Digital Camera Accessory Kit - $19.96
LCD TV/Monitor Wall Mounting Kit - $32.86
Memorex Portable Karaoke System With CD/CD+G - $24.96
Polaroid Digital Camera - $288.63
Portable CD Player - $9.97
Progressive Scan DVD Player - $29.83
RCA 128 MB Lyra Digital Audio Player RD1028 - $39.44
Sanyo DVW-7200 DVD/VCR Combo - $69.87
Sony Video Camera - $298.84
Trac Phone w/ 40 Minutes of Airtime - $19.98
Uniden Cordless Phone - $18.96
Venturer DVD Player Carrying Bag w/ Car Cord - $9.74

Home & Holiday

150 Count Multi-Function Light Set - $7.76
Inflatable 6' Santa in Chimney - $59.76
Lighted Wire Frame Reindeer - $14.88
Farberware 24 Piece Cookware and Bakeware Set - $49.97
Hamilton Beach BrewStation 12-Cup Thermal Coffeemaker - $32.47
Hamilton Beach Toasteroven - $32.47
Hamilton Beach WaveStation 8-Speed Dispensing Blender - $32.47
Home Trends Entertainment Wall System - $144.93
Magic Bullet Blender Set - $44.88
Toaster, Hotplate, Tabletop Oven - $20.00


Mens 1/4 Zip Polar Fleece Jacket - $7.00
Mens Athletic Works Reversible Vest - $10.00
Mens Faded Glory Carpenter Jeans - $7.47


Best Buy Flyer


Best Buy 6 Hour Specials

Polaroid Portable DVD Player $189.99 - $50 MIR = $139.99 (5446378)
Allegro DVD/Hi-Fi VCR Combo $79.99-$20 MIR = $59.99 (6768054)
Konka 20" TV $99.99 - $11 IR - $20 MIR (6661944)
Norcent DVD Player $37.99 - $10 MIR - $10 MIR = $17.99 (6889502/6908554)
Dream Ticket Elton John 4 DVD set $29.99
Select DVD $9.99 (Chappelle's Show Season 1, Mean Girls, Aladdin, Man On Fire, The Day After Tomorrow)
Will & Grace Season 1, 24 Season 1 $12.99
256 MB MP3 Player $129.99 - $30 IR - $70 MIR = $29.99 (6771326)
eMachines Celeron 2.66, 17" CRT, 512MB, 80GB, DVD/Cd-RW Combo (T2893/17F3) $599.98 - $350 bundle MIR - $50 Monitor MIR = $199.98
eMachines Celeron 2.66, 15" LCD, 512MB, 80GB, DVD/Cd-RW Combo (T2893/E15T3) $779.98 - $350 bundle MIR - $50 Monitor MIR = $379.98
Kodak CX6445 4 Megapixel 4X optical zoom $149.99 (6905977)
Toshiba Celeron M 1.4 Ghz, 256MB, 40GB, DVD/CD-RW $899.99 - $400 IR = $499.99 (6902514)
JVC Digital Camcorder GRD22US $299.99 - $70 IR - $30 MIR = $199.99 (6191541)
Select CD's $7.99 (Lenny Kravitz Baptism, Nelly Suit, Elton John Peachtree Road, Toby Keith Greatest Hits 2, Vanessa Carlton Harmonium, Shania Twain Greatest Hits, Ja Rule R.U.L.E., U2 How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb)

Friday and Saturday Only Deals - Highlighted Items

Select CD's $4.99 (includes Barry White, Sublime, The Temptations, Steppenwolf, Lynyrd Skynyrd)

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Afterglow Controller 2 packs for XBOX, PS2 and Gamecube $19.99 (6751801,6751776,6751794)
Dynex MP3 CD deck $119.99 - $70 IR = $49.99 (6743465)
Sony CD Player $39.99 (6786971)
Dynex Protable DVD Player $149.99 - $10 IR - $50 MIR = $89.99 (6731959)
Sharp DVD/VCR Recorder/player (plays and records both) -(DVRW340U) $299.99 w/ free 50-pack of DVD-R's
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PhoneMate 5.8Ghz Analog Cordless $34.99 - $25 MIR = $9.99 (6769865)
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Goldstar Over-the-range microwave - $124.99
Black & Decker 5 speed blender - $49.99 - $10IR - $15MIR = $24.99
Kenwood 5.1 Surround reciever - 500 watts - $199.99 - $60IR - $20 MIR = $119.99
PS2 - $149.99 - new slim design - No Savings - Bonus points on your rewards card

Computers and Peripherals

Gateway Laptop (15.4" LCD, 2.2 ghz Athlon, 512 ram, 80 gig hd, DVD Recorder)
$1149.99 Notbook + $59.99 Headphones + $119.40 Napster One Year Subscription = $1329.38
- $100 Notebook Bundle instant savings - $119.40 napster instant savings - $59.99 Headphones instant savings = $1049.99

HP AMD Athlon XP 3100+ 15" LCD and Color Printer, 512MB, 160GB, Dual layer DVD+RW $1049.97 - $250 MIR - $50 MIR - $50 MIR = $699.97

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Western Digital 160GB Internal HD (WD1600JBRTL) w/ free ATA card $119.99 - $60MIR - $30MIR = 29.99 (Minimum 45 per store)
Netgear Super G Wireless Router $29.99 AR (99.99-45-25) Minimum 10 per store WGT624NA
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by: mkadmin
2005-11-17 15:18:53 Free Download - A violation It has come to our attention that a group of people are uploading Mr. Zubeen Garg's brand new music on a few website such as cooltoad.com.

    These few individuals are acting in this manner has violated IP/Copyright law. It is worth mentioning that Markin Kalpataru DOES not allow free music download. If one wishes to buy a track, he/she can do it legally for a very nominal price of $0.29 / track at MK Media Store .

We are currently working with system administrator of cooltoad.com, Mr. Sam, our vendor Mr. Zubeen Garg in Mumbai and relevant Government official of Canada to track down these individuals, so that such copyright violation does not occur in the future.

Markin Kalpatary reiterate its commitment to provide quality entertainment to every assamese around the world, being ALWAYS on the legal site , and HELPING poor artist along the way. It is very easy to upload few Mega Bytes of data worth a few cents , and then to face a severe fine in thousands of dollars plus the lawyer fee. Under our system be it in India, Canada or here in USA, your anonymity is just few phone calls away and a faxed request from relevant artist to nail down those violators who is using free server space to distribute copyright material.

So if you or anyone you know is doing such illegal thing, we suggest that you stop such activity right away. A simple complaint on behalf or Mr. Garg or any other artist, we could file at a local court for a mere $250, which would in turn cost you thousands in court and attorney’s fee. -MK admin

by: mkadmin
2005-11-14 06:49:39 Tension in city school, principal manhandled~~ By an student--
GUWAHATI, Nov 10–Tension prevailed in the Gurukul Grammar Senior Secondary School, Geetanagar, today with the students demanding resignation of the principal, Basanta Kumar Bhuyan, over his alleged sexual harassment of a girl student of Class X.

   The father of the girl has filed an FIR at the Noonmati police station this evening.

The principal has denied the charge, terming it as a conspiracy against him by a section of disgruntled students against whom he had initiated disciplinary action.

The protesting students said that the principal harassed the girl sexually on November 8 but the incident came to light only today after the girl decided to come out in the open against the principal. They said the principal had called the girl to his chamber and molested her.

Some students also manhandled the principal. Later police was called to control the situation.

The principal, meanwhile, denied the allegation. “I had initiated disciplinary action against a few students some time back, who used to bring motorbikes and mobiles to school. I had even questioned the District Transport Office as to how a 14-year-old student could obtain a driving licence. Today’s incident is the result of a conspiracy by these students,” he said. He added that on November 8, he was offering counselling to the girl, who was from a poor family.

Following today’s incident, several other girl students have also made similar accusations against the principal, saying that he had made sexual advances to them at some point of time. A few guardians have also denounced the behaviour of the principal and said that they too had received similar complaints from their wards against the principal.

by: mkadmin
2005-10-26 14:15:10 Non Stop to New Delhi - from North America ! Continental , American Airlines, Delta and many more are coming forward to start NON-STOP service to New Delhi, cutting the travel time to just 14 Hours ! But many of us, assamese, will not have a connecting flight at night from New Delhi.

   Continental to Fly Nonstop to New Delhi

Continental Airlines announced new nonstop service between Newark and New Delhi beginning October 31. The flight on a Boeing 777 will take about 14 hours to get there and 16 hours to get back which, in case you were wondering, is a long time to sit in coach. The interesting part (well, interesting to people like me, I suppose) is that this is the first nonstop service from the US to India. People who travel to the region regularly will be thrilled to avoid the stop in London, Frankfurt, Doha, Kuwait City or wherever they end up having to stop. I'm sure this will be a big success. Slightly related, on one of the Continental message boards someone was suggesting that the previously announced new service to Lagos, Nigeria, from Newark won't happen.

O'Hare To Delhi Nonstops And Bonus Miles This November

Taj Mahal
Earn up to 15,000 AAdvantage bonus miles with our new Chicago O'Hare to Delhi nonstop flights beginning November 15
India's exciting capital, Delhi, becomes the latest international destination for American Airlines in November, when we launch daily nonstop flights from Chicago O'Hare. The Chicago to Delhi flights will be the longest in our growing global network and will give you convenient access to one of the world's fastest-growing economies.

Passengers on this new route will enjoy travel onboard our Boeing 777 aircraft, the largest and most comfortable aircraft in our fleet. This aircraft features lie-flat sleeper seats in First Class, a professional atmosphere for working or resting in Business Class, and a roomy Main Cabin with video entertainment at every seat, and computer power ports in select rows.

The schedule for our new service is below:

Chicago O'Hare to Delhi
Flight Number Departs Arrives
292 7:40 p.m. 9:35 p.m. local time, next day
(approximately 14 hours, 25 minutes)

Delhi to Chicago O'Hare
Flight Number Departs Arrives
293 12:55 a.m. 5:20 a.m. local time
(approximately 15 hours, 55 minutes)

by: mkadmin
2005-10-18 13:13:21 MarkinKalpataru.com is Now markin Kalpataru Media Store You can buy karaoke, video and music at this portal.


by: mkadmin
2005-10-18 09:37:10 Bhupen Hazarika enthrals Delhi audience New Delhi, Oct 17 (IANS) Hundreds of people hummed and swayed as Assam's cultural icon Bhupen Hazarika took them on a mesmerising musical journey with a rare show in the capital.

   A near-capacity audience at the Siri Fort auditorium watched the Dada Saheb Phalke Award winner, clad in a black suit and his trademark black Nepali cap, perform for over two hours Sunday evening for the multilingual "Legend's Nite: Brahmaputra to Mississippi".

Beginning with a `borgeet' (a devotional song composed by the 15th century scholar of Assam Srimanta Sankaradeva), he went on to sing his famous numbers "Mur Gaan Hauk", "Moi Eti Jajabor", "Dola" and "Akakhiganga" in Assamese.

He ended the show with his famous song of international appeal by Paul Robeson: "We are on the same boat brother..."

Hazarika, who has a genius for weaving a magical tapestry out of traditional Assamese music and lyrics, then rendered the soulful number from Kalpana Lajmi's film "Rudali" - "Dil Hoom Hoom Kare", besides "Ganga", "Maiya Bhul Bujis Na" and "Manuse Manuser Joinye" in Bengali. He even sang a few lines of his "Manuhe Manuhor Babe" in Nagamese.

He was accompanied by Kamal Kataki on the guitar, Rupam Talukdar on the keyboards, Parameshwar Basumatary on the flute, Dhanjit Sharma on the mandolin and Paban Bordoloi on the tabla.

Hazarika is regarded as one of the greatest living cultural communicators of South Asia.

People from Assam residing in the Indian capital were excited to learn that their own Bhupenda, as he is popularly known, was performing.

"I reached here this afternoon from Manali and I didn't want to miss the show in any case," said Ritupan Gogoi, a businessman from Assam.

Amlan Borgohain, a corporate executive here, said: "I just came to see Bhupenda, who is performing solo in the capital after a long time."

Hazarika is regarded as perhaps the only living balladeer in the country, composing his own lyrics and music. He has been a poet, journalist, singer, lyricist, musician, filmmaker, writer and politician.

His story "The Postman and the Prostitute" is the basis of Lajmi's under-production film "Chingari" starring Sushmita Sen and Mithun Chakraborty.

The programme was organised by the Assam Association, Delhi, to raise funds for completion of its dream project - a cultural and educational centre here named Srimanta Sankardeva Bhawan.

Started in 2000 with an estimated cost of Rs.15 million, the Bhavan, when completed, will be the only centre outside Assam for the practice and promotion of the state's culture and related academic activities.

by: mkadmin
2005-10-16 09:55:36 Begin Assam talks: Hazarika The Hindu Staff Reporter

NEW DELHI: Admitting that he had stepped away from all things political, legendary balladeer Bhupen Hazarika said on Saturday that the Government must take the talk process in Assam a little more seriously by beginning it rather than just talking about it.

   Here for his first live performance in three years, the Dada Saheb Phalke Award winner said although he did not dream of any immediate improvement, it was important that the peace process was taken ahead. Asked about his views on ULFA's demand for sovereignty, the singer, who had once volunteered to act as a mediator between the two sides, said, "I want to be a very good Assamese Indian. We are still waiting for the talks and they must begin.''

Noting that he had always written songs with a social orientation, Dr. Hazarika said: "I was the first person to talk about mediation then. ULFA had also requested me several times to mediate and I told them I don't believe in violence and they accepted my views. I have always pointed out the mistakes in some of the well-intended plans from both sides. Never have I been emotional in these matters, but logical. I am not an escapist and have been singing and shouting for peace whether it is in Mississippi or the banks of the Brahmaputra.''

Asked if he was still involved in the party matters of the Bharatiya Janata Party on whose ticket he fought and lost from Guwahati in the last Lok Sabha elections, he said he was done with politics. "I have left everything that has any smell of politics. I am in the world of art now. Some things happened (in life) and now for the rest of my life I will be completely busy with the world of art.'' Dr. Hazarika will present a multilingual recital "Legend's Nite — Brahmaputra to Mississippi''at the Siri Fort Auditorium on Sunday evening.

by: mkadmin
2005-10-13 20:18:37 Bhupen Hazarika to sing in Delhi New Delhi | October 08, 2005 9:15:06 AM IST

Noted singer Bhupen Hazarika will perform at a musical show here this month to raise funds for the building of a cultural and educational centre by the Assam Association, Delhi.

The association, a socio-cultural organisation of people hailing from Assam and now living in Delhi and its surrounding areas, began work on the project in 2000 but its completion has been delayed due to lack of funds.

The cultural and educational centre, named the Srimanta Sankardeva Bhavan, is located at Qutub Institutional Area.

A statement from the Assam Association said the Dada Saheb Phalke Award winner would be the star artiste at the fund raising musical show to be held at Siri Fort Auditorium here Oct 16.

The Assam Association, formed in 1947, has been actively involved in organising various socio-cultural events and festivals over the years.


by: mkadmin
2005-10-10 21:50:53 Award winner Tarali wants to follow Lata Tarali Sarma: on a new high. (Sentinel)

GUWAHATI, Aug 24 (UNI): Having won the hearts of north-eastern people with her mellifluous voice, national award winning Assamese singer, Tarali Sarma wants to emulate her idol and melody queen Lata Mangeshkar.

" My idol is Lataji and I love and adore her. I want to be like her in versatility and range," 30-year-old Tarali, who won the national award for best female playback singer for the Assamese film, ‘Askashitorar Kothare,’ told reporters.

She said music director Illayaraja has always inspired her. " I also want to work for (famous film directors) Mani Ratnam and Sanjay Leela Bhansali," she said.

She is confident that she would get an opportunity to work with great personalities whom she has keenly followed.

Attributing her success to three Ds — devotion, dedication and determination, Tarali said she wants to start a music academy to help the budding talents. She is full of ideas and wants to promote Assamese folk songs, which, she feels, has been neglected for long..

With music flowing in her blood as her father is a flautist, the Assamese singer had her classical music training from Guru Shivani Dutta.

She took to music at the tender age of eight, and four years later, she found herself participating in an All India Radio contest in 1986. " Not only did I get an opportunity to sing, but I was also paid Rs 50," she recalls fondly.

But she had to wait for ten more years to get a break in films. In 1996, she first sang for an Assamese film. Since then, she has been a sought-after singer. She has sung many title songs for television serials as well.

Talking about the award winning film, she said it was five months of hard work and she worked as a music director also. The song chosen from Namghosha literature, written by Guru Madavadev, won the hearts of the jury. However, the tune had to be modified a bit to suit the scene in the film.

When asked about the State Government’s reaction to her award winning performance, she said, " Yes, of course, I received a congratulatory message from the Chief Minister of Assam for my award winning performance and he also wished me to achieve more success like this."

by: mkadmin
2005-10-09 14:16:39 Quake toll rises to 450 in Jammu and Kashmir--SIFY Srinagar: As rescue operations picked up in remote areas with the help of the Army, 280 bodies were on Sunday recovered from the worst-affected Tangdhar, taking the toll in the devastating quake to 450.
Editor's Choice

   Full coverage

As many as 280 bodies, including 258 of civilians, 19 Army soldiers and three Border Security Force personnel were retrieved from 11 villages in Tangdhar area in Kupwara district.

"The toll is expected to rise as there is no news from four villages in Teetwal area,” a state government official said adding that 3,000 houses had been razed in Tangdhar region alone.



by: mkadmin
2005-10-07 22:30:11 Zubeen uses Bhupen wand to woo kids - Singer-composer sets balladeer’s famous rhymes to music as special Puja gift for children


Guwahati, Sept. 13: As a child, Zubeen Garg got his first Assamese lesson through a collection of rhymes by Bhupen Hazarika.
This Puja, the popular composer-singer has lined up a special gift for children: an album of the same rhymes, considered one of the best tutorials for beginners and popular even among grown-ups.


The album, titled the same as the original, Bhupen Mamar O, Aa, Ko, Kho, will hit the stores by October 12. “It will be a Puja gift from me to the children of Assam,” Zubeen told The Telegraph from Mumbai.

“I grew up reading the delightful and, sometimes funny rhymes by Bhupenda. When I grew up and took up singing as my profession, I wanted to set those rhymes to music. I decided to go ahead with the project after many people told me to do something for children because there is a dearth of Assamese songs for kids.”

Hazarika symbolically released and blessed the album at a function in Tezpur on his 80th birthday.

Assam's best-known culture icon, Hazarika wrote rhymes in the 1970s that remain popular among all ages. In one of these rhymes, the balladeer mockingly admonishes himself to sing “good songs”.

Zubeen said he was just as fascinated by the “world of children”, but admitted it was an “altogether different experience” to sing exclusively for them. “It is a tough job to sing for today's children, who are exposed to television, Internet and other forms of entertainment and information. But I believe that music meant to catch their fancy will always stand tall among all other forms of entertainment.”

Apart from Zubeen, three child singers — Loni, Mimi and Neha — have lent their voices to the songs in the new album.

Hailing from the Upper Assam town of Jorhat, Zubeen burst onto the state’s music scene in 1991 with his debut album Anamika and has since established himself as the state’s singing heartthrob.

Zubeen is counted among the best talents from eastern India and Hazarika is one of his fans.

One of the singer’s recent albums, Sishu (Child), was dedicated to his sister, who died in a road accident.

by: mkadmin
2005-09-30 10:20:55 AN ASSAMESE ON THE BLOCK..... just "maine gandhi ko nehin mara " cinema khon saai ulaai aahisu..........hats off to jahnu barua....


by: mkadmin
2005-09-27 10:50:51 Sad News from Houston, TX Assamese Community lost a Bright Young Man - Nitin Sarangapani

The Houston Assamese community is trying its best to console the Sarangapani family by being with them. It is hard on all of us to see a young life snuffed out on his birthday. Police investigation is in progress. We will let you know as more details become known.

   Alpana (Mala) and Ramgopal Sarangapani's son Nitin Sarangapani was shot dead early Sunday morning. The details are still not available. They are still waiting for more details and an opportunity to visit at the forensic lab.

Nitin was a member of the US Marine Reserve. His 24th birthday was yesterday. Apparently he went out to celebrate his birthday and his parent last heard from him was Sunday 1 AM.

Parents are still waiting to see Nitin's body which has not been released by the Forensic Lab yet. The expectation is that it will be released tomorrow morning. Funeral arrangement is being made, but not finalized yet. It has not been confirmed, but it may be either Friday, Saturday or Monday. As soon as the information is available, we will let you know.

Our deepest condolences to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace.

Instead of sending flower, the family wished all well wishers to make cash contribution to a fund to be named after Nitin for charitable purpose and to be established.


12007 Kleinmeadow Drive,
Houston, TX 77066
Phone: (281) 537 2322

by: mkadmin
2005-08-17 14:36:59 Brand Zubeen eyes new turf Brand Zubeen eyes new turf
- Singer-composer to launch Tibetan therapy parlour

Zubeen Garg
Guwahati, June 17: Zubeen Garg’s music, his countless fans will testify, soothes the body and touches the soul. Now, he is all set to cleanse the body, mind and soul with a new venture called Zubeen's Veda.

    The ever-innovative singer and composer is planning to launch a parlour here next month that will specialise in Tibetan massage and baths with exotic herbs.

Usually reluctant to speak about anything other than music, Zubeen said his new project was not just a money-making venture.

“In a way, it will be a beauty parlour but the concept of beauty has changed over the years. It is not just about using cosmetics or dressing well to look good. To look and feel good, one requires a clean soul, a clean mind and a relaxed body. My parlour will cater to these needs.”

If the response is good, the youth idol intends to set up a chain of parlours in the region.

On what made him choose a feel-good parlour as his maiden business venture, Zubeen said: “I was very impressed by Tibetan massages and baths and felt our people can benefit from these.”

The idea for the parlour came from a friend, Dipanjan Dasgupta, who is an expert in Tibetan therapy. The singer said Dipanjan, who will be in charge of Zubeen’s Veda, managed a similar parlour in Goa for eight years before coming to Guwahati.

Experts on yoga and meditation will help customers relax after a Tibetan massage and bath.

Zubeen is already looking beyond the parlour — he is keen to open a restaurant with his name as the brand, a la Sourav’s in Calcutta and Tendulkar’s in Mumbai.

Apart from traditional dishes of Assam, exotic cuisine from different parts of the world will be available at the restaurant. Zubeen does not want to disclose anything more about the project because it is “still at a very nascent stage”.

Hailing from the Upper Assam town of Jorhat, Zubeen burst onto the music scene in 1991 with his debut album Anamika. Admittedly inspired by A.R. Rahman, he has since been dabbling in fusion music, incorporating folk tunes into modern compositions.

The singer-composer is at present working on a “world fusion music” album. The lyrics will be in English and the dialects and languages of the Northeast.

by: mkadmin
2005-08-17 14:34:47 Tini Boroniya Jatiya Pataka nil akaxot ure Tini boroniya jatiya pataka nil akaxot ure,Upore garuwa ,majot xukula ,tolot syamol ase.................


The man who designed Tiranga Few of us associate the name of Pingali Venkayya with anything else other than as being the original designer of the national flag. But how many of us know that this versatile genius was a prolific writer, a Japanese lecturer and a geophysicist? Born on August 2, 1876 to Hanumantharayudu and Venkataratnamma at Bhatlapennumaru in the Divi taluk in Krishna district, Pingali was a precocious child. After finishing his primary education at Challapalli and school at the Hindu High School, Masulipatnam, he went to Colombo to complete his Senior Cambridge. Enthused by patriotic zeal, he enlisted himself for the Boer war at 19. While in Africa he met Gandhi, and their rapport lasted for more than half a century. On his return to India he worked as a railway guard at Bangalore and Madras and subsequently joined the government service as the plague officer at Bellary. His patriotic zeal, however, did not permit him to stagnate in a permanent job, and his quest for education took him to Lahore where he joined the Anglo-Vedic College, and learnt Japanese and Urdu. He studied Japanese and history under Prof Gote.

During his five years? stay in the north, he became active in politics. Pingali met many revolutionaries and planned strategies to overthrow the colonial rule. The 1906 Congress session with Dadabhai Naoroji witnessed Pingali emerging as an activist and a force behind the decision making committee. Here he met the famous philanthropist, the Raja of Munagala, and from 1906-11, he spent his time in Munagala researching on agriculture and the crops. For his pioneering study on the special variety of ?Cambodia cotton?, he came to be called ?Patti Venkayya?. Even the British were taken up by his contributions in the field of agriculture and conferred on him honorary membership of the Royal Agricultural Society of Britain.

Finally, this man went back to his roots at Masulipatnam and focused his energies on developing the National School (at Masulipatnam), where he taught his students basic military training, horse riding, history and knowledge of agriculture, soil, crops and its relation to nature. Not content with being a theoretician, Pingali's day-to-day activities also reflected a deep commitment to his liberal values. In 1914, he turned his agricultural land into an estate and named it Swetchapuram.
The prismatic colours of his personality reflected an unusual ray in the years 1916-21. After researching into 30 kinds of flags from all over the world, Pingali conceived the design of a flag which became the forbearer of the Indian national flag. Though all credit goes to Pingali for having conceived the national flag in its present form, its antecedents can be traced back to the Vande Mataram movement.

For a brief history of the origins of the Indian flag we have to go back to August 1, 1906 to the Parsee Bagan Square (Green Park) at Calcutta where the first national flag of India was hoisted. This flag was composed of horizontal stripes of red, yellow and green. The strip on the top had eight white lotuses embossed in a row. On
the yellow strip were the words Bande Mataram in deep blue
Devanagari script.

Madame Cama and her group of exiled revolutionaries hoisted the second flag in Paris around 1907. This was similar to the first flag except that the top strip had only one-lotus andseven stars denoting the saptarishis. This was exhibited at a socialist conference in Berlin. By the time the third flag went up in 1917, the political struggle had taken a definite turn. Annie Besant and Tilak hoisted the flag during the Home Rule Movement with an addition in the left hand corner (the pole end), the stamp of the Union

There was also a white crescent and star in one corner indicating the aspirations of people of those years. The inclusion of the Union Jack symbolised the goal for dominion status. However, the presence of the Union Jack indicating a political compromise, made the flag unacceptable to many. The call for new leadership brought Gandhi to the fore in 1921 and through him the first tricolour flag.

The years 1921-31 constitute a heroic chapter in not only Pingali Venkayya's life but also in the history of the freedom struggle of Andhra. The AICC met at a historic two day session at Bezwada (March 31 and April 1, 1921). It was at this session that this frail middle aged gentleman, Pingali, approached Gandhi with the flag he designed for India. Pingali?s flag was made of two colours, red and green representing the two major communities of the country. Thus the Indian flag was born but it was not officially accepted by any resolution of the All India Congress Committee. Gandhi?s approval made it popular and it was hoisted at all Congress sessions. Hansraj of Jallandar suggested the representation of the charkha, symbolising progress and the common man. Gandhi amended, insisting on the addition of a white strip to represent the remaining minority communities of India.

A consensus could not be reached until 1931. The designing of the colours in the flag ran into rough weather even as communal tension broke out on the issue of its interpretation. The final resolution was passed when the AICC met at Karachi in 1931. The flag was interpreted as saffron for courage, white for truth and peace, and green for faith and prosperity. The dharma chakhra which appears on the abacus of the Sarnath at the capital of Emperor Ashoka was adopted in the place of spindle and string as the emblem on
the national flag.

Interpreting the colours chosen for the national flag, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan explained the saffron colour denoted renunciation or disinterestedness of political leaders towards material gains in life. The white depicted enlightenment, lighting the path of truth to guide our conduct. The green symbolised our relation to the soil, to the plant life here on which all other life depends. The Ashoka wheel in the centre of the white strip represented the law of dharma.

Speaking philosophically, he remarked that the national flag ought to control the principles of all those who worked under it. The wheel denoted motion and? India should no more resist change as there was death in stagnation?. Pingali Venkayya, the illustrious visionary, the designer of the national flag died, unhonoured on July 4, 1963, in conditions of poverty. It was only a few years ago that his daughter began to receive pension from the government. There is not even a memorial in his hometown Machilipatnam to the man who brought such glory to Andhra. Even the original house has been razed to the ground.

by: mkadmin
2005-08-09 08:12:13 u r still not alone moi janu muk ari thoi ahisu
karubar smritir xoudh hisape

    moi janu muk ari thoi ahisu
karubar smritir xoudh hisape
aaxar poridhir majot
xaturi naduri phura
karubar bedonabur
nijor sokulore dhui niyar
' prem maneitu dukh '
kiyonu pahoribo khujisu
nijore ai kothati ,
nirjonotar xitu parotu
bisari paisilu moi
bhogno hridoyor ati koon
mur preme kori rakhisil
moi janu nijoke tat ari thoi ahisu?
aji nijor prosnore hoisu thoka-xoroka.
nupuwar aaxa ne puwar hotaxa?
araa, murtu herabole akuwei nai.
tothapi nupuwar aaxabure
muk aakuwali loisehi.
xihotei muk xikaise
jiwonor piralit bohi
aatmo-protyoyor aadepath porhibole
belitiu ai buli lohiyaise..........

by: mkadmin
2005-07-21 15:46:07 Create your Own Personal Album We have included a new custom Module for you to create your own personalized album.

   This is actually very simple to use. All you have to do is to click on the sign, then type in an album name or select an existing album from the list to add this song. You can have up 25 songs per album and have full control over it.

You can then play these album by clicking on the album name listed in the "My Album" box on the left column, on MK front page. If you like to delete an album , Just click on "Delete This Album " link while on that album.

If you do not provide an album name while adding a song. the default name of your album is your "MK Userid List"

With our relentlese persuit for perfection, we try to bring best of assamese music to your desktop !

by: mkadmin
2005-07-19 15:36:05 Bluetooth Cassette Adapter Like the Mobiblue Cassette MP3 Player , the Abe Bluetooth Stereo Cassette (BT 80C) crams new tech in an old package. It’s just an audio streamer, so if you’re using a Bluetooth phone or PDA with a music player, it might be a decent solution.


Bluetooth cassette adapter
If your music player has a Bluetooth out, but your car stereo only has a cassette deck, you can use this Bluetooth cassette adapter and get higher fidelity than you'd get with one of those low-power FM trasnmitters and fewer wires than you would with a traditional cassette adapter. Link (via Red Ferret Journal)

by: mkadmin
2005-07-08 21:00:04 Bard beckons singing sensation Tarali to study Shakespearean music before composing for Othello

Bard beckons singing sensation
- Tarali to study Shakespearean music before composing for Othello

Guwahati, July 1: She has a date with one of Shakespeare’s most enduring heroes and she wants to ensure that it is just perfect.

National award-winning singer and composer Tarali Sarma is going back in time to create the perfect music for the Shakespearean play Othello, to be staged by Kohinoor Theatre.

Tarali, who will make her mobile theatre debut with Othello, has lined up a series of meetings with experts on Shakespearean drama at the Toronto-based Guthrie Theatre, which specialises in staging his plays. The academy was set up in memory of British dramatist Sir Tyron Guthrie.

During her stay in Canada, Tarali will also visit the towns of Edmonton and Calgary, where Shakespearean drama societies abound. She might make a short trip to England later to study music in Shakespearean plays. Along with Zubeen Garg, Tarali represents the very best of the young crop of talented singers and composers in Assam. She is also the first woman to be given the responsibility of composing music for a mobile theatre group.

“The project is a challenge for me. Firstly, it is a Shakespearean play and I have to recreate the music of the period and also adapt it to the expectations of an Assamese audience,” she told The Telegraph before leaving for Canada.

Othello is one of the plays to be staged by Kohinoor Theatre, a leading mobile theatre group of Assam, this year and Tarali was handpicked to compose the music for this immortal drama.

Her trip to Canada was planned after an invitation to perform at a function in Toronto, which has been organised by the Assamese community based in that country.

Playwright Kulada Kumar Bhattacharyya said Tarali had been asked to compose music for Othello because of her “command over the art”.

“Music is an integral part of the play, Othello. Almost all the protagonists — Othello, Desdemona and Iago — will be expressing their feelings on stage through songs. It will be like a musical,” he said.

Expressing confidence in Tarali’s ability to enhance the play, Bhattacharyya said: “Her music is fresh and soulful, and can very easily establish a character.”

Starting her career as a singer, Tarali made her debut as a music director for national award-winning director Manju Bora’s film Aakashi Torar Kothare. She went on to win the best playback singer in the national film awards, 2003, for her rendition of a devotional song Kimote bhakati karibo tomako

Since then, Tarali has composed music for several other films, including Bora’s Laaj and a short film, Passage, by Sanchita Sharma. The latter was screened at Cannes this year.

by: mkadmin
2005-07-08 14:40:57 Assam convention2005,Calgary It is a beautiful morning and I am holding my cup of tea, the Assam tea we actually received from Assam Convention, Calgary. It reminds me about the city of Calgary and Assam convention2005. The city is really very beautiful with mild temperature in summer. Calgary is famous for its Stampede, which will start these weekends. So everyone is already in festive mood. Alberta is for those who like to be close to the nature and love to explore by foot, bike, raft etc. Rocky Mountains with icecaps are making a nice patchwork, which is visible from any part of the city. We are lucky to visit such a beautiful place with the cause of Assam convention.

    I did not know with whom to talk or how to start, because this is the first time I was visiting convention in my life. But the host committee is very friendly and as soon as I reached the registration table and gave my introduction to Ellora baidew she started talking as if she knew me already. After that Kama baidew,Juri baidew,Dilip da and Dil baidew, Struti baidew(Bhupen da’s sister),Samar da,Brada da and baidew and many more came forward and we had just talk, talk and talk. Anupama and I were in trousers not in Makhela Sador so feeling a little awkward. We decided to go that way as we reach Calgary around 9pm and we were already late. Most of the people were busy talking to each other while having snacks as if relatives are gathering in some once marriage. I was looking for Torali Sarma, the girl with a beautiful smile in the crowd, because she is the only person I knew and talked on phone. Then I saw a girl with a blue skirt and light mustard coloured top with a camcorder capturing the moments. She is non other than black dark eyed Torali. I took a long breath after find her out. I moved forward, introduced myself and surprisingly she said that she also was looking for me. It is really greatness of her, who can say that for an ordinary lady like me. She look at me and told I look much younger than she thought (thank God she did not say it reverse way. I like that comment). Then we started talking as if we knew each other for a very long time. Anyway we had to go inside the convention hall to see the Assamese movieThe Passage and a documentary on bamboo plantation. After finishing the movie Luhit da announced that we have jogging in the morning from bow river island.
We wake up early on 2nd July to have our breakfast and then go for a long walk. Luhit da asked Anupama and me whether we know the place where to start and we said yes we do. But actually we walked out from the hotel with the kids and reached a very nice place and that was the end point for jogging not starting point. People were wonder how could we reach there with the kids when some of them were trying it for half an hour and more.
In the afternoon there was a presentation of astronaut Mike which was really very interesting. He showed his daily life of those six months during his stay in space. How he sleeps, make tea, eat, space walk, his work, how he could lift heavy loads with his one hand and above all some special tricks in zero gravity. He showed us city of Calgary, Congo River, Mt Kilimanjaro and our loving Assam with Brahmaputra River and its river beds. After that we saw his landing on earth and that was just amazing video. If you have opportunity to see that video please do not miss it.
I was very happy and enjoying the crowd so much that for two days I felt like living in Assam. In the evening after dinner again we took our places for the cultural show. I sit in the very first front row seat so that can capture everything in my video. The show was good with many local artists. Hamar Hazarika was singing according to audiences choice. Many people requested him Bhupen and Jyanta Hazarika's songs and he was trying to sing each and every though did not have tracks. His song on Indian astronaut Kalpana Chawla was excellent, which was written by his brother Dr.Bhupen Hazarika. After listening that there was a pin drop of silence and everyone forgot about the applauses for few seconds. Samar da told that this cassette is already in the market but CD will there after few days.
I was curious to know about Bhupen da’s son and grandson, because Bhupen Hazarika’s songs are in our blood, like Assamese language. But it was not difficult to find out Tej Hazarika because of his M.F.Hussain’s hair (I hope Candance will not be angry ). Candance. He played African drum with Bikul Das’s ‘bhoor Taal’.The sound was awesome. Tej’s wife is African-American and she composes and sings too. She was there with a gorgeous Ugandan costume. Tej brought up in Kampala, Uganda and so he loves African instruments and music. Though he knows little Assamese but has interest on Assamese instruments and music too. We had a little talk on African music as I was there with my husband and doughter few years back. Tej’s son Sage was also playing drum on stage. This is their first visit to Assam convention.
Pianist Colleen Athparia, wife of artist Paresh Athparia and by her kids, performed another eye opening program. Canadian pianist Colleen is a music educator and a recording artist. At age 18 she was awarded the Gold medal for Associateship of Music Teacher’s Diploma from University of Western Ontario. She received Masters of Music from Indiana University. With many things I asked her about her attractive dress because that was made out of Makhela Sador. They played famous numbers of Bhupen Hazarika and the mixing of all instruments was just more than we really expected.
Torali Sarma’s performance was very different than other artists. She has communicated with audiences and explained very well before she start any song. She is very simple by nature and love to help poor kids. She is helping physically as well as financially to them. She told how she walked from Chandmari to Guwahati University to collect money for needy people for worst flood affected area in Assam. Now she is trying to find out very old Assamese songs which are not even in the Guwahati radio centre. First day she started with the national award winning song ‘Kimote Bhkoti Koribo Tumaro’. Her voice is very clear, strong and sweet. So it was very melodious without any music. Then she performed ‘Moromore Anajori’, which one is my favourite too. Then ‘Tumi adin ahiba(Parbin Sultana’s), Morom logai logai kigote korila,O tora toi hanu nije sali ture dora’, Xojare pokhi moi karubar moromor,Ahasoon aha kakhote boha,xile xile theka khale,Mukoli potharkhon(award winning song from Xepaax) and many more to say.Right now she is in Toronto for her another performance.
As a whole this convention is more like Assam convention international way. I am writing this for those people who missed the convention.

by: mkadmin
2005-07-01 13:16:18 Webcasting of Assam 2005 cancelled Due to issuance of overbooked tickets by America West from Newark, NJ , MK team could not make it to Calgary even on their 3rd try while holding confirmed tickets. So, we will not be able to provide our viewer the live stream from Calgary. Alberta, Canada. We sincerely regret this inconvenience.

   All those, who have bought our E-Ticket for the live show, please allow 2 (two) business days for your refund money to be posted to your credit card or Paypal account(s). Thank you for using Markin Kalpataru for you Assamese Entertainment !
Have a happy 4th !

MK Admin

by: mkadmin
2005-06-12 17:55:04 Sound & Silence selects CAD VX2 dual valve microphone Sound & Silence selects CAD VX2 dual valve microphone

Sound & Silence a studio recently operational in Mumbai and owned by Zubeen Garg boasts of a dual valve mi-crophone model VX2 designed by CAD USA. The first sale of the VX2 in India was achieved by its Indian distributors Set-ron India Pvt. Ltd., owned by Naresh Dhawan.Zubeen Garg who had surfed the net and zeroed down on CAD says, ..I don.t know how to compare mics but it sounds FAT and WARM compared to the Neumann U-87. I knew about CAD mics and searched a lot on the net to check the specification and decided to buy one. I liked the colour and uncon-ventional looks as well..

Zubeen Garg a musician from Assam started professionally in 1993. Initially after learning the Tabla, he later on started singing and focused on music direction.
With more than 3000 songs in Assamese language to his credit and music rendered for about 16 Assamese movies and Daag (Assamese) his favou-rite, he has sung in films like Kaante, Fiza, Mudda and some new films yet to be released.
Zubeen Garg informs, ..I have also sung a few songs for Dance Masti 1.2.3 albums produced by Farhad Wadia whose music is composed by Ehsaan & Loy. Currently I am setting up my own studio in Mumbai, which should be operational by end July and doing a Hin-di project, which is totally based on North East Folk Music in Mumbai by March 2004...

CAD VX2 features
CAD VX2 features a new approach to tube microphone design that is truly as unique as its appearance.
The goal was to avoid complex high impedance circuits to change polar patterns and to eliminate any possible electronic loading of the critical capsule circuitry. Each side of the extra large condenser capsule is essentially a complete microphone in itself. Each side has its own independent tube head amp and output amplifier, including separate output transformers. The dual tube design allows the head amp to be optimised for low noise, while the output tube is optimised for driving the transformers and cables. Polar pattern switching is done at the output of the microphone instead of at the capsule. Likewise, the three-position pad is also no capacitive.

Photo: Zubeen Garg with his choice the CAD VX2 dual valve microphone

Wide Bandwidth

The electronics in the VX2 has extremely wide bandwidth to avoid any audible phase anomalies. It has two massive hum bucking nickel core transformers to guarantee low disto-rtion, even at very low frequencies. Compensation networks are added across each transformer, ensuring flat high frequency response to beyond 100 KHZ, while eliminating over shoot and ringing from the transformers. The VX2 is also extremely quiet. The 13 DB noise floor is quieter than many FET mics.
The VX2.s unique interchangeable head/capsule assembly allows the user to change the total characteristics of the microphone by simply changing the head. The OS 125 capsule has a unique 1 Source: AUDIO VIDEO & BROADCASTING

by: mkadmin
2005-06-09 15:39:45 New price slash - assamese mp3s to just 0.49 cents MK Media Store is Slashing price of Assamese mp3s by whopping 30% on top of existing 5-25% for bulk order !

   I have just finished speaking with Zubeen Garg in assam. He is busy with two new movies he just signed up with. Among other talk we also discussed about making assamese MP3 even more affordable and widely available. Keeping in view of tremendous demand for assamese mp3s across North America, Europe and Australia, we agreed upon slashing price of regular mp3s by a whopping 30% to just 0.49 cents !! So, go ahead and load your Ipaq/Ipod or whatever mobile mp3 players you have with top quality assamese MP3s from http://store.nabausha.com Markin Kalpataru is currently in touch with various media moguls of Assam including Dr. Bhupen Hazarika to make their work available easily with a button click. Please stay tuned for any further development ! -MK Admin June 9th, 2005 - 11 AM EDT.

visit http://store.nabausha.com
by: mkadmin
2005-06-04 14:30:17 Axomia - Kobita ????????? SUWASUN POST OFFICE-OR DAK BAKOSH TU






by: mkadmin
2005-05-07 11:11:21 MBA Topper - Indranil Barthakur Dibrugarh University student shines. Mr.Indranil Barthakur of Ulubari Guwahati, secured the first class second position

   Title: Dibrugarh University student shines

This year's MBA examination results were declared in the month of April 2005. Dibrugarh University students,who appeared in the examination, passed out with flying colours. Mr.Indranil Barthakur of Ulubari Guwahati, secured the first class second position. He is the son of late Prof.Deba Kumar Barthakur (Department of Geography - Bhola Nath Baruah College, Guwahati) and Mrs.Minoti Barthakur ( Headmistress - Roopnagar High School, Guwahati), Assam.

by: mkadmin
2005-05-06 13:03:22 New star on Bihu horizon Guwahati, April 13: Zubeen Garg continues to rule the charts, but somebody else is basking in the Bihu spotlight.

New star on Bihu horizon
- Barnali Kalita joins league of most popular stage artistes

Guwahati, April 13: Zubeen Garg continues to rule the charts, but somebody else is basking in the Bihu spotlight.

Barnali Kalita has become one of the most sought-after singers for Bihu functions this year, a popularity she owes as much to her mellifluous voice as to her prolific nature. The young singer churned out an astounding 309 Bihu songs in just one calendar year, a feat bettered only by Zubeen.

Barnali is set to travel the length and breadth of the state to set the Bihutolis on fire over the next one month, but the singer remains modest about her achievements and attributes her popularity to the “love of the people”.

Barnali’s songs grace several bestselling albums, including the hit Moromjan series with Anupam Saikia and the peppy Chal Gori with Krishnamoni Chutia.

“Barnali’s USP is her voice, which is perfect for Bihu songs. She was the main attraction at our Bihu function last year and, so, we invited her again,” said a member of a Bihu organising committee in an Upper Assam town.

Barnali’s popularity is evident from the fact that she is now among the top eight singers of the state in terms of the fee she commands for each performance.

Zubeen still tops the list, charging a handsome Rs 2 lakh for each appearance. Industry sources say maestro Bhupen Hazarika earns between Rs 2 lakh and Rs 2.5 lakh, but limits his performances to one or two shows during the entire Bihu season.

The Mumbai-based Saswati Phukan, the voice behind some hit remixes, including Kaanta Laaga, is close behind Zubeen in terms of appearance fees.

She, too, will perform at functions across the state this season. Anupam is another Bihu crowd-puller and so is national award winner Tarali Sarma, though she prefers to stick to quality rather than quantity.

As the beat of the dhol and the strains of the pepa rent the air, people are hoping violence does not mar this festive season. “Hope it stays peaceful during Bihu. And why Bihu alone? It should be like this the whole year,” said college student Anushka Saikia, before making a dash for Fancy Bazar to do some last-minute shopping.

The crowd at the main shopping area in the city is testimony to the fact that Bihu is here.

The meteorological office at Borjhar has predicted fair weather with a few spells of rain over the next few days.

by: mkadmin
2005-05-06 12:57:35 Garg sings for polio drive Popular singer Zubeen Garg has done an Amitabh Bachchan. Like Bachchan, Garg has lent his voice to create awareness about the pulse polio drive in Assam, the next round of which will be held on Sunday.

   Garg sings for polio drive
- Cassette to coax people to visit booths with children

Zubeen Garg
Guwahati, April 8: Popular singer Zubeen Garg has done an Amitabh Bachchan. Like Bachchan, Garg has lent his voice to create awareness about the pulse polio drive in Assam, the next round of which will be held on Sunday.

Garg has sung two of the 14 tracks of an audio cassette, including the title track — Bolok Aami Jaoon Polio Kendraloi (Come, let us go to the polio booth), brought out by the Assam Administrative Staff College (AASC) to mobilise and motivate the masses in favour of the drive.

On Sunday, the cassette will be played on the public announcement system, in public transport vehicles and during street plays in 16 districts to “coax and cajole” people to visit polio booths for what the AASC describes as “zindagi ke do boond”.

Barring Garg, the other USP of the cassette is that it has songs in different languages — Mising, Bodo and Hindi — to reach out to a larger audience. One of the songs, Shishutir Bikashor by Ratan Hazarika even sounds similar to Bhupen Hazarika’s evergreen Manuhe Manuhur Babe.

The AASC has brought out 700 cassettes in the first phase.

The AASC will get the cassette formally released by chief minister Tarun Gogoi this month.

“We wanted it released on April 7 and then on April 10, but it could not be done because of the chief minister’s preoccupation. Hopefully, it will be released after Bihu,” said Dr Sulekha C. Bhattacharyya, joint director of AASC.

The cassette has been despatched to 16 districts, including Goalpara, Chirang, Nagaon, Golaghat, Tinsukia, Hailakandi, Kokrajhar, Nalbari, Sivasagar, Barpeta, Bongaigaon and Dibrugarh for wider publicity.

“The idea for the cassette was conceived in one of our workshops. We zeroed in on Zubeen for his mass appeal. The songs urge the masses to take children below five to the booth," Bhattacharyya added.

Unicef's programme communications officer Seema said, “No polio cases have been reported in the past two years. But to obtain the polio-free tag, Assam has to sustain the pace for at least three more years. Here the AASC can play a big role in getting all the stakeholders on a common platform and providing impetus to the drive.”

The AASC is headed by B.R. Samal, a man credited with the positive changes that the college has witnessed since August.

by: mkadmin
2005-05-02 21:02:05 Markin Kalpataru is No longer a Free Site After running www.nabausha.com for almost 8 years, a decision has been made today about Markin Kalpataru's future.

   Hillsborough NJ , May 2, 2005
After running www.nabausha.com for almost 8 years, a decision has been made today about Markin Kalpataru's future. From now on, Markin Kalpataru's services of delivering online music , Live channels and other online media will only be available to paid members. Thank you for your support, we hope to serve Non Resident Assamese with even larger library of quality online assamese music in the future.

by: mkadmin
2005-04-27 15:33:19 Assam Convention 2005 News - Mr. Manu Hazarika -TX We have arranged for a whole-day site seeing trip to the famed Banff and Lake Louise on 4th of July. If you are interested please inform us early so that we know how many persons to accommodate in the trip. Mark your calendar, make reservations and plan to attend Executive Committee Assam Convention 2005


  • Mr Abhinab Barthakur has offered to webcast the convention like last year.  
  • Astronaut Mike Fincke, Jowai, of Assam, plans to make a presentation at the convention.  
  • Please see our website for a message of welcome to you from our Premier Honourable Ralph Kline.  
  • Mr Rathin Devchoudhury will bring his ever popular quiz game, Assam Trivia to the convention.  
  • We are hoping to complete the visa formalities for our featured artists Tarali Sarma and Samar Hazarika soon.  
  • The crew of Bideshat Apun Manuh has confirmed that they will arrive at Calgary ahead of time on 27th of June to cover the convention.  

    We have arranged for a whole-day site seeing trip to the famed Banff and Lake Louise on 4th of July. If you are interested please inform us early so that we know how many persons to accommodate in the trip.

    Mark your calendar, make reservations and plan to attend  

    Executive Committee
    Assam Convention 2005

    website www.assamconvention2005.org
  • 3
    by: mkadmin
    2005-04-05 21:10:23 Bidisha, an E-kabya sankalan Here's a good News for all assamese poem lovers. "Bidisha", an "E-kabya sankalan" of poems of Bidyut Bikash Saikia has recently been uploaded to the web. The URL is www.swapnab.cjb.net


    by: mkadmin
    2005-03-22 15:32:59 Assamese Music on Global Net - Jadav Kakati LOG ON TO WWW.NABAUSHA.COM AND YOU CAN TUNE into some refreshing Assamese music. Abhinaba Barthakur, son of Naba Kumar Barthakur and Usha Barthakur of Ulubari, Guwahati, Assam developed the first Assamese internet radio, Markin Kalpataru way back in 1997.


    by: mkadmin
    2005-03-22 15:03:06 Son of soil with a homecoming message Passing Through / Jukti Kumar Kalita Jukti Kumar Kalita, vice-president, Merrill Lynch, marketing strategy, New Jersey, US. Picture by Biju Boro It is wonderful to be back home,” Jukti Kumar Kalita smiled broadly. Dressed in a blue shirt, the sign of homecoming was evident in the gamocha wrapped around his neck.


    Son of soil with a homecoming message

    Jukti Kumar Kalita, vice-president, Merrill Lynch, marketing strategy, New Jersey, US. Picture by Biju Boro

    It is wonderful to be back home,” Jukti Kumar Kalita smiled broadly. Dressed in a blue shirt, the sign of homecoming was evident in the gamocha wrapped around his neck.

    Kalita, now a non-resident Assamese, was a starry-eyed, bright young lad from Nagaon when he ventured out long ago to the “Land of Dreams” — America. And the land did not betray him. He is now vice-president, Merrill Lynch Marketing Strategy, a top planning firm in New Jersey.

    Delivering a lecture on “The Difference between the US and Indian economies” at the Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) of Cotton College in the city recently, Kalita had said, “Assam, too, has the potential to be a superpower.

    “The students from Assam are no less intelligent. But we need to develop the infrastructure. The system complicates things here,” Kalita said.

    Comparing both the economies, he said, “The per person income in the US per year is over $30,000 while that of an Indian is about $400 or less than Rs 20,000.” He added that the average price of a car in the US is about $ 20,000 or slightly over Rs 9,00,000. In India, low-end Marutis are available for about Rs 2,40,000.

    “Now you can see the reason why cars are still unaffordable for Indians while they are so easy for an American. Yes, it is true that Indians are buying cars in ever-larger numbers. But when you compare with developed countries, car-ownership as a per cent of the population is still extremely low. In India, the car sales during the last three years have been 5,50,000 per year. But don’t jump out of your seat if I tell you that the sale of cars in the US averages about 18,000,000 a year — about 30 times that of India,” he said.

    Kalita pointed out that a car costs about six to eight months’ salary of an average American while his Indian counterpart needed to save for 10 years!

    “Therein lies the big difference. To give you other examples, an American can buy a small TV with about a day’s pay. He or she can buy a two-litre bottle of Coca-Cola at about $1 with less than what she earns by working just 10 minutes. In India at Rs 42 for the same two-litre bottle, an average citizen has to work for several hours.”

    Back in the city after two years, Kalita saw a “sea change” all around. “The city has made long strides in the past few years. With the liberalisation of the economy, people have become more and more techno-savvy. Now we see almost everybody wielding a mobile phone,” he said. He can feel a change even in the rural areas and the villages.

    “It is a good sign. But we still have a long way to go. We have to implement the patent rights, develop the basic infrastructure and transportation,” he said.

    Kalita’s alma mater includes Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur and Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta. He later did his PhD in marketing from Columbia University in New York. He received his early education at Natun Bazar LP School and Government Boys’ School, both in Nagaon, and Ramakrishna Vidyapith in Bihar. He had worked with Telco, Jamshedpur and the City University of New York before joining the present firm.

    He blames the system in the state for posing an obstacle in the development process. “The people here lack civic sense. With all the modern amenities available, I can hardly see much of a difference in the interiors of the houses of the people here and in the United States. But the roads and public places are in an abysmal condition,” he said.

    An average American faces a lot more tension in life than his or her counterpart in India, Kalita said. “Americans work a lot harder than most Indians do. An average American spends about 40 hours a week at work but there are many who put in 50, 60 to 70 hours work a week. In Assam, most employees work no more than 30 hours per week. The number of vacation days that employees in most companies in the US get, is about 15 days per year. In Assam, most employees get at least 30 days a year,” he said.

    NRIs like him, he feels, especially those from Assam, are mostly salaried people. “There are very few entrepreneurs. They can’t invest in millions in their home country but they can definitely provide some ideas.”

    “Assam can develop its agro-based industries. Young entrepreneurs, with not necessarily high-tech ideas, should be encouraged to harness the resources here,” Kalita said.

    Kalita also has some plans for development of his old school. “I want to contribute to the old school where I had studied, which has taken me to where I am today,” he said.

    Teresa Rehman

    Shani ♄

     Markin Kalpataru - The Biggest and Oldest Assamese Music Collection on the Internet

    1997 - © Abhi Barthakur, (অভিনৱ   বৰঠাকুৰ ) All Rights Reserved.
    How to Contact : No phone calls - Take a shower, wear clean clothes, and come visit me at my
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